Monday, November 28, 2022



Blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems are ruining America. They ruin virtually every neighborhood, city, province, and country they take over. Everyone knows this. But these days no-one is allowed to admit it publicly. And maybe not even privately to themselves.

The reason Blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems radically degrade the culture and quality of life in America is because they’re inferior to whites. They’re considerably baser and more animal-like in their nature, nurture, and volition. This is sometimes known as their biology, culture, and morality. Everyone knows this too. But, again, no-one is allowed to admit it publicly. And maybe not privately either.

Americans are almost completely brainwashed on these issues. And willingly so.

But however damaging the growing invasion and conquest of America by blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems is, the real problem isn’t them per se. It’s the evil white Americans that protect and promote them. It’s the universally-accepted authorites – the white intellectual and political leaders of the country – who ferociously won’t permit the truth to be spoken about these predatory and destructive minorities.

So blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems aren’t really the driving or controlling edge of America’s demographic and cultural decline. Evil, racist, self-hating whites are responsible. The minorities are merely guilty of acting in their predictable, monkey-like manner and availing themselves of the opportunities thrust before their eyes. The ennablers of these destroyers are the ignorant, depraved, suicidal whites guiding them. If blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems choose to richly exploit the foolish, gullible, corrupt, self-hating, self-destructive white Americans in their midst  who can blame them?

These minorities note the obvious. They see a golden opportunity to take advantage of naive, deluded, falsely guilt-ridden, white Americans. And so they logically decide to invade the country, whether legally or illegally. Then they do their minority thing – their low intellectual, moral, and spiritual thing. Blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems get to work committing crime, going on welfare, parasitizing off the welfare state, voting for Big Brother, and abusing whites. They do this while openly hating and damaging Western values, America, capitalism, and freedom; and while openly practicing racism against their white benefactors.

All of this everyone knows and no-one admits. But once these minority cancers are inside America, the blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems then brazenly claim that white people are abusing them! This Big Lie defies belief. But minorities do learn to effectively make this asinine and depraved charge. They learn it from America’s white leaders.

Shockingly, no-one is more anti-white than white people. The "systemic racism" they believe and practice against themselves is simply astonishing.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Thinkers of the World, Unite!

The virtuous and high-quality intellectual and philosophical leaders of America, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan should get together and demand that the Western nations break off all diplomatic, social, and economic relations with the powerful, evil, enemy, slave nations of China and Russia. These two monster peoples – who essentially seek to enslave or destroy all of mankind – need to be summarily expelled from the United Nations, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, World Health Organization, Group of Twenty, Olympics, International space Station, and the like.

The leading Western thinkers should also issue ferocious intellectual refutations and scathing moral condemnations of the loathsome Chinese and Russian polities, cultures, and societies. This should devastate them spiritually. It should also kill off most of their honor, pride, self-esteem, self-confidence, will to fight, will to resist, and will to live.

And without all the current, massive transfers of Western wealth, technology, and weaponry to these Chinese and Russian slave societies, they should quickly start to wither and die.

No doubt the wicked and low-quality intellectual and philosophical leaders of the West will resist and fight these liberal statements and declarations. But such thinkers are fundamentally weak, wrong, and depraved. They can be defeated.

Then the populations of America, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan will follow the intellectuals' lead. And so will the political leaders. Nuclear and bio-chemical war will be avoided. Good will defeat evil.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Our Savior, Jesus


Many good people today call for a return to religion, or to traditional religious culture, in order to defeat the rising philosophy of Wokism or new-style leftist progressivism. Even some Objectivists, libertarians, and classical liberals call for it. This is because they see right-wing religiosity and left-wing Wokism as the only two viable philosophical alternatives today. They observe that by far the best current supporters of social, economic, and political freedom are the religious. Hence some relatively intelligent, educated, and virtuous people look to them for partial salvation, or at least for an emergency stop-gap.

But Western Civilization first became great in the Greco-Roman era before religion was powerful, maybe around 450 B.C. to 100 A.D. Then the evil godly got to work, eventually crushing reasonism and liberalism. A thousand-year Dark Age ensued.

The West only became great again after religion was massively driven back down. The corrupting, debilitating, culturally-devastating belief in "god" had to be hammered during the Renaissance and Enlightenment before the magnificent world of liberalism could rise to a new height. So it's more logical to think a new and improved version of rationality, individualism, and liberty needs to destroy both the collectivist left and the religious right.

A new ascendency of religious conservatism also seems far too weak intellectually to defeat the hideous Woke philosophy. And even if it could, this would not be a good thing. The victory of such an alien and wicked philosophy in our Greco-Roman world would likely only temporarily improve Western society, and only by a small amount. And over time the religious right, if allowed to dominate, would likely plunge us all into another irrational, illiberal Dark Age.