Thursday, July 18, 2019

White Supremacy

Whites are superior to blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs. They’re better than them in both their natures and their nurtures. As a race or a people, blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs are all significantly inferior to whites.

This is true both historically and currently. Whites were and are clearly the more impressive group intellectually, morally, and spiritually. Their excellence and dominance in business, science, art, philosophy, and politics are obvious to all.

Whites have stronger minds and better cultures than the "minority" blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs. They're more civilized and socially advanced. White people have superior educations and are raised better in their morals and manners. In many respects, blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs are like chimpanzees compared to whites.

The sub-species of humanity known as white people is the glory of the human race. From the ancient Greeks and Romans, to the recent Renaissance and Enlightenment nations, to the Anglosphere and America today, no race or people was ever finer. And current white people are the absolute planetary hope for the future.

But if you’re not white, and don’t like reading this, then you need to improve your sorry biological or social tribe. You need to uplift your pitiful race or people. Or, at least, you need to elevate yourself.

And you certainly need to stop vilifying and demonizing all the wonderful and magnificent white people that you hear about or run across. You need to bring a screeching halt to all your outrageous, hateful, evil racism.

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