Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Liberal Lifestyle

Liberalism gives your life meaning and purpose. It yields a life which is rich and full. Liberalism also makes you healthy and happy. It turns you into someone good and great.

The essence of the 2600-year-old philosophy of liberalism is: 1) the epistemology of reason and science; 2) the ethics of individualism and self-interest; 3) the politics of liberty and justice; 4) the aesthetics of beauty and heroism; 5) the spirituality of transcendence and triumph. There’s no philosophy better.

Still, liberalism is rather theoretical and abstract. A bit general and unspecific. You need to supplement liberal intellectualism with practical and concrete elements too. Something to quickly get you a lot of money and lovers. Plus lots of power and prestige. You need rock-solid, earth-bound, utilitarian elements to help you really exploit and enjoy: 1) sex, drugs, and parties; 2) videos, entertainment, sports, comedy, music, and dance; 3) movies, plays, novels, and short stories; 4) family and friends ; 5) industry and frugality; 6) work and leisure; 7) exercise and rest; 8) relaxation and contemplation; 9) and more.

The center of your life is almost always what you do to invent and create. To accomplish and achieve. To be innovative and productive.

So you need to learn how to truly relish, exploit, enjoy, and profit from your job – which isn’t easy. But practical, concrete, philosophy needs to teach you just that. This will gain you the most pleasure, joy, and ecstasy in life, which you do want, and which is your sacred, moral duty to experience.

Theoretical philosophy is the foundation of life and an absolutely necessary thing. But practical philosophy is hugely beneficial too.  

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