Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Critical Theory Nihilists, Communists, Racists, and Sexists


Kant and the current socialists and reverse bigots call their ideas and theories "critical" in the sense of supposedly employing careful, exact, complex, technical, subtle reasoning. But their maliciously-motivated, obviously untrue and evil belief-systems are actually, deliberately, linguistically idiosyncratic, convoluted, and incomprehensible. They make complicated, hazy, empty distinctions that generally don’t exist and are rarely worth understanding. Their internal contradictions and general falsity usually renders these ideas incoherent and un-understandable. And the "learning" it embodies and displays is considerably corrupting, polluting, debilitating, and debauching for the self and mankind.

The nihilist Kant, and the modern Marxists, racists, and sexists, are fatuous and depraved alien monsters who spout sneaky, tricky, overwritten, overintellectualized, overanalyzed, technocratic obscurities and foolish, nonsensical, wicked, double-talk gibberish. They do so in order to impress and con the gullible and low, and to destroy the individual and his society. What vermin they are!

BĂȘtes Noires


Are blacks beasts? Are they more animal-like than whites? Are blacks naturally immoral and criminal? Are they inherently prone to sloth and violence? Are blacks child-like in their lesser ability to defer gratification and pursue long-term interests? Are they naturally superstitious, prejudiced, self-indulgent, and intellectually slovenly? Are blacks genetically inclined to be "shiftless and lazy"? Are they significantly dumber than whites?

No-one wants to know. Virtually no-one today dares to find out. But despite this remarkable intellectual dishonesty and cowardice, virtually everyone knows the answers to these questions anyway. Pretty much everyone knows the implications too.

This is because the reality of blacks is so manifest. All you have to do is talk to them, observe them, watch the news shows, and read some history books.

In the end, assiduously evading the issues has only partially protected society from learning the facts about black people. Intense societal indoctrination and ferocious self-deception has only partially obscured the truth. So what do we do about it?

They need to go. Most or almost all blacks probably need to be kicked out of America and the West. They can’t be integrated, they aren’t happy here, and civilized whites suffer from having them around. This necessary expulsion is just as Lincoln and countless others foresaw, recommended, planned for, and wanted.

No, not all of them. Not blacks per se. But all the people of significantly inferior nature and nurture, in relatively civilized America and the West, almost certainly need to go. Such low-lifes and destructive elements need to be stripped of citizenship and deported.

Because blacks are basically killing America and the West. They’re pretty much ruining everything. Every block, neighborhood, shopping area, recreation spot, park, resort, city, and state that they infest and infect.

Citizenship, residency status, immigration policy, and visitor visas should be based upon merit. No enemies or destroyers should be allowed inside.

Rome died, in large part, because it it let in, and kept in, what they knew to be "barbarians". Due to a similar invasion by black people – and a militant refusal to do anything about it – America and the West seem doomed to the same fate.

Sunday, July 10, 2022



What if you’re unknowingly an android in the real world or a computer program in a cyber universe? You could be a sort of wind-up toy for the amusement of superior beings. Or a kind of lab rat being tested in scientific experiments.

If you’re really a rodent, you could try to figure out a way to ask the alien scientists to give you better experiments to perform. You could suggest they observe how you function and adapt as a billionaire, with a harem, who lives in Disney World, plays lead guitar for The Beatles, and hits clean-up for the Yankees. Life would be sweet!

Possibly even better than being a pampered lab rat is being a sophisticated cyborg or piece of self-aware software. You could suggest the superior aliens extend your lifespan to 1000 years. Or make you indestructible and immortal. Life might be even sweeter!

Many people today feel sad to realize that the universe is as big and unknown as it is, and that they might actually be like the androids Decker and Racheal in Blade Runner (1982), or like the computer programs Billy and Maria in Devs (2021). But the potential for rich experience, greatness, and happiness in this alternative existence seems immense. I kinda hope I secretly am an artificial being or computer simulation; and that my creator chooses to increase my quantity and quality of life radically!

Thursday, July 7, 2022

God and Country


Prior to 1965 and the New Left, Western society tended to believe in "god and country". It found meaning and purpose in those two values. Western peoples were animated and guided by them and – altho' they were loyal to family, friends, and community too – they tended to live their lives in service to them.

Of course, the pre-1965 Left believed in and followed god and country far less than the Right. The Left of the post-1914 Dark Age was much more secularized and internationalist – which was good. But it was also generally irrational, nihilist, sacrificial, fascist, and socialist – which was not. Both the Right and the Left in the 1914-1965 period generally rejected liberalism, modernity, and the Enlightenment.

Some problems with the ideals of god and country are "god" doesn’t exist, and it involves opposition to reality, life, pleasure, happiness, hope, and even holiness – all of which are sacred concepts. As for "country", that is usually chosen randomly, by accident of birth, and thus this value often involves supporting mediocre or bad people doing mediocre or bad things. The proper ideal is to only admire and adhere to the greatest individuals and groups that can be found.

Neither the philosophical Right nor the Left, neither before nor after 1965, has any good answers. All are irrational belief-systems that stand against liberalism, modernity, and the Enlightenment.

What needs to replace the nonsensicality, pettiness, and dirtiness of religion and nationalism, of "god and country", is some sort of rational, magnificent, and noble belief in Self and Mankind. Or at least some belief in the potential greatness of the individual and the ascent of man.

What counts, ultimately, is the universe, life, humanity, and the noble soul. These are holy. Human beings are god-like creatures who create their own meaning and purpose in life, just as they fashion their own characters, and heroically carve out their own souls. Proper humans love themselves and their sacred lives. In the short time given to them, virtuous individuals try to accomplish as much as possible and become as great and god-like as possible.

Living by the standards of "god and country", and adhering to the values thereof, is depraved and irrational, and constitutes a very inferior and unhappy way of life.

Monday, July 4, 2022



Moslems are savages who radically degrade the quality of life on this planet. They need to be defeated.

The governments of the sharia-based, jihad-active, slave nations of Islam need to be overthrown and replaced with libertarian ones. The Moslem peoples must pay for this Western take-over and the administration thereof. The West should also take back the oil and natural gas stolen from it via the mid-1900s "nationalizations". The robber-baron nations need to pay back the wealth stolen, plus interest, penalties, and recovery cost, including most or all of their land, if necessary for restitution. Because Moslems in the West are disloyal, harm the culture, and pose a physical threat, they should be deported. And no Moslem is allowed to brainwash kids under 18 into their false and evil philosophy. Violators must do ten years of hard time, pay a $100,000 fine, and forfeit their children to adoption.

People need to be civilized and not animals. Moslems are no exception. Property rights, justice, and liberty aren’t optional for nations. And the false and evil ideals of political correctness, multi-culturalism, diversity, inclusion, cultural relativism, moral equivalency, and the like aren’t justifications for Moslems being savages who radically degrade the quality of life on this planet. These monsters need to be defeated.