Monday, June 29, 2020

Human Variety

Humans are far the most intelligent creatures in the known universe. But as countless scientific studies have shown, human intelligence varies significantly from person to person, and ethnic group to ethnic group. Types of intelligence vary considerably too.

Some smart people might excel at 1) solving mathematical, technical, engineering, and abstract scientific problems. 2) Others might be outstanding at economically productive or intellectual innovation, creativity, and inventiveness. 3) Still others might naturally possess a great deal of environmental or social flexibility, adaptability, and adoptability. 4) Certain people might have great emotional, psychological, or spiritual insights into themselves and others. 5) And some folks might have serious, inborn talent at art, music, dance, and entertainment. 6) A few others might be naturally quite good at physical labor, sports, and sex. And so on.

But individual and collective humans don’t just diverge significantly in IQ and types of IQ. They also vary noticeably in natural or inborn VQ, which means virtue quotient or morality. Comparatively speaking, some human beings are genetically saintly and some are savage. Some are naturally, biologically noble souls and some are animals.

In particular, some persons and ethnicities naturally work hard and smart, and shun short-term pleasures in favor of long. But other types naturally parasite off or prey upon their fellows. They have a propensity toward crime, charity-seeking, sloth, and self-indulgence of low, visceral, short-term pleasure over lofty, spiritual, contemplative pleasure and profit.

Of course, the various individuals, groups, ethnicities, and races of mankind can be highly improved or degraded based upon physical and social environment, family and education upbringing, societal acculturation, and more. And individual members of the different ethnic and biological groups can exercise their free will and make volitional choices which have a massively positive or negative effect upon themselves and how they treat others.

Native IQ and VQ have a large influence upon a person’s or race’s essence, quality, culture, progress, and popular esteem. But so do upbringing and volition. Nature, nurture, and free will all have a big impact, personally and collectively.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Trivial Incomprehensible Borefest

According to cultist epigone Leonard Peikoff:

“Though irrationally combined, the elements of invalidly created wholes, like those of valid wholes, are related not by juxtaposition but by necessity. The necessity within the invalid whole derives not from objective facts, but rather from the relationships the integrator can establish based on his non-rational framework. In other words, the source of necessity here is not reality, but the systemic internal consistency of the product – that is, its consistency within its non-rational framework. However unjustified that framework, within it the parts are connected; as with any whole, the parts require one another.” (The DIM Hypothesis, 2012, chapter 1, page 20)

But while slogging thru Peikoff’s Kantian prose, two thoughts kept occurring to me: 1) Does the integration of ideas really require a 350-page tome which is impossible to follow or care about? 2) And does this integration-of-ideas phenomenon really drive human history and destiny to such a powerful extent?

Peikoff clearly says yes to both. Or at least his book does. But far more important in guiding mankind, I would argue, is philosophy as a whole. Or even epistemology as a whole.

In my view, what truly counts – when it comes to individual greatness and happiness, as well as societal prosperity and progress – are the following fundamental epistemological issues:

1) How rational you and your ideas are. 2) How many actual truths you discover and how knowledgeable you become. 3) How relevant and important those new truths and ideas are. 4) How profound and wise they are. 5) How exact and error-free they are. 6) How closely and carefully you observe, measure, record, and publicize your new insights about reality. 7) How intellectually honest you are. 8) How intellectually brave you are. 9) And, yes, how well you organize and integrate your new ideas and insights into a cohesive, non-contradictory whole; or a helpful, comprehensive hierarchy; or a clear, perceptive, deft, nimble, practical, useful, intellectual system in regard to the specific hard or soft science you are currently studying.

Do these nine well and the Holy Individual and society will thrive and ascend like a rocket! How a person thinks is indeed important.

Because as Peikoff endlessly notes, it’s far better to have organized and integrated ideas and concepts in your mind and intellectual system, rather than misorganized and misintegrated ones. It’s more important still to avoid massively disorganzied and disintegrated ideas and concepts. But in order to figure out that simple idea, do we really need to struggle thru 350 pages of turgid, baffling, tedious, pointless, Kantian gibberish?

Monday, June 8, 2020

The Police

The Police are scum. They abuse everybody. It’s the nature of their job.

The police today violate the rights of man. They’re not supposed to – but they do. The police attack people and property. It’s not right – but they do it.

Every nation on earth today is a scumbag welfare state. Every government on the planet wildly violates life, liberty, property, and privacy. It’s the law.

A proper and legitimate state exists in order to defend individual liberty. Its function is to protect innocent people and their property. But nowadays that’s not what government does.

And that’s not what the police do either. The slimy people of earth, and their evil governments, all command the police force to transgress human freedom, and to assault people and property. The democratic masses force the police to disobey Natural Law – the law of liberty and justice for all, which morally and legally governs all of us.

Violating rights and hurting people. That’s what the cops do. They may not like it. They can have no pride in doing so. But violating human rights, and attacking people and property, is what the police do today.

The impact upon them personally, of being almost forced to perpetrate all this evil, is incredibly corrupting.

Yes, occasionally the police will protect individual liberty and the rights of man. Sometimes they will defend innocent people and their property. From time to time the cops will attempt to stop robbery, assault, arson, kidnapping, murder, and the like. Justice gets upheld rather than traduced.

But mostly the police are concerned with enforcing fantasy crimes. Their focus is on fraudulent acts of phony illegality.

Largely today the police are involved with drugs, prostitution, and gambling. These are vice “crimes” or victimless “crimes”. This means cops are assaulting the innocent. They’re interfering in normal, peaceful, human life in order to impose society’s tyranny upon innocents.

When the police aren’t involved with nonsensical, dictatorial morality laws, they’re largely involved with car “crimes” – parking, moving, and paperwork violations. But the welfare state roads that the cars operate upon today shouldn’t be government-owned and government-run in the first place. Streets today are mostly communist thoroughfares which have no right to exist. Thus pretty much all driving and parking today takes place on evil, illegitimate, communist property which the hapless police must now administer.

Since we’re stuck with these awful, welfare state roads – due to the incompetence of virtually all the planet's top intellectuals – we have to have some order there. So the police do need to enforce various social rules with their fines and tickets. Even a few "quality of life" street conduct rules. But most of the car and public behavior rules and laws that the police enforce are quite arbitrary and mindless. And the police enforcing them are often remarkably malicious and cruel. Hence people hate the cops for what they do on the commie roads, and rightly so.

So there you have it. The police mostly do evil and illegal stuff. They wantonly violate rights and criminally attack people and property. No wonder the police are so abusive to the citizenry in their ordinary, everyday behavior.

The fatuous and depraved welfare state, which practically everyone today believes in, essentially forces the cops to be loathsome, dictatorial, injurious jerks.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Early Epistemology

The classical Greeks invented reason. This means thought isolated from emotions, desires, fantasies, hormonal drives, and biological instincts. Thought by itself is pure and uncorrupted. Its power to understand the universe is immense.

Of course, individuals thinkers are limited in intelligence and education, and capable of considerable error. But reason itself, as a tool to understand the world, is vastly reliable and trustworthy. When reason is kept clean – when logic is unadulterated by emotions, desires, fantasies, drives, and instincts – it tends to see the universe with few illusions and great acuity. What the Greeks discovered and invented in the 500s B.C. is important and great almost beyond description.

Rather than just reason and logic, it also could be said that the sixth century Greeks invented epistemology. This means the systematic and meticulous study of comprehension, knowledge, and truth. Early on the Greeks used pure reason to attempt to ascertain the true nature of Nature and the universe. The strength, depth, universality, and certainty of any intellectual conclusion and possible truth was tested and weighed by reason alone.

Reason applied to the study of the physical world was eventually called science. Reason applied to the study of the intellectual world was eventually called the humanities or social sciences. Reason employed to understand nature can be called hard science. Reason employed to understand humanity can be called soft science.

The soft sciences include such subjects as psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, economics, and the massive subject of philosophy. Philosophy includes such subjects as epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, politics, aesthetics, and spirituality. Philosophy is so important to man that some people just say: “The Greeks of the sixth century B.C. invented two main things: science and philosophy.”

Scrupulously and insightfully using reason to determine the nature of the natural world and humanity can result in speculations, claims, and statements which are the absolute and certain truth. Truth is naturally clear and definite – not hazy and vague. Real truth is also a positive and exact thing – not a matter of probability. Truth which is truth is absolute and certain. If it isn’t, then the speculation, claim, or statement put forth can’t accurately be called truth; it isn’t an established, definite, and known truth.

Alas, many classical Greeks rejected reason and science. It reminded them too much of their own mortality. So they invented a “god” to save them. They studied reality and mankind still using a relatively high level of reason, but also mixed with significant amounts of emotion, desire, fantasy, drive, and instinct. But willing something, or believing something, to be true doesn’t make it so. The result of this intellectual and cognitive mixture was an inferior epistemology or method of determining truth.

The first reasonist failures were the nihilists. They solidly emerged within a century. They claimed that existence didn’t exist and that reality wasn’t real. Naturally, they also said that the truth wasn’t true. Even when challenged in their irrationality and condemned for this nonsense, the nihilists nevertheless said that existence, reality, and truth were unknowable to the human mind.

These nihilists believed in relativism and subjectivism. Relativists said that absolute and certain knowledge of reality was impossible; only “truths” which were relative to each other could sometimes be ascertained. Perhaps it could be determined that elephants were bigger than mice – but not what their positive, definitive sizes were. Subjectivists, in turn, also said that absolute and certain knowledge of reality was impossible; they claimed that “truth” varied from person to person and situation to situation. The truth of one character and circumstance was different from the truth of another.

The second reasonist failures were the religiosos. They also emerged within a century. They admitted that existence existed, reality was real, and the truth was true. They knew all this absolutely and certainly because some deity guaranteed it to them. But they also said that the ultimate existent, reality, and truth was this self-same “god”. Religionists offered no serious evidence for these fraudulent and outrageous claims.

The religionists believed in dogma and faith. Dogma said that something was true just because another person said so, especially some religious authority figure. Faith said that some speculations, claims, or statements should simply be accepted as truth without reason or evidence. The faithful want everyone to believe and accept their “truths” as a matter of principle – even if it means flying in the face of reason, science, evidence, and known facts.

Reason tells us that truth is absolute, certain, objective, rational, logical, and scientific. Reason also tells us that a fully rational and logical thought-system reveals the best path towards meaning, purpose, pleasure, greatness, and happiness.