Monday, October 31, 2022



Belief in god is immensely immoral. The religious are lying thru their teeth when they claim god exists, when all the known facts and evidence indicate the opposite. They’re lying even worse when they claim this fictional god-fellow is all-knowing and all-powerful, also lacking any facts or evidence to back their assertions. And they’re lying still worse when they say he intervenes in human life; and men should slavishly serve him; and he will judge, reward, and punish people upon their death.

This is all made-up nonsense and without a scintilla of reason or proof to support it. Belief in the massively important idea and potential entity of "god" necessarily involves the rejection of reality, truth, reason, life, happiness, and hope. And you can’t get more evil than that! Humans desperately need all six of these ideals and values.

Religious belief also invites and motivates people to do as many wicked things as they wish and to be as wicked as they care to be. None of their horrors matter since the god-believer can escape all proper punishment merely by 1) "believing" in god, and 2) confessing his sins, and 3) offering an apology. Then god cancels out all his depravity and the evil-doer gets to live in Paradise forever. This contrasts vividly with a man who is a thousand times better, but who neglects the three acts above, and thus gets to burn in Hell forever. What injustice and stupendous evil!

Religiosos are such demons. Meanwhile, people who believe in reason tend to behave, and are almost always decent and good. They’re often heroic and noble. Rational folk generally make something of themselves and their lives. Reasonists simply don’t trash themselves and their fellow man as the religious usually do. But the god-believers are almost invariably lying scum and destructive monsters.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Monster Species


Humans are remarkably hostile, inimical, inferior, and alien. Who or what are these people? They seem like freakasauruses, Bizarro World creatures, and space aliens. They look and act like disgusting, loathsome, hideous monsters.

Still, I’m probably better off living and interacting with them to a large degree, rather than just with fairly rational and noble cats and dogs. Compared to all other living species, humans have a stunningly high level of intelligence. God knows where they go it from – those slick, slimy, lying bastards – but they do clearly have it.

Of course, their humanity, decency, morality, and nobility doesn’t near match their brain power. Almost all people have souls which are empty and hearts which are black. Humans barely have any pride, honor, self-respect, or desire to do anything right, or be anyone good. At their best, people might shed a few phony tears over a close friend who dies tragically. Humans are scum to an incredible degree.

It’s very normal to be some version of an anthropologist here on Earth, studying the demons and freaks. Mostly I try to figure out how to avoid them, or at least how to lessen the amount of damage they do to me. It’s important to learn how to best navigate the Twilight Zone world they’ve created.