Thursday, April 29, 2021

Ever-Bigger Government


The more society expands the state, the more it diminishes the individual. Personal opportunity and liberty shrink while despair and unhappiness rise. Expanded government regulation of the individual, group, economy, and civil society means, by definition, more tyranny.

The more the state provides its citizenry with products, services, programs, benefits, and free things, the more the funding-individual is robbed via taxation, and coerced generally. Socialist “free” or subsidized education, health care, housing, transportation, energy, day care, food, etc. is always low in quality and high in cost. The damage to quality of life and the culture is tremendous. But capitalist education, health care, housing, transportation, energy, day care, food, etc. is always high in quality and low in cost. The quality of life and culture soars under social and economic freedom.

It’s the job and natural function of society to provide the important values listed above, and it generally does so quickly and easily. The state has no such job or natural function, and thus it can only provide these things with great difficulty and via tyranny.

In order to do all these welfare statist and “helpful” things, the government must rob its citizenry and strip them of opportunity and liberty. The result of this expanded state is expanded slavery, coercion, pain, suffering, and misery.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Illegitimate Activities


Every dollar spent by the welfare state to “help the poor” and “stimulate the economy” is a dollar stolen from society which hurts the poor and depresses the economy. Private charity is far more effective than government charity, and private investment is far more effective than government investment. The reason the welfare state devastates impoverished people and stagnating businesses is because government is operating against its nature and purpose.

The state is coercive and destructive by its nature. It can’t actually do anything creative and positive. It can only stop bad guys and punish their bad acts. It can never function as a good guy or perform a good act.

The state was invented to uphold individual liberty and establish universal justice. That’s why it exists. In more prosaic terms, the purpose of government is to defend the rights of man. This mostly means protecting people and property from local criminals and foreign invaders.

Helping the poor” and “stimulating the economy” are behaviors alien to the state. The government has no tools to effectuate these activities and almost every tool to harm them. Using the welfare state’s power of coercion to diminish local and collective poverty is like trying to put out a forest fire using gasoline and flame-throwers.

Robbing society – via involuntary, coercive taxation – to fund these illegitimate activities is also an act of criminality and tyranny. This is exactly what the state – morally and practically – must not do.

The best way for the government to “help the poor” and “stimulate the economy” is to do flat nothing. Get out of the way. Stop harming everything and everyone via coercive acts. Leave these problems to a flexible and dynamic society – which, owing to its nature and purpose, knows exactly what to do and how to solve them. The state also needs to stop  crippling the private sector with taxation for impossible and evil activities.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Social Media


The Mainstream Social Media, like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, just needs to die. They’re openly on the side of evil. They’ve brazenly declared themselves to be the enemy of Western Civilization, America, capitalism, and liberty. Altho it seems impossible to believe, these three and most of their brethren now explicitly oppose free speech and embrace censorship. Anyone who doesn’t adhere to their absurd and depraved philosophy of illiberalism, postmodernism, progressivism, diversity, socialism, reverse-racism, and the like get their content deleted and their person banned. This is outright fascism and brain-washing.

As little as five or ten years ago, the politically correct Thought Police ruled Big Tech far less. Ideas, arguments, convictions, memes, images, videos, and other content could be fairly freely expressed. As long as you didn’t post items featuring extreme sex and violence -- which no-one advocates -- there was mostly a live-and-let-live attitude in the social-media free market of ideas.

To be sure, anyone who didn’t hate “bigotry” in the proper multicultural, pro-diversity manner risked having his posts and himself banned. The far-left Mainstream Social Media was heavily censorious toward little-known content producers who lacked high production values in their anti-progressive posts. But famous institutions and high-quality commentators could still get away with rejecting politically correct and multi-culti norms.

Not anymore. These days, monopoly companies like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are simply Orwellian. Good and great people who oppose their absurd, fascist, hateful, wicked philosophy of “progressivism” no longer enjoy free speech in a medium specifically dedicated to free speech.

This is why the mainstream of current social media needs to be destroyed. Their freakish and heinous Big Brother philosophy is now omnipresent. So they need to be “canceled”. A new, non-depraved, non-dictatorial, decent, healthy, normal, pro-Western, Pro-American, pro-capitalism, pro-liberty media -- which loves open minds and free expression -- badly needs to emerge.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Reason and Science


Conservatives and progressives mostly reject the epistemology of reason and science. Anti-Enlightenment, pre-modernist, right-wing conservatives mostly believe in the epistemology of dogma and faith. This leads to a life and society based upon religion, and thus away from reason and science. Anti-Enlightenment, post-modernist, left-wing progressives mostly believe in the epistemology of relativism and subjectivism. This leads to a life and society based upon collectivism, and thus away from reason and science. Pro-Enlightenment, modernist, up-wing true liberals, however, believe in the epistemology of reason and science. This leads to individualism and human greatness.

Reason and science also direct man towards social, economic, and political freedom. Under freedom, the society is harmonious, the culture is rich, the economy booms, and the life of the Holy Individual -- the cynosure of the universe -- becomes meaningful, purposeful, prosperous, magnificent, and happy. When it comes to government, reason and science point the way to the rights of man and laissez-faire capitalism. The bizarre welfare statist and Big Brother beliefs of the conservatives and progressives is highly unreasonable and unscientific.