Tuesday, October 1, 2019

A Special Message to My Friends

I’ve been severely mistreated and abused by my fellow man – if you people even are my fellow man, and not some hideous alien demons – for all of my life. 
This is why I almost entirely refuse to help, guide, uplift, or liberate you from your current philosophical horror and wretchedness. This is why I almost completely decline to teach you the philosophy, culture, ethics, politics, spirituality, lifestyle, and attitude of up-wing liberalism. This is why I virtually abandon you to wallow, struggle, and drown in the cesspool waters of philosophical right-wing conservatism and left-wing progressivism. 

Your relentless evil toward me has yielded you this. You people are vermin. This is why you get to suffer so terribly.
What goes around, comes around. As you sow, so shall you reap. You get what’s coming to you. You get what you’re asking for. You get what you oh-so-richly deserve.
So don’t come complaining to me that the cons and progs are leaving you in misery and guiding you right over the cliff. You had your chance. You made your choice. So don’t come whining to me now! You willingly and maliciously killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. You should have nourished and cherished her. 

You've made your own nail-studded, glass-sharded bed. Now lie in it!
You think for a nano-second I feel bad for you disgusting insects? Guess again, you loathsome monsters. I wish you suffered far worse. You deserve to suffer far worse. 

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