Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Bêtes Noires


Are blacks beasts? Are they more animal-like than whites? Are blacks naturally immoral and criminal? Are they inherently prone to sloth and violence? Are blacks child-like in their lesser ability to defer gratification and pursue long-term interests? Are they naturally superstitious, prejudiced, self-indulgent, and intellectually slovenly? Are blacks genetically inclined to be "shiftless and lazy"? Are they significantly dumber than whites?

No-one wants to know. Virtually no-one today dares to find out. But despite this remarkable intellectual dishonesty and cowardice, virtually everyone knows the answers to these questions anyway. Pretty much everyone knows the implications too.

This is because the reality of blacks is so manifest. All you have to do is talk to them, observe them, watch the news shows, and read some history books.

In the end, assiduously evading the issues has only partially protected society from learning the facts about black people. Intense societal indoctrination and ferocious self-deception has only partially obscured the truth. So what do we do about it?

They need to go. Most or almost all blacks probably need to be kicked out of America and the West. They can’t be integrated, they aren’t happy here, and civilized whites suffer from having them around. This necessary expulsion is just as Lincoln and countless others foresaw, recommended, planned for, and wanted.

No, not all of them. Not blacks per se. But all the people of significantly inferior nature and nurture, in relatively civilized America and the West, almost certainly need to go. Such low-lifes and destructive elements need to be stripped of citizenship and deported.

Because blacks are basically killing America and the West. They’re pretty much ruining everything. Every block, neighborhood, shopping area, recreation spot, park, resort, city, and state that they infest and infect.

Citizenship, residency status, immigration policy, and visitor visas should be based upon merit. No enemies or destroyers should be allowed inside.

Rome died, in large part, because it it let in, and kept in, what they knew to be "barbarians". Due to a similar invasion by black people – and a militant refusal to do anything about it – America and the West seem doomed to the same fate.

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