Friday, December 27, 2019


America is one of the great failure, loser, crybaby, sissyboy-faggot nations of all time. 9/11 proved it. After the feral beast muzzies attacked the nation’s capital and decimated its most important city, virtually all the pathetic, girly-man Americans reacted by deciding to weep pitifully – like the weak, worthless, disgusting, slimy worms that they are. Almost no-one wanted to ferociously counter-attack – which was the only proper response. America as a whole refused to fight back – which was what any decent, self-respecting, and manly nation would have done.

After the attacks upon Washington and New York, virtually no-one in America was truly offended and infuriated by this monstrosity. They just felt weepy and sad at the “tragedy”. Essentially none spat fire in horror and revulsion. Hardly any reacted to this singular outrage by rising up in righteous fury – like a formerly-peaceful, sleeping giant – and passionately vowing to crush their savage Moslem enemies wherever they might find them. Almost no-one did so despite the fact that these loathsome sand-niggers were evil beyond compare, and yet about as defenseless as three-day-old kittens.

Why weren’t Medina and Mecca nuked within the week? Why weren’t the dictatorships of Iran and Saudi Arabia immediately overthrown and seized? Why wasn’t nuclear-armed, tyrannical, jihad-loving Pakistan smashed to smithereens? Why wasn’t the attacking nation of Afghanistan made to glow in the dark – or at least turned into an American parking lot or plantation, with most of the aborigine monkeys summarily tossed out? And why weren’t most or all of the wretched “American” throat-cutters instantly deported? 

The answer is obvious. America did none of this justice-and-revenge stuff because America is a self-hating, self-destructive people and one of the great failure, loser, crybaby, sissyboy-faggot nations of all time. After this unprecedented assault, America decided to kiss up to and appease practically every hideous, dirtbag, dune-coon tyranny on Earth. Then the Americans decided to adopt a permanent policy of political correctness, multi-culturalism, depression, and submission – with lots of quivering and sobbing thrown in – as one of the great whiny, wimp, punk, pussy nations of all time.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Neither an Act of God, Nor a Roll of the Dice

The universe and everything inside it is neither intelligently designed nor arbitrarily random. Reality is self-organized and not chaotic. It has a coherent, integrated, and internally-designed pattern which is mostly easy to spot and understand.

Both inorganic and living matter order themselves based upon universal, scientific, physical, chemical, biological, and intellectual laws. Thus the universe and everything inside it tends toward organized, stylish beauty, and not towards random, chaotic ugliness. Existence tends to powerfully order and organize itself in clear, clean, strong, symetrical, beautiful systems, laws, and patterns as it evolves, grows, and becomes complex. And there’s nothing anything or anybody can do to stop it. Such is our natural world.

For those who don’t understand the authority, power, dominance, and magnificence of science and Natural Law, the universe may seem to be invented and designed by something or someone outside of it. But there’s no such thing. And if you exist and think with reasonable competence and success, you will probably realize that our sacred cosmos ineffably designed itself. And not into some chaotic, random, arbitrary, unintegrated, incoherent, self-contradictory, self-warring mess.

The truth certainly seems to be that the universe marvelously and gorgeously created, developed, ordered, organized, and arranged itself according to its own omnipotent, wonderful, internal principles. This wasn’t accomplished by some hyperreal, supernatural, magical, mystical force or entity.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Liberal Lifestyle

Liberalism gives your life meaning and purpose. It yields a life which is rich and full. Liberalism also makes you healthy and happy. It turns you into someone good and great.

The essence of the 2600-year-old philosophy of liberalism is: 1) the epistemology of reason and science; 2) the ethics of individualism and self-interest; 3) the politics of liberty and justice; 4) the aesthetics of beauty and heroism; 5) the spirituality of transcendence and triumph. There’s no philosophy better.

Still, liberalism is rather theoretical and abstract. A bit general and unspecific. You need to supplement liberal intellectualism with practical and concrete elements too. Something to quickly get you a lot of money and lovers. Plus lots of power and prestige. You need rock-solid, earth-bound, utilitarian elements to help you really exploit and enjoy: 1) sex, drugs, and parties; 2) videos, entertainment, sports, comedy, music, and dance; 3) movies, plays, novels, and short stories; 4) family and friends ; 5) industry and frugality; 6) work and leisure; 7) exercise and rest; 8) relaxation and contemplation; 9) and more.

The center of your life is almost always what you do to invent and create. To accomplish and achieve. To be innovative and productive.

So you need to learn how to truly relish, exploit, enjoy, and profit from your job – which isn’t easy. But practical, concrete, philosophy needs to teach you just that. This will gain you the most pleasure, joy, and ecstasy in life, which you do want, and which is your sacred, moral duty to experience.

Theoretical philosophy is the foundation of life and an absolutely necessary thing. But practical philosophy is hugely beneficial too.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Three Philosophical Alternatives

Now that reason has been discovered, and science and philosophy invented, and now that the Enlightenment has passed, Westerners today essentially hold some combination of three, and only three, philosophies: 1) pre-modernism, a.k.a. religion; 2) post-modernism, a.k.a. nihilism; 3) modernism, a.k.a. rationality. These broad intellectual categories can also be usefully referred to as: right-wing conservativism, left-wing progressivism, and straight-wing liberalism. The conservatives base their conquering ideology on monotheism; the progressives base their conquering ideology on collectivism; and the liberals base their liberating philosophy upon individualism.   

There are elements of truth and goodness to be found in the philosophies of the right-wing and left-wing, but the straight-wing is intellectual, moral, and spiritual perfection. Humans were impressively liberal in the Greek and Roman eras, and more so during the Renaissance and Enlightenment eras. But mankind will be far more impressive and stunning once the “pomos” and “premos” die out completely and the cutting-edge liberals take over – probably in less than a century. Reason, science, and philosophy will then be employed to glorious effect!        

Monday, November 4, 2019

Western History, Liberalism, and Transhumanism

The philosophy, culture, society, lifestyle, perspective, and attitude of liberalism was discovered and invented 2600 years ago in the Athenian colony of Miletus. The philosophy of liberalism, in its essence, is the epistemology of reason and science, the ethics of individualism and self-interest, the politics of liberty and justice, the aesthetics of romanticism and heroism, and the spirituality of transcendence and triumph. 

All liberals are natural transhumanists — and the reverse. They seek to maximize their quality and quantity of life. Liberals and transhumanists ambitiously yearn to transcend their current limitations and become creatures of almost god-like knowledge and power. Seeking to radically enhance longevity is a very normal part of being Western liberal and transhuman.    

But from its beginning, the glorious philosophy of liberalism was opposed and attacked by its opposite ideology, illiberalism. The ignorant, low, weak, and timid were usually anti-liberal. Their intellectual falsity and depravity took three forms: right-wing conservatism, left-wing progressivism, and down-wing nihilism. 

The right-wingers tended to believe that the new, liberal-era version of "god" was the most important thing in the universe, and that the individual's job was to live for its sake, and to nobly serve it as a kind of personal slave. The left-wingers tended to believe that the new liberal-era version of "the collective" was the most important thing in the universe, and that the individual's job was to live for its sake, and to nobly serve it as a kind of personal slave. The down-wing nihilists tended to believe that nothing was important or meaningful in the universe, and that the individual had no job or purpose in this senseless, trivial, fundamentally-empty universe and life.

However, the up-wing liberals realized that the individual was the most important thing in the universe, and that his job in this new, wonderous, magnificent Liberal Era was to nobly live for his own sake and try to be truly great and happy — and even try to be a kind of genius, saint, and hero.

Early conservatives could be found among the mystery cultists of Eleusis. Early progressives could be found among the military communists of Sparta. Early nihilists were generally considerably evil, and thus tended to destroy themselves, and could only be found in temporary, scattered pockets. Early liberals could be found everywhere there were free, healthy, wealthy, successful, happy individuals, groups, and nations.

Up-wing liberal Greeks like Aristotle, Epicurus, and Zeno the Stoic, along with up-wing liberal Romans like Cicero, Lucretius, and Horace, radically enhanced Western Society and individual happiness, and caused them to powerfully ascend in almost every way. But right-wing conservatives, with assistance from their mutually-illiberal allies on the left, eventually caused a horrific Dark Age to descend upon the West in the Medieval Era.

However, new liberals emerged during the Renaissance and Enlightenment, such as Locke, Smith, Voltaire, and Jefferson. Western Civilization became better than ever. Unfortunately, after a few centuries of wondrous light, left-wing progressives, with assistance from their mutually-illiberal allies on the right, caused the current ghastly Dark Age to descend upon the West in the current Postmodern period.

Now, up-wing liberals like the Austrian economists, political libertarians, and philosophical Objectivists have prominently emerged over the past half-century. And so ever since about the 1980s, the philosophy, culture, society, lifestyle, perspective, and attitude of liberalism have been rising.

The latest phase in human development, and the liberal ascent, is 21st century transhumanism. Nothing today is more cutting-edge – or important – than seeking to radically expand the current quality and quantity of human life. Science and medicine have made tremendous strides in increasing health and longevity for simple life forms since the 1990s. Now it’s time to apply this to mankind.

Humans naturally rise. It’s our destiny to achieve immortality.  

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Liberal Foreign Policy Today

The foreign policy of America and the West after World War Two is amazing to behold. From the Korean War, to the Vietnamese War, to the Kuwaiti Gulf War, to the Iraqi and Afghani Wars, and otherwise, Westerners, and especially Americans, love to lecture the world about the goodness and greatness of their "system". They love to pontificate to the communists, Moslems, and Third Worlders about the values and principles of supposedly glorious Western Civilization and Western liberal philosophy. But the fact is, Americans and Westerners promote such ideals as universal values, rationality, individualism, capitalism, free enterprise, free trade, free speech, the rights of man, and individual liberty while actually knowing very little about them.

Ultimately, America and the West are mostly pro-democracy, pro-peace, pro-stability, pro-political correctness, and pro-multiculturalism -- not pro-liberalism. Like the savages and barbarians above, America and the West still love the illiberal beliefs and values of religion, self-sacrifice, and collectivism. Reason and science, individualism and self-interest, and freedom and justice in the serious senses of the terms are little known and liked in America and the West. What is needed in the world today -- both inside and outside Western Civilization -- is a truly liberal philosophical, cultural, and political revolution. 

The sad, obvious truth is that the savage, barbarian, criminal, tyrannical, disgusting, insectoid commies, Muzzies, and Turd Worldies are not the main problems and losers on the planet today. It's the phony, failed, self-hating, self-destroying, would-be Western liberals. And it's the phony, failed, incompetent, bozo, cutting-edge Objectivists and libertarians too.

My Fellow Man

People today are such liars, cowards, hypocrites, weaklings, and lowlifes. Their sliminess is legendary. People seem to know the difference between good and evil -- they just vastly prefer to choose evil.

As a rule, when people make their moral choices this generally results in them hurting themselves and their fellow man considerably. But there's little logic to their parade of destructive thoughts, words, and deeds. The simple reality seems to be: This is the Planet of the Apes. It's also Planet Scum and Planet Hell.

When born, kids seem to start off quite virtuously. They're highly rational, thoughtful, healthy, and proper in their approach to the universe and reality. They tend to work hard and smart, progressing rapidly in knowledge and personal power. 

Juvenile humans are also healthily self-interested and quite dedicated to their own personal greatness and happiness. But they're generally quite empathetic to, and cooperative with, their fellow man as well. And they're commonly sociable and friendly. Young children rarely seek to rob or beat their fellows, especially when taught early in life that this is wrong. These kids, when around age five or so, are usually sweethearts to be around.

But illiberal society evidently corrupts them quickly and badly. Their world is just so irrational and nonsensical! So unjust and untrue.

These days the youngsters are told right away that a mysterious "god" exists and that somehow "self-sacrifice" -- as in self-destruction, martyrdom, and suicide -- is morally good. The raw falsity and evil of these two claims is amazing to behold. Employing them, you just can't create a more fraudulent and depraved society.

No wonder people today are such liars, cowards, hypocrites, weaklings, and lowlifes! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Monkey Law

Ockham's Razor says the simplest explanation is the one most likely to be true. Or as the Encyclopedia Britannica puts it: "of two competing theories, the simpler explanation of an entity is to be preferred."

The Monkey Law says that for any given inexplicable or ugly human phenomenon, pretty much the most crude, petty, tawdry, nasty, disgusting, wretched, contemptible, "human" explanation is the one most likely to be true.

Thus if a wife bad-raps her husband, it's probably not because he's a truly low or awful person, but rather because he recently forgot their anniversary, or cheated on her, or now wants a divorce. If an employee bad-raps his boss, it's quite likely because the boss recently insulted, demoted, or fired the employee. If someone says he "hates" the local sports team, it's probably possibly because they just lost a big game to him. If a datable girl is described as "having a really good personality," everyone knows she's probably fairly ugly.

To get it most right, all these Monkey Law  judgments regarding causation can and should be performed rather quickly.

The key point to the Monkey Rule or Law is: If you can't figure out why someone is suddenly saying or doing something strange or bad, ask yourself: What is the lowest, worst, and most monkey-like possible motivation for his words or behavior? That's probably it!

Why is a sports competitor praising his rival? Not likely because the rival is honestly good or truly deserving. It's probably because the competitor wants to butter him up so he doesn't try as hard, or because the first guys knows he's superior and thus feels no real rivalry with him, or because the two recently had dinner together, or because they both went to the same wild party and had sex with the same red-hot girl. Why is writer X publicly praising writer Y? Quite possibly not based on merit or genuine admiration, but because they're intellectual allies or personal friends. Why did that young guy just completely shave his head? No to be stylish and hip, but very likely because he's going prematurely bald. Why does person A seem to believe in ridiculous, jackass, religion B? Probably not due to rational calculation of truth but rather because his friends and relatives influenced him to believe or pretend thus. 

If someone insistently and annoyingly defends the rights of blacks, women, gays, transgenders, Jews, left-handers, blue-eyed folks, chiropractors, or fortune-tellers, it probably isn't because he's a man of principle who loves liberty and rights-protection for all, but rather because openly or secretly he is black, female, gay, transgender, Jewish, etc. If someone brags, or "accidentally" admits, that he likes Shakespeare, Masterpiece Theatre, classical music, opera, ballet, foreign films, etc. he probably really doesn't -- he just wants to look personally intellligent, educated, sophisticated, debonair, profound, complex, and subtle. But none of these evaluations is likely true of this brainless, soulless monkey -- this shallow dolt, ignoramus, and baboon.

The Monkey Law is a cynical, pessimistic, and crude way to look at humanity, and their motivations and underlying causes. But it's also a useful, perceptive, and generally true way.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

A Special Message to My Friends

I’ve been severely mistreated and abused by my fellow man – if you people even are my fellow man, and not some hideous alien demons – for all of my life. 
This is why I almost entirely refuse to help, guide, uplift, or liberate you from your current philosophical horror and wretchedness. This is why I almost completely decline to teach you the philosophy, culture, ethics, politics, spirituality, lifestyle, and attitude of up-wing liberalism. This is why I virtually abandon you to wallow, struggle, and drown in the cesspool waters of philosophical right-wing conservatism and left-wing progressivism. 

Your relentless evil toward me has yielded you this. You people are vermin. This is why you get to suffer so terribly.
What goes around, comes around. As you sow, so shall you reap. You get what’s coming to you. You get what you’re asking for. You get what you oh-so-richly deserve.
So don’t come complaining to me that the cons and progs are leaving you in misery and guiding you right over the cliff. You had your chance. You made your choice. So don’t come whining to me now! You willingly and maliciously killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. You should have nourished and cherished her. 

You've made your own nail-studded, glass-sharded bed. Now lie in it!
You think for a nano-second I feel bad for you disgusting insects? Guess again, you loathsome monsters. I wish you suffered far worse. You deserve to suffer far worse. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Enhancing Good and Diminishing Evil

You should be generous, especially to your friends and the good, but not kind or charitable. You should be magnanimous, but not forgiving or merciful.

These distinctions are important. To overstep these guidelines is a violation of justice and treason to the virtuous. It means you’re not treating good and bad people differently, as you should. Being kind, charitable, forgiving, or merciful to immoral people is an act of rewarding, and thus creating, evil behavior. It means punishing and destroying human goodness.

Such actions are also an attack upon reality and reason. Like Mother Nature, you need to be scrupulously loyal to true and good ideas, ideals, institutions, and individuals always. Like Mother Nature, you need to be intransigently hostile to false and bad ideas, ideals, institutions, and individuals always. Such should be your social participation in the unending battle between good and evil. 

The Moslems's War Upon the People of the West

Moslems are scum. They seek to impose “sharia” upon the whole planet. That means they want to enslave us all. They also widely engage in “jihad” upon the whole planet. That means they want to convert or wage war upon and murder us all. Moslems are evil monsters who fundamentally hope to destroy everything and everyone good.

Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Mormons, Hindus, Buddhists, and other believers in superstition are also scum. But not like Moslems. These Islamic martyrdom monkeys and relentless feral beasts assault and damage the relatively good people of the Earth considerably more than the other religiosos.

Friends and allies of Greco-Romanism and Renaissance-Enlightenmentism should rise up against them. Friends and allies of reason, individualism, and freedom should ferociously resist them. All Aristotelians, Epicureans, Stoics, Ciceroans, Aurelians, Lockeans, Smitheans, Voltaireans, and Jeffersonians need to much better defend themselves against our loathsome Moslem enemies. All New Liberals who admire and champion Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Ayn Rand, Stephen Hicks, and the like should be filled with hatred and rage as they counter-attack these animalistic, demonic, Moslem destroyers. 

At the least, virtually all the Moslem devotees in the leading Western nations of America, Britain, Germany, France, and Canada should be deported. Even if they were foolishly and self-hatingly granted Western citizenship, these treasonous and fanatical enemies don’t belong here and need to be kicked out.

As for the leading Moslem countries of Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, they should be conquered and converted to the philosophy of Western liberalism. They should be colonized and run by the West, with all the sharia- and jihad-loving resisters summarily expelled, jailed, or executed. No horrific monsters or hateful enemies of humanity and civilization should be allowed inside the besieged and noble nations of Western liberalism.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Political Liberty

Freedom is the beginning, ending, middle, and totality of politics. Individual liberty is the essence, purpose, standard, and goal of political science. Freedom is absolutely everything. Nothing else in politics, government, and the law is important, or even much relevant, to society, economics, culture, civilization, and the individual. No other value, concept, idea, or ideal even exists!
Freedom can be described as the politics, government, and law of liberty, justice, and individual rights. These three mean the exact same thing in terms of socio-economics and political science.
Individual liberty is perhaps best defined as the right to think, say, and do anything, but absolutely anything, that the individual wishes, or chooses to do, provided that he respects the equal and concomitant right of his fellow man to think, say, and do anything, but absolutely anything, which he identically wishes or chooses. It's understood that none of these rights clash, conflict, compete, or contradict. Rather, all of them supplement, compliment, coincide, and reinforce.
For the individual this means he may neither inflict nor suffer (physical) force or (financial) fraud. For the government this means it may not engage in personal, social, or economic taxation -- which would be robbery -- nor regulation -- which would be coercion.
For all people at all times, no inter-personal aggression, unprovoked attacks, or initiation of force is allowed. Force is only acceptable in competent, adult, human affairs when it's in retaliation against a force-initiator -- and even then it must be proportionate and just. It must be socially moral and rationally justifiable.
The fundamental rights of man are life, liberty, property, and privacy. No individual, group, nation, or government can ever rightfully trespass upon them. Like all rights, these are untouchable and infinite.
Freedom can be described and defined as pure political liberalism. Or else 100% socio-personal libertarianism mixed with 100% economic laissez-faire capitalism. Both of these imply, entail, and largely duplicate the other.
To get around the problem of (coercive) taxation, and how to freely, legitimately, and non-criminally fund the government, all individuals over 18-years-old or so, in a proper, moral, and voluntary society, must personally sign the liberal constitution, and agree to abide by it, and pay some tiny income "tax", or net worth fee, or both. Anyone who refuses to sign, or doesn't pay a fee for government services rendered, gets deported and loses his citizenship. Or, at the least, his person and property are no longer necessarily protected by the police and military. But for this one-person-country, free-rider, or anarchist, there's no other penalties, including fines, property confiscation, or jail time.
All individuals at all times are completely governed by Natural Law. This is so whether they know it or not, and whether they agree with it or not. Father Reality, Mother Nature, human social nature, human personal nature, metaphysical and existential human equality, and human liberty impose Natural Law upon all men at all times absolutely.
And ignorance of this law is no excuse. Human law or "positive" law or tyrannical law never supersedes Natural Law. This universal and uniform law of "liberty and justice for all" allows for no second class citizenships, or above-the-law statuses, among the various mentally-sound, physically-adult citizens of the world.
It must be noted that individual freedom absolutely supersedes the values and ideals of democracy, republicanism, autonomy, constitutionalism, and the separation of powers with their concomitant checks and balances. All of these are merely methods for gaining and maintaining liberty. But they aren't individual liberty themselves, nor are they especially valuable in and of themselves. These political techniques for governance are virtually trivial and almost useless next to the great socio-economic desideratum of social freedom.
Even a society governed by exceptionally foreign space aliens, who call themselves kings or emperors, and who are elitist aristocrats which pass on their rule via primogeniture, and who never hold elections, nor consult the peoples' delegates in their rule, and who have no constitution, and which combine all executive, legislative, and judicial powers into one branch of government, etc. can still create political perfection and socio-economic utopia if they have utterly untrammeled, unlimited, unchecked, fully-guaranteed individual rights.
"Minority rights" aren't real and aren't needed since they're superseded by individual rights. These are far stronger and are the only rights which actually exist. No majority (Bolshevik) or group (collective) rights exist to conflict with, oppose, oppress, or tyrannize the minority or the one.
The cynosure of government -- like the locus of society -- is the Holy Individual. The purpose of government is to achieve the individual good. Under no circumstances should the government focus on, or even consider, "the general welfare," "the common good," "the public good," "the good of all," or "the greatest good of the greatest number." These are collectivist, communist, and totalitarian values, notions, standards, goals, and ideals. These are utter nonsense.
Only the Sacred Self matters, when it comes to politics, government, and the law. Only the self truly exists. The purpose of government is to preserve, protect, and defend the exceptionally vulnerable One.
The "police power" of government to control and regulate society for the general health, welfare, benefit, prosperity, harmony, and progress of all doesn't exist. This illegitimate, improper, invented, tyrannical power invariably tends to create a police state. And this view of the five-millennium-old "police power" of the state doesn't represent a poverty of imagination, or some limited and crabbed view of government or society, but rather the intrinsic, ineluctable nature of the state.

Government was created to protect people and property. That's all it properly, morally, legally does. 
Government by its nature is inherently reactionary, negative, and destructive. It properly forbids, attacks, and punishes crime and tyranny. But it can and should do nothing positive or pro-active. Any attempt at this will inevitably end up terrorizing, attacking, enslaving, and destroying the individual and the world.
All creative, inventive, imaginative acts by an activist government are necessarily criminal and tyrannical. A free, good, proper, legitimate government only protects and defends the individual and his rights. It protects and defends liberty and justice for all. But it initiates nothing. Such is the nature of the state.
Altho' it isn't at all politically correct, multicultural, inclusive, diverse, sensitive, egalitarian, minority supremacist, or even democratic and peaceful, freedom absolutely includes the right to be hateful, bigoted, stupid, and evil toward your fellow man, even if it profoundly hurts yourself, and all of society too. These four vices are socially and personally immoral, but they are also the individual's absolute, utter, limitless right.
Government was invented about 5300 years ago in Mesopotamia. So was writing, history, civilization, nations, war, racism, kings, priests, irrigation, the wheel, and the city. It could be referred to as the Governmental Revolution. And perhaps no event was ever more important and profound -- except the invention of reason, science, philosophy, and liberty 2700 years after.
America's Founding Fathers were the greatest political geniuses and saints that ever lived and exercised power. But they were far from perfect. They debated lengthily and passionately how to balance (individual) liberty with (social) power -- and never once came up with the right formula. The correct answer and recipe is: individual liberty: 100%; government control of, and social power over, the individual: 0%.
So now politics is a problem solved. There's essentially nothing more to discuss -- ever.
Or at least nothing serious. Nothing important. From now on it's all an argument about president vs. prime minister, bicameral vs. unicameral legislatures, appointed or elected judges, two 4-year terms or one 7-year term for the chief executive, etc. But nothing fundamental. The nature and function of government is a problem solved forever.
And please note: Humans and state officials don't have to be "angels" to create and maintain political perfection as America's constitutional framers pitifully longed for. Neither the citizens nor the government leaders. The whole society can consist of, and be run by, Hitlers, Stalins, and Khomeinis. And you can still create Paradise on Earth.
All you need is infinite freedom for the individual. Once you have 100% personal liberty and 100% self-responsibility this will free and force the fascists, communists, and Moslems to completely behave personally, and entirely get along socially.
Individual liberty is the alpha and omega of society and the state. When it comes to political science and government, freedom is perfection, utopia, and the definitive last word.


Thursday, August 8, 2019

Vermin World

I have little or no respect for you, "my fellow man". I don't necessarily even consider you to be the same species as myself. But don't for a moment think I somehow find you to be "different". I find you to be inferior.

The whole lot of you are subhuman, disgusting, monkey people, as far as I can tell. Nothing but inhuman, mutant, monster people. What your major malfunction is I don't really know. But it seems to be severe.

The precise nature of your inferiority and failure is something I'm not much interested in. You repel me. I consider you appalling and revolting. So I don't particularly care to study the exact characteristics and essence of your wide and deep ignorance and depravity.

In simple terms, I find you all to be liars, cowards, hypocrites, weaklings, losers, failures, and scumbags. And have no doubt: I find myself to be none of these.

Maybe I'm wrong about a lot of this. Or at least some. I hope so. But these have long been my strongly-held beliefs. I see little prospect of myself being seriously in error.

One giant reason I have little or no respect for you is you seem to have precious little or none for yourself. You allow the words and priceless wisdom of many of your best thinkers, such as the Militians and the pre-Socratics, to be almost entirely lost. So too most of the exact words and best insights of Zarathustra, Buddha, Confucius, and the like. You even permit the incomparable library of Alexandria, and others like it, to be destroyed forever.   

That's unforgivable.

In the current period, you allow the precise words of the greatest philosopher in 2300 years to be routinely censored and defrauded. I'm referring to -- at a minimum -- the diaries, letters, photographs, short stories, audio tapes, and question-and-answers of Ayn Rand.

Also in the current era you permit loathsome, verminous, Moslem activists to annihilate countless, irreplaceable, historical treasures. You take the relatively sacred and invaluable heritage of mankind and casually allow it to be obliterated, even tho' the satanic, muzzie pillagers are both well-hated and ultra-easy to stop. 

That's also unforgivable.

I mean, why not just defecate in your wife's and mom's mouths? That's what you seem to think about yourselves.

Mankind is a heinous and depraved species which probably just needs to be exterminated. I certainly don't deserve this. But evidently the rest of you do.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Minority Inferiority

Minorities are inferior. It’s a fact. However much virtually everyone today chooses to evade or lie about it, minority inferiority is a fundamental and important truth about our world today.

American “minorities”, such as blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, gays, and women are noticeably inferior to “majority” white males in their natures and their nurtures. To anyone even moderately perceptive or honest, this fact is undeniable.

But at the same time, anyone these days who publicly admits this seminal truth about American society is pretty much instantly and brutally attacked by its intellectual leaders and the social and political powers-that-be. Indeed, anyone brave or foolish enough to openly tell the truth about race, gender, religion, sexuality, and so on, generally gets intellectually and morally ripped to shreds in a merciless feeding frenzy.

It’s a blatant orgy of evil. Americans nowadays – both the intellectual elite and the subservient masses – vastly believe in, and try hard to practice, the fatuous and depraved social ideals of political correctness, multiculturalism, diversity, inclusion, sensitivity, egalitarianism, minority supremacism, democracy, peace, etc. This is how "good" people think, speak, and act.

Thus any respectful and polite mention of how almost all of America’s true leaders and greats are white and male, and they’re superior in nature and nurture to their black, Hispanic, Moslem, gay, and female rivals, is typically met with a popular horror and fury appropriate to ravenous lions attacking a baby deer. Indeed, even the murderous, marauding, mutant, monstrous space-aliens of science fiction lore are generally treated with more decency and courtesy than real life truth-tellers about ethnicity, gender, religion, and sexuality.

In the current irrational, illiberal, corrupt, decadent, sad, pitiful, Dark Age, everyone is supposed to spit in the faces of whites and males automatically and without cause. Indeed, the more untrue and unjust the intellectual and moral condemnation of whites and males, the better. Critics, moralists, “social engineers”, and “social justice warriors” today revel in their fatuity and depravity.

Anyone in the current era who unwisely dares to defend innocent and virtuous whites or males is unhesitatingly shot down as a “white supremacist” who supports “the patriarchy”. Indeed, such poor, pathetic truth-tellers, and naïve, foolhardy men of virtue, are proclaimed by virtually all to be supporters of the KKK and Nazis, if not Satan himself.

Meanwhile, lowly blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, gays, and women sally forth with their true bigotry and immorality proudly and defiantly on display. Such fiends and lowlifes also take care to brazenly reveal their fundamental human rottenness by bashing the virtue and sweetness of Western Civilization, America, capitalism, and freedom while they’re at it.

Minority evil these days is truly a sight to behold. Most American blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, gays, and women today openly radiate their inferiority, bigotry, ugliness, obscenity, stupidity, depravity, and general loathsomeness for all to wonder and gape at.