Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Morally White


White supremacists, Ku Klux Klansmen, and Nazis are the heroes of the earth. People who wave Confederate flags, burn crosses, and wear swastikas are paladins of humanity who we should all respect and admire.

Or at least you could make that argument. In the West today, anti-white racism is virtually ubiquitous. Everyone everywhere seems to hate the guts of white people. So anyone anywhere who rebels against that horror has the appearance of being a hero.

Nowadays -- in our DEI, ESG, CRT, BIPOC world -- even the most innocent, pure, rarified, and noble of whites are vilified and demonized to an extraordinary degree. Indeed, it’s often the very goodness and anti-racism of the whites that most causes them to be publicly abused, socially loathed, and legally persecuted. White people tend to treat all people the same, regardless of race, based on justice; they tend to condemn ethnic bigotry, no matter who practices it, based on moral goodness. By today’s standards, these are unforgivable crimes.

So if you are an open or proud white supremacist, Ku Klux Klansman, or Nazi, then quite possibly you’re an agent of defiant virtue. You’re a rebel with a cause. You're a revolutionary opposed to popular bigotry against whites. In the face of raw, racist depravity, you have miraculously decided to fight back. This make you nothing less than a worldwide hero.

Of course, the actual philosophies of white supremacism, the Klu Klux Klan, and the Nazi Party are a bit short of perfection. Denying rights to black people, or terrorizing them, or practicing tyranny against all races, aren’t exactly the best belief-systems or policies.

Still, you’re a resister and rebel. You’re a revolutionary against a status quo of obvious wickedness. And that counts for something! So god bless and long live at least certain members of the white supremacist, Ku Klux Klan, and Nazi movements!

Friday, May 26, 2023

Succeeding Eras


How many liberal periods and cultures have existed in human history? This isn’t easy to answer. Liberal philosophy can simply be viewed as the concepts, values, and ideals of reason, individualism, and freedom. More complexly, liberalism can be viewed as reason and science, naturalism and objectivity, individualism and self-interest, liberty and justice, beauty and heroism, and transcendence and triumph.

Based on these ideas and standards, it seems as if educated Greece, or at least Athens, was relatively liberal in the era of Empedocles, Anaxagoras, and Democritus. It became considerably more so under Aristotle, Epicurus, and Zeno the Stoic. A third liberal society and culture emerged in conquering Rome under the influence of the six thinkers above, as well as Cicero, Horace, Virgil, and others.

Despite the serious religiosity and depravity of the Moslems, a fourth liberal period probably took place under the Islamic caliphates, during their golden era, around 900-1100. Next up, at least lightly, the educated people of 1100s greater Paris were possibly guided by fairly liberal ideas and lived fairly liberal lives. After this came the Italian Renaissance of the 1300s, followed by the European Renaissance of the 1500s.

This makes seven separate liberal periods – with all of their strengths, weaknesses, and diversity – so far.

After this comes the complicated and rich period of the Enlightenment in the 1700s. It seems to have manifested itself somewhat differently in at least five major places: England, France, Holland, Scotland, and America. But it may be the case that all those European versions of liberalism might have molded together and then spread out to the rest of northwest Europe and beyond. America’s Founding Father liberalism, in turn, may have been pretty distinct because the United States represented something of a blank slate and fresh start. It’s worth noting that America’s intellectual and political leaders were mostly the same – unlike Europe – and they guided their society without an illiberal monarchy or church to defeat. All of this evidently allowed America’s liberal philosophy and lifestyle to be stronger, deeper, and more lasting.

Up next is a theoretical form of liberalism founded upon Austrian economics in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It did not capture any large nation, but it was a new and powerful set of liberal ideas nevertheless. After this came Objectivism in the 1960s and 1970s – the most liberal philosophy ever. But, curiously, this magnificent thought-system didn’t capture any major nation either. Finally, there seems to be an Objectivist-related liberalism currently in existence, especially in America, based upon a combination of Austrian economics, libertarian politics, neo-classical liberal culture, and Objectivist philosophy.

It would be glorious if these new and improved intellectual ideas, ideals, attitudes, and institutions took over some important nation or region. It would almost certainly raise human society to its highest level ever. But that looks to be many generations down the road, if at all. It may simply be that the West’s current wildly irrational and highly illiberal philosophy, standards, and institutions will forever prevent liberalism from coming back, and thus mankind may soon be extincted.

Monday, May 22, 2023

White Supremacy


White people are the greatest race on the face of the Earth by far. As Cecil Rhodes observed: "[W]e are the finest race in the world and the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race." (Confessions of Faith, 1877) All the non-white people are grossly inferior. Orientals, Indians, Arabs, Iberians, and Africans are pathetic losers by comparison.

Nothing can equal the cultural greatness of the Greeks, Romans, Renaissance, and Enlightenment. These four stunning white eras and societies created far and away the most dynamic, magnificent, healthy, happy, and wonderful civilizations ever. In contrast, almost all the "civilizations" created by the Orientals, Indians, Arabs, Iberians, and Africans are hideous, wretched, and disgusting cesspools of stupidity and depravity.

Now, in their own small way, the Summerians and Egyptians did accomplish something in the remote past, as did the Indians, Chinese, Arabs, and Meso-Americans. And recently the white Americans forced the Japanese to uplift themselves, just as white Western Civilization did the same to other parts of the Orient.

But these non-white peoples are still pretty much scum. They’re either communists or ready to surrender to the communists. Only European-origin whites are truly respectable, admirable, impressive, and heroic.

Even today, as the white race is mostly committing suicide, whites are still the sparkling jewels and shining paladins of the whole world. Ronald Reagan called white America: "the last best hope of man on Earth." (speech in Los Angeles, October, 1964) Practically every genius, saint, and heroic champion on the planet is gloriously white. Long reign white supremacy!

Monday, May 1, 2023

What and Who to Look Up To


People shouldn’t be awed by, pray to, or worship the lord. Nor the collective or the government. God and mankind collectively don’t really exist. There’s no evidence for a deity and humanity has no independent existence apart from its members.

Indeed, people should be awed by, pray to, and worship the cosmos and the totality of existence. Also the mystery, wonder, and priceless gift of life. They should similarly adore and dedicate themselves to the great individual and the magnificence inside themselves. These all exist.

Still another thing might exist: superior space aliens. We should keep these potential demi-gods in mind. These creatures of far superior nature, nurture, power, and ability are likely worth looking up to and impressing. Perhaps they'll reward any loftiness on our part.

People should also honor and pay homage to Natural Law and the inconceivable powers of the universe. And those persons who first harnessed fire, created stone tools, invented the bow and arrow, and domesticated plants and animals. So too those who discovered reason, math, science, and philosophy.

Practically everyone should be awed by, pray to, and worship Homer, Hesiod, Socrates, Aristotle, Thucydides, Sophocles, Euclid, Cicero, Lucretius, Virgil, Horace, Aurelius, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Bacon, Locke, Smith, Voltaire, Jefferson, Bastiat, Mises, Hayek, Einstein, Rand, Branden, Kelley, and Hicks. Especially Aristotle and Rand.

These people are worth following, serving, and obeying. Or, more accurately, respecting, admiring, learning from, and trying to improve upon.

People should be awed by, pray to, and worship the infinite and overwhelming world of reality. Still more, the good parts of yourself, any magnificent acts and achievements to your credit, and your noble soul.

You are god. Or at least the only one we have. And possibly the only one we need.

So be awed by, pray to, and worship the right things: our wondrous cosmos, the treasure of life, human heroes, noble ETs, and the Sacred Self.