Thursday, July 7, 2022

God and Country


Prior to 1965 and the New Left, Western society tended to believe in "god and country". It found meaning and purpose in those two values. Western peoples were animated and guided by them and – altho' they were loyal to family, friends, and community too – they tended to live their lives in service to them.

Of course, the pre-1965 Left believed in and followed god and country far less than the Right. The Left of the post-1914 Dark Age was much more secularized and internationalist – which was good. But it was also generally irrational, nihilist, sacrificial, fascist, and socialist – which was not. Both the Right and the Left in the 1914-1965 period generally rejected liberalism, modernity, and the Enlightenment.

Some problems with the ideals of god and country are "god" doesn’t exist, and it involves opposition to reality, life, pleasure, happiness, hope, and even holiness – all of which are sacred concepts. As for "country", that is usually chosen randomly, by accident of birth, and thus this value often involves supporting mediocre or bad people doing mediocre or bad things. The proper ideal is to only admire and adhere to the greatest individuals and groups that can be found.

Neither the philosophical Right nor the Left, neither before nor after 1965, has any good answers. All are irrational belief-systems that stand against liberalism, modernity, and the Enlightenment.

What needs to replace the nonsensicality, pettiness, and dirtiness of religion and nationalism, of "god and country", is some sort of rational, magnificent, and noble belief in Self and Mankind. Or at least some belief in the potential greatness of the individual and the ascent of man.

What counts, ultimately, is the universe, life, humanity, and the noble soul. These are holy. Human beings are god-like creatures who create their own meaning and purpose in life, just as they fashion their own characters, and heroically carve out their own souls. Proper humans love themselves and their sacred lives. In the short time given to them, virtuous individuals try to accomplish as much as possible and become as great and god-like as possible.

Living by the standards of "god and country", and adhering to the values thereof, is depraved and irrational, and constitutes a very inferior and unhappy way of life.


  1. Is it "intelligent, insightful, substantive" to say "BRAVO!"?
    The only thing lacking is a big enough audience: We need to spread your thoughts and words more widely.
    I'll do my part: I'll share it where I can.
    Once more: BRAVO!
    Michael F.S.W. Morrison

    1. Many thanks, Michael! I plan to be a bigger self-promoter in the near future. I'm currently almost done with a new book on (my version of) liberal philosophy. That should allow me to promote quite a bit better.

  2. What we really need is more rationality and more individualism, or more rational individuals. Modern collectivism, including nationalism, is what is driving us down an irrecoverable path. If you are wondering why you cannot get a word in edgewise, it is probably because you speak to the individual and not to the collective. Keep up speaking rationally to the individuals who will listen to you.

    1. Good points. I think people who adhere closely to the values of reason, science, individualism, and self-interest lead much richer, greater, and happier lives. If you wander around being guided by relativism, subjectivism, dogma, and faith you really get confused and lost. So too if you live to serve the traitors god or the collective. Every person and his life are potentially precious, priceless jewels that people should treasure and guide carefully toward many triumphs using clean, clear, rational thought.


Please try to be intelligent, insightful, substantive, and respectful in your valued remarks. Thanks! :-)