Monday, February 28, 2022

How to Deal With Slave Nations


How should the semi-civilized, semi-respectable, semi-free nations of the West deal with the savage, monstrous, slave nations of the world  mostly animated by socialism, Islam, and Third World tribalist dictatorship?

First, the semi-liberal Western peoples should attempt to overthrow the totalitarian governments controlling these threatening and suffering nations. The West should try to set up a properly free society with a libertarian and capitalist legal structure. But if this involves too much time and effort, or costs too much money and lives, or harms too many semi-innocents in the slave states, then the Westerners should attempt to educate the barbarians in the ways of social libertarianism and economic capitalism – however poorly they understand them. But if the dictatorships won’t much allow this propagandization, via their censorship, then the West needs at least to militarily arm and defend itself against these naturally aggressive, warring, conquering nations.

The semi-civilized Western peoples also need to break off all diplomatic, economic, social, and cultural ties with the monster nations. They need to employ common sense and avoid befriending, enriching, and arming their enemies. The West should totally isolate the pariah peoples – shunning and boycotting them till they stop behaving like animals.

Such activities will tend to impoverish the tyrannical regimes radically. And it will withdraw the West’s moral support – which is a quietly powerful weapon. It will undercut the barbarians philosophically and psychologically. It will tend to break their hearts and spirits. It should render their dictatorial leaders weak, and highly subject to internal and external defeat.

Next, the quasi-free peoples should explicitly condemn the intellectual and moral leaders of the monster nations. They should loudly let them know how intellectually, morally, and spiritually bankrupt they are. The West should also intellectually refute and morally damn the people for their rotten ideology. They should condemn the masses for following along with their bad leaders, and all of their bad ideas and ideals. The semi-free Western peoples should command them to overthrow their evil leadership.

Next, the relatively good nations of the earth should somehow find a way to educate the bestial nations. Despite all their government resistance and censorship, the West needs to figure out how to propagandize their intellectual and political leaders, along with the masses. Teach these backward monkeys some ideas and ideals with a lot more truth and morality in them than this wretched business of socialism, Islam, and Third World tribalist dictatorship.

Of course, it would help indescribably if the Western nations themselves were far more rational and liberal. Far more civilized, respectable, and free. Far more socially libertarian and economically capitalist.

That way, the Western peoples could teach and propagandize by example. This technique for influencing others is immensely powerful and almost cost-free. Moreover, a truly rational, liberal, and free West would quickly acquire enormous wealth, high technology, and military weaponry with which to defend itself, as well as to liberate the savage and enslaved nations.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Tyrant Speaks


The dictator of Russia yesterday issued an intolerable threat to the world: “Whoever would try to stop us [in our war on Ukraine]...should know that the Russian response will be immediate and lead you to such consequences as you have never faced in your history.” [Vladimir Putin, 2-23-22]

So what will the weakling sissy intellectual and political leaders of America and the West do in response to this menace? How will the pathetic loser Americans, British, Germans, French, and Japanese reply to this threat? These self-haters and self-destroyers will act and answer poorly. These incompetents and failures won’t properly defend themselves or stand up for what’s right.

America and the West are absurdly and depravedly defenseless against the Russian (and Chinese and Pakistani) nuclear bombs, bio-chemcial weapons, and hyper-sonic missiles. We made ourselves thus on purpose – because Americans and Westerners think we have little or no right to self-defense and security. Tyrannical destroyers and monster republics supposedly have the right to unmolestedly assemble a gigantic collection of weapons of mass destruction which we can’t remotely defend against.

But the fact is evil slave nations and communist mafia tyrannies like Russia, China, and Pakistan shouldn’t be around in the first place. Such demonic peoples and states have no right to exist. The moment such nightmare nations and criminal dictatorships emerge on the world stage, they should be immediately destroyed, overthrown, and liberated on principle.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022



Shoplifters are thieves. They should be fined or jailed. Obviously.

If a store owner, employee, or security guard catches a shoplifter, the thief needs to return the stolen goods and be detained for the police. If the criminal refuses to return the stolen goods and wait for the police, he should be physically restrained or beaten till he complies. Obviously.

If the police can’t or won’t jail the shoplifters, they should be fired – and perhaps themselves jailed. If the legislators or district attorneys can’t or won’t pass and enforce laws to jail the store robbers, they should be removed from office – and perhaps themselves jailed.

Private property is sacred. It’s the foundation of civilization. A society which doesn’t respect and protect private property is barbaric and uncivilized. It should be terminated.

A society which allows shoplifting is a society which hates itself, is at war with itself, and will soon destroy itself. Good-bye and good riddance.

Friday, February 4, 2022



Befriend the best people you can. Don’t hope for good or high-quality ones. They don’t exist. People are scum. And this is a Dark Age, which makes them worse.

Our world is profoundly irrational, illiberal, abnormal, unhealthy, and unhappy. So are all the people in it. You yourself are too.

Objective goodness and greatness don’t exist. Everyone is a crushing disappointment to everyone else. Human nature and nurture today make people really low. So just try hard to track down and win over the best people you can, scumbag.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Modern Sexuality


Adolescents deeply and passionately want sex on a daily basis, starting at puberty, especially males. This they should do. Society should strongly encourage and reward it.

Many tweens want to start a year or two before puberty, both males and females, perhaps on a weekly basis. This they should probably do. Society should decently encourage and reward it.

This practice seems to be the human tradition, going back tens of thousands of years.

Almost all tribal societies, historically and currently, engage in something close to this. But almost no “advanced” or “civilized” societies do.

What depravity! And what a disaster! The result is widespread Western deprivation, loneliness, perversion, psycho-spiritual damage, and misery. Men and women turn into enemies. The whole culture is degraded and the quality of life falls radically. The unhealthiness and unhappiness of this bizarre practice can not be overstated.

All Western societies today are intensely unnatural and abnormal in their behavior here. Adolescent and early-adult sexuality is especially agonizing for the Orientals of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, as well as the Hindus of India. Africans and Moslems do much better.

But today’s Western adults take great pleasure in making their kids miserable. They overwhelmingly want to make their innocent children suffer – as they themselves did when young. It’s a kind of cruel revenge on – somebody. So this monstrously evil practice of sexual unhealthiness and unhappiness is unlikely to end anytime soon.