Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Value of Liberalism


Liberalism as a personal philosophy can help make you great and happy. It can help make you rich, famous, powerful, and successful. It can let you do great deeds, maximize your potential, realize your dreams, and fulfill your destiny.

Liberalism can give you meaning, purpose, satisfaction, and peace of mind. It can make you honest, brave, strong, and good. It can give you a high character and noble soul. It can make your life rich, full, pleasant, fun, interesting, exciting, exhilarating, marvelous, and magnificent.

Liberalism as a social philosophy can help create cooperation, harmony, peace, brotherhood, alliances, friendship, and love. It can help create a paradise and utopia.

Liberalism is a sweet phenomenon.

But it can also crush the life out of its false, evil, illiberal, intellectual rivals. It can smash to smithereens the enemy philosophies of Third Worldism, Islam, and socialism. It can also beat the living hell out of religious conservatism, collectivist progressivism, and all those who advocate such.

Liberal thinkers are Supermen who fear no evil. Indeed, liberal warriors often walk around looking for dragons to slay and terrible monsters to destroy. However much the semi-formidable commies and muzzies foam at the mouth as they rant and rave – and however maniacal and terrifying they may seem – truly liberal intellectuals and philosophers can verbally and intellectually annihilate them.

So everyone on Earth needs to stop being such pathetic weaklings and miserable failures, and convert to liberalism!

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Human Nature

Are human beings fundamentally and essentially Good or Evil? Or is this the wrong way to frame the question? Or is this the wrong question to ask?

At first glance, human evil is obvious enough. Their irrationality and senselessness is massive and undeniable. The way they attack and damage themselves and their fellow man – both currently and historically – is stunning to see and horrific to contemplate.

And yet human babies seem good enough. Infant human beings are evidently innocent and pure. They almost never seem irrational or senseless. And they rarely or never deliberately harm themselves or even their fellow man.

Kittens and puppies also seem morally good – if such a designation can be applied to them. Indeed, when various high-level mammals are born – including predators – it seems almost ludicrous to judge them morally low. They very much seem loyal to their inborn, intrinsic nature. If such lifeforms aren’t naturally virtuous and good, then at worst they seem morally neutral. They are what they are. They are this based on their inherent biology, and to judge them evil seems untrue and unjust.

Maybe humans are the same. Just looking around at people today, and studying human history, there seems to be a lot of evidence for this. Kids start out mostly sweet and wonderful, but as they grow up they manifestly become corrupted and degraded by their irrational, senseless, illiberal culture. Unhealthy and unhappy society seems to drag them low.

When a human child is born, he initially seems to be quite sincere and honest about looking at his world, himself, and his fellow man. He seems fairly bold and brave too. While he looks to grow and improve, he’s filled with an eager curiosity about virtually everything and everyone; and malicious destructiveness about virtually nothing and no-one.

So the best and most accurate conclusion to draw seems to be that human babies are fundamentally and essentially good. They’re rational, sensible, honest, brave, harmless to self and others, and beneficial to both. It’s malevolent and evil Society that makes humans bad. It’s depraved, irrational, illiberal philosophy and culture that corrupts and degrades humanity. This intellectual and spiritual failure warps and wounds their sacred essence. It almost forces them to damage themselves and their fellows. But when an unattacked product of Mother Nature, human beings are evidently fundamentally and essentially good.