Sunday, April 23, 2023



The social values of equity, social justice, political correctness, multiculturalism, diversity, inclusion, sensitivity, dignity, identity collectivism, biological plasticity, tribalism, egalitarianism, minority supremacism, and the like have defeated the social values of merit, talent, justice, and morality. In the Woke West, prejudice and bigotry are triumphant.

If you’re white or male you get to suffer. If you’re not white or male you get to prosper. Or at least you get to parasite off the socially valuable, meritorious, magnificient, and superior whites and males. You obviously can’t prosper or suceeed on your own. You can’t achieve or triumph. That would require the values of merit, talent, justice, and morality which Woke minorites reject.

Friday, April 14, 2023



Leftist "progressives" do not offer us progress, improvement, or ascent. Nor do they present us with liberation from our inferior and evil past.

Rather they offer "liberation" from reality and objective truth into the world of relativism and subjectivism. They offer liberation from self-interest and individualism into self-sacrifice, self-destruction, the life of the hive, and the oblivion of the mindless mob. We get liberation from universal justice and individual liberty into social and economic "justice" and "equity" via collectivist tyranny and Big Brother.

Leftist progress is a shocking regress right over the Western liberal cliff into savagery, misery, and unchecked horror.

My Fellow Man


People today are such liars, cowards, hypocrites, weaklings, and lowlifes. Their sliminess is legendary. People seem to know the difference between good and evil -- they just vastly prefer to choose evil.

As a rule, when people make their moral choices this generally results in them hurting themselves and their fellow man considerably. There's little logic to their parade of destructive thoughts, words, and deeds. The simple reality seems to be: This is the Planet of the Apes. It's also Planet Scum and Planet Hell.

When born, kids seem to start off quite virtuously. They're highly rational, thoughtful, healthy, and proper in their approach to the universe and reality. They tend to work hard and smart, progressing rapidly in knowledge and personal power.

Juvenile humans are also healthily self-interested and quite dedicated to their own personal greatness and happiness. But they're generally quite empathetic to, and cooperative with, their fellow man as well. And they're commonly sociable and friendly. Young children rarely seek to rob or beat their fellows, especially when taught early in life that this is wrong. These kids, when around age five or so, are usually sweethearts to be around.

But illiberal society evidently corrupts them quickly and badly. Their world is just so irrational and nonsensical! So unjust and untrue.

These days the youngsters are told right away that a mysterious "god" exists and that somehow "self-sacrifice" -- as in self-destruction, martyrdom, and suicide -- is morally good. The raw falsity and evil of these two claims is astonishing. Employing them, you just can't create a more fraudulent and depraved society.

No wonder people today are such liars, cowards, hypocrites, weaklings, and lowlifes!

Saturday, April 1, 2023



To minimize crime, it’s first necessary to know what crime is. Crime is fundamentally a violation of Natural Law; or a deprivation of liberty or justice; or a trespass of individual rights; or an attack upon people or property. All four definitions essentially mean the same.

Individuals can commit crimes, but so can groups, and also governments. Organized crime committed by a mafia usually violates Natural Law and individual rights worse than crime perpetrated by lone individuals; but institutional crime committed by a government is almost always far worse.

Human life is sacred and untouchable. It must never be attacked. The Holy Individual is equally sacred and untouchable. He too must never be attacked. Individual rights are similarly sacred and untouchable. They also must never be attacked.

But the welfare state batters the hell out of all of them. The regulatory, coercive welfare state – which is currently found everywhere on Earth – is engaged nonstop in assaulting and destroying large parts of the life and the rights of the Holy Individual. The welfare state is massively evil and criminality incarnate.

And it sets a pattern, and enforces an ethos, for lone criminals and organized mafias. Coercion and crime are made to seem normal. A welfare state society – which is by definition a tyrannical society – is naturally a high-crime society. Everyone sees the coercive welfare state involved in the routine repression of rights and the violation of justice, so practically everyone submissively follows along in that train. Criminality is the way of this world.

So to get rid of crime, people first need to get rid of the welfare state. It needs to be replaced with a just and free state. Once a fully liberal society is set up – a society which completely respects human life, the individual, and individual rights – crime rates will fall quickly and radically.