Saturday, July 20, 2019

Minority Inferiority

Minorities are inferior. It’s a fact. However much virtually everyone today chooses to evade or lie about it, minority inferiority is a fundamental and important truth about our world today.

American “minorities”, such as blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, gays, and women are noticeably inferior to “majority” white males in their natures and their nurtures. To anyone even moderately perceptive or honest, this fact is undeniable.

But at the same time, anyone these days who publicly admits this seminal truth about American society is pretty much instantly and brutally attacked by its intellectual leaders and the social and political powers-that-be. Indeed, anyone brave or foolish enough to openly tell the truth about race, gender, religion, sexuality, and so on, generally gets intellectually and morally ripped to shreds in a merciless feeding frenzy.

It’s a blatant orgy of evil. Americans nowadays – both the intellectual elite and the subservient masses – vastly believe in, and try hard to practice, the fatuous and depraved social ideals of political correctness, multiculturalism, diversity, inclusion, sensitivity, egalitarianism, minority supremacism, democracy, peace, etc. This is how "good" people think, speak, and act.

Thus any respectful and polite mention of how almost all of America’s true leaders and greats are white and male, and they’re superior in nature and nurture to their black, Hispanic, Moslem, gay, and female rivals, is typically met with a popular horror and fury appropriate to ravenous lions attacking a baby deer. Indeed, even the murderous, marauding, mutant, monstrous space-aliens of science fiction lore are generally treated with more decency and courtesy than real life truth-tellers about ethnicity, gender, religion, and sexuality.

In the current irrational, illiberal, corrupt, decadent, sad, pitiful, Dark Age, everyone is supposed to spit in the faces of whites and males automatically and without cause. Indeed, the more untrue and unjust the intellectual and moral condemnation of whites and males, the better. Critics, moralists, “social engineers”, and “social justice warriors” today revel in their fatuity and depravity.

Anyone in the current era who unwisely dares to defend innocent and virtuous whites or males is unhesitatingly shot down as a “white supremacist” who supports “the patriarchy”. Indeed, such poor, pathetic truth-tellers, and naïve, foolhardy men of virtue, are proclaimed by virtually all to be supporters of the KKK and Nazis, if not Satan himself.

Meanwhile, lowly blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, gays, and women sally forth with their true bigotry and immorality proudly and defiantly on display. Such fiends and lowlifes also take care to brazenly reveal their fundamental human rottenness by bashing the virtue and sweetness of Western Civilization, America, capitalism, and freedom while they’re at it.

Minority evil these days is truly a sight to behold. Most American blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, gays, and women today openly radiate their inferiority, bigotry, ugliness, obscenity, stupidity, depravity, and general loathsomeness for all to wonder and gape at.

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