Sunday, January 26, 2020

Good vs. Evil

Rarely do the forces of good actually speak up and denounce the forces of evil. Aristotle certainly never denounced the religious. Rarely do the forces of good actually take action and attack the forces of evil. America certainly never attacked the Soviets.

But when they do, the effect is electric. When they finally do, the result is almost always magnificent – a wonder to behold.

Too bad the forces of good don’t know their own strength.

Of course, when the good guys do stand up to the bad ones – when they become proper paladins of the right – practically the whole world squeals like a pig in reaction. Almost everyone squawks in exaggerated outrage and then quickly – if somewhat awkwardly – closes ranks behind the forces of evil. They stumble a bit – staggered by the righteous blow – but they also hurriedly launch a fierce and chaotic counter-strike against anyone who dares to say or do anything virtuous. The bad guys are honestly surprised and infuriated that anyone would say or do something morally good – something against the ruling rampaging mob here on Planet Scum.

On January 4th, 2020, at the Golden Globe movie awards, in Los Angeles, host Ricky Gervais mocked and condemned the hypocrites, ignoramuses, and lowlifes who dominate Hollywood. The day before, at the main Bagdad Airport, President Donald Trump ordered the assassination of the mass-enslaver and mass-murderer Qassam Soleimani (Iran’s top general) – an enemy who perpetrated decades of Middle Eastern horror. The reaction of practically the whole planet to both of these rare and virtuous acts is that they were “shocked...shocked” that any such morally good things could happen.

Such statements and acts of defiance and heroism are basically never expected by the bad guys. And yet...deep down, they expect them all along. They know how much they deserve them.

Indeed, the great actors of human misery and destruction are only truly shocked that such events are so rare. They privately realize their own depravity. And they secretly understand their own intellectual and moral weakness. Hence they’re also aware of how quickly they can be devastated and swept from the face of the Earth if only the forces of good at long last rise up against them.

But where are such forces? Where are the champions of reasonism and liberalism today, or any day? Why is it they practically never show up, these forces of nobility, civilization, and the ascent of man?

It’s because they’re busy cowering at home. They’re busy falling silent and remaining passive. They’re busy saying and doing nothing for fear or incurring the wrath and revenge of the rampaging mob.

Well, the irrational, illiberal monsters seem to have the upper hand today and always. From many perspectives, they seem to rule the world virtually uncontested – like Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. But, in fact, they do not. The forces of good – even if a small minority – almost always exist in sufficient numbers to triumph. They simply don’t realize their own power and natural authority.

The forces of good – of reason and science, individualism and self-interest, liberty and justice, etc. – need to rise up and fight back. This is a moral duty they owe to themselves and even their fellow men of virtue. They need to work hard and smart to be truly good – and then to publicly proclaim their own righteousness. They need to speak and act and realize that the world is actually theirs, in fact and by right.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of…

Donald Trump killed Qassem Soleimani. Good defeated evil.

Now the Iranian dictatorship has quietly decided to be rather docile and submissive toward the semi-free state of America. This is almost always the case.

So Trump has decided to be rather forgiving and magnanimous toward the mostly-slave state of Iran. This is almost always the case.

Big mistake. Now is precisely the time to kill ten times as many Iranian leaders. Then the dictatorship will be ten times as docile and submissive.

After this, America needs to be completely merciless. Kill ten times more. And so on. To the end.

Make the Iranian dictatorship cease to exist. Spare the civilians – who are quasi-victims of the slave state – but annihilate as many leading government officials as possible.

Then forcibly convert the conquered nation to semi-liberty and friendship – just as America did to Germany and Japan in 1945-1955.

Do the exact same thing to Iran, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia. Be sure to take their oil as just payment for goodly services rendered.

Then do the same thing to Pakistan, China, and Russia. Try to kill off every damn one of their top governmental, military, and police officials. Take time to publicly laugh when doing so. This will better humiliate the vanquished.

Their nuclear weapons are no match for America’s intellectual self-confidence and moral righteousness.

But wait a minute… America almost totally lacks those two qualities. So…

Back to appeasing the dictatorships. Or, at least, letting them live, enslave, and destroy in peace.

No more killing the Qassem Soleimanis of the world. No more good defeating evil.

America is intellectually and morally bankrupt. So she needs to go back to kissing up, and bowing down, to the dictatorships of the planet. Soleimani was a rarity and a mistake.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

To the Virgins, to Relish All of Time

(apologies to Robert Herrick of 1648)

Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,
  Old Time is e'er a-flying;
And this same bloom that smiles today,
  Tomorrow will be dying.

That glorious star above, the sun,
  The higher he's a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
  The nearer he's to setting.

That age is best which is the first,
   When mind and heart are warmer;
Youth being spent, the weak, and worst
  Times will succeed the former.

So be not coy, but use your time,
  And while ye may, go fuck;
Or having lost your prime, you'll be
  Forever out of luck.