Everyone is brainwashed. Our massively stupid and evil culture indoctrinates us all into illiberalism. Our parents, teachers, preachers, news media, social media, art, entertainment, intellectual journals, universities, and think-tanks brainwash us into a high level of illiberal beliefs and behaviors.
The result is a planet of low dumb monkeys. A world of foolish, wicked, warped, perverted, corrupt, malicious, hateful, disgusting, miserable, filthy animals.
tho reason, science, and philosophy came into the world 2600 years
ago, people still largely think and claim reality is unreal,
existence doesn’t exist, facts are unfactual, and the truth is
untrue. People say that to be reasonable and live rationally is
irrational and immoral.
They argue the universe is a
fantasy and illusion. They say it’s fundamentally unreal and
non-existent or, at best, unknowable. People claim that appearance
and reality conflict often, usually, or always. “God”, however,
exists, and can be known. “The lord”, it seems, is real and true.
These low dumb monkeys go on to claim that selfishness, or concern for the self, is evil. It harms the practitioner and destroys society. These loathsome baboons also claim that greed, or the desire and pursuit of values, is evil. Being selfish and greedy, they say, secretly hurts and undermines the individual, just as it openly hurts and wrecks the group. Instead of aggressively embracing the ideals of enlightened selfishness and rational greed – and trying to make ourselves and our lives great – we should be slaves to the deity, which doesn’t exist, or to the collective, which doesn’t exist either.
The depraved repellent macaques of mankind further argue that freedom is slavery and wicked. They say we should reject personal liberty, social libertarianism, and economic capitalism in favor of welfare statism. We need to “serve humanity” by wildly coercing it. This “soft” form of “benevolent dictatorship” is “for their own good” and “for the greater good”.
Thus, today’s worldwide welfare statism. It’s a mild form of personal, social, and economic tyranny which isn’t all that mild. It’s a moderate form of fascism and socialism which isn’t all that moderate. It’s a limited version of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao which isn’t all that limited.
What a nightmare world this is. What a nightmare set of illiberal beliefs we virtually all hold.
But the painful reality is people do believe this stuff. Essentially everyone is brainwashed. However false and evil, people fervently believe and slavishly follow all of it. Ultimately, this is a planet of low dumb monkeys which desperately needs to be put out of its misery.