Monday, July 4, 2022



Moslems are savages who radically degrade the quality of life on this planet. They need to be defeated.

The governments of the sharia-based, jihad-active, slave nations of Islam need to be overthrown and replaced with libertarian ones. The Moslem peoples must pay for this Western take-over and the administration thereof. The West should also take back the oil and natural gas stolen from it via the mid-1900s "nationalizations". The robber-baron nations need to pay back the wealth stolen, plus interest, penalties, and recovery cost, including most or all of their land, if necessary for restitution. Because Moslems in the West are disloyal, harm the culture, and pose a physical threat, they should be deported. And no Moslem is allowed to brainwash kids under 18 into their false and evil philosophy. Violators must do ten years of hard time, pay a $100,000 fine, and forfeit their children to adoption.

People need to be civilized and not animals. Moslems are no exception. Property rights, justice, and liberty aren’t optional for nations. And the false and evil ideals of political correctness, multi-culturalism, diversity, inclusion, cultural relativism, moral equivalency, and the like aren’t justifications for Moslems being savages who radically degrade the quality of life on this planet. These monsters need to be defeated.

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