Saturday, October 26, 2019

Liberal Foreign Policy Today

The foreign policy of America and the West after World War Two is amazing to behold. From the Korean War, to the Vietnamese War, to the Kuwaiti Gulf War, to the Iraqi and Afghani Wars, and otherwise, Westerners, and especially Americans, love to lecture the world about the goodness and greatness of their "system". They love to pontificate to the communists, Moslems, and Third Worlders about the values and principles of supposedly glorious Western Civilization and Western liberal philosophy. But the fact is, Americans and Westerners promote such ideals as universal values, rationality, individualism, capitalism, free enterprise, free trade, free speech, the rights of man, and individual liberty while actually knowing very little about them.

Ultimately, America and the West are mostly pro-democracy, pro-peace, pro-stability, pro-political correctness, and pro-multiculturalism -- not pro-liberalism. Like the savages and barbarians above, America and the West still love the illiberal beliefs and values of religion, self-sacrifice, and collectivism. Reason and science, individualism and self-interest, and freedom and justice in the serious senses of the terms are little known and liked in America and the West. What is needed in the world today -- both inside and outside Western Civilization -- is a truly liberal philosophical, cultural, and political revolution. 

The sad, obvious truth is that the savage, barbarian, criminal, tyrannical, disgusting, insectoid commies, Muzzies, and Turd Worldies are not the main problems and losers on the planet today. It's the phony, failed, self-hating, self-destroying, would-be Western liberals. And it's the phony, failed, incompetent, bozo, cutting-edge Objectivists and libertarians too.

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