Monday, July 8, 2019

Monkey World

This is a monkey planet. But I’m not one of you. And I have no respect for you either.

With all your stupidity, depravity, and malevolence, you do inspire a certain amount of fear in me. But no respect. Mostly you inspire, and fill me with, disgust and horror. Your loathsomeness and repulsiveness are a sight to behold!

Why is the bible far and away the best-selling book on The Planet of the Apes? Because you deserve no better. Because you know no better, nor likely will you ever.

Why is The Communist Manifesto far and away the second best-selling book on this Monkey Planet? The same.

Wretched and verminous Jesus and Marx are all you know They’re all you’re good for. It’s a wonder you all don’t worship a giant pile of cow feces covered in flies and maggots. It’s a mystery why you all don’t support a government which makes you all jump off a tall, rocky cliff.

Such is your philosophical and political thinking at its best. Such is your level of virtue, you liars, cowards, monsters, and worms.

Humans are natural slaves. The problem is: I refuse to be your master. I don’t want you. You’re not worthy.

I well know you all desperately hunger to devotedly and lovingly use your mouth to wash my anus after I’ve taken a dump. But I won’t allow you or your tongue to defile and pollute me thus.

The sooner you all just go away, the better. The quicker you baboons all suffer hideously and die pathetically, the better.   

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