Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Coming of Trump


In many or most respects, the pre-inaugural Donald Trump is acting like a liberal hero. And America and the world are treating him as such. But Trump knows little of true liberalism; and he believes in and advocates it still less.

For 2600 years now life has been a battle between the liberals and the illiberals. The philosophy and culture of liberalism rose under Greece and Rome, but it declined under the Christian Dark Age. Liberalism rose again during the Renaissance and Enlightenment, but retreated during the current welfare statist Dark Age. The world seemingly hit its liberal and civilizational nadir in the 1980s.

Then came the liberal champions Deng Shiao-Ping of China, Mikhail Gorbachev of Russia, Margaret Thatcher of Britain, and Ronald Reagan of America. These four remarkable individuals were both products of the partial return of liberal philosophy and society, and drivers of them. Underlying this minor ascent of man were such liberal intellectuals as Frederich Bastiat, John Stuart Mill, Herbert Spenser, Ludwig von Mises, Frederich Hayek, and, especially, Ayn Rand.

Now comes Donald Trump. Evidently he’s read a small amount of Rand, and he even likes and agrees with her somewhat. But Trump is very shallow and weak intellectually. His rather primitive, petty, and vulgar lifestyle reveals and reflects this. Strategically and psychologically, Trump may be “playing chess, while everyone else is playing checkers” but on the deep and important issues, Trump is mostly playing tic-tac-toe.

Yes, Donald Trump has a rather dynamic and heroic persona and character. He’s something of an alpha male leader. And it even seems like he might emerge as something of an iconic, historic, and transformational figure. Let's hope!

But Trump is also a considerable liar and lowlife. And his main philosophy – to the extent that he has one – is immensely amoral and unprincipled. Trump is fundamentally a pragmatist and utilitarian.

Donald Trump largely rejects right-wing religious conservatism and left-wing collectivist progressivism. But that doesn’t make him a straight-wing individualist liberal. He doesn’t even know what that is! Generally, Trump leans to the contrarian, subversive right as he keeps his distance from RINO, establishment, country-club, and swamp Republicans. He's generally somewhat virtuous overall, and has good instincts, and is a political natural. He’s also a nationalist, populist, and patriot. Trump also favors and practices non-ideological deal-making, doing what works, and common sense.

When it comes to issues of philosophy and profound intellectualism, Donald Trump rarely or never stands on principle. This is because he doesn’t know many good principles and isn’t much aware of what’s right. But Trump realizes this about himself -- which is a kind of strength. He stands somewhat above Right and Left, and thus he has the ability to pick out what's best from both and to somewhat transcend them. This allows him to sometimes go moderately go in the pro-realism, pro-reason, pro-individualism, pro-liberty, liberal direction.

Ultimately, Donald Trump from January 2025 to January 2029 -- assuming he actually lives that long – isn’t likely to advance liberal philosophy and civilization in America and the West that far. Not even liberal politics. Under him, freedom will seemingly only rise slightly -- if that.

This is because Trump simply doesn’t believe in getting rid of fascist drug, prostitution, gambling, and early-abortion prohibitions. He doesn’t believe in eliminating fascist labor laws, business permits, and professional licenses. He doesn’t believe in terminating socialist Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Food Stamps, and housing subsidies. He doesn’t believe in privatizing socialist roads, parks, schools, mail, and money. All of this Donald Trump sees as a species of madness. Political liberalism and libertarianism are ideals he fundamentally opposes.

At best, Trump might cut crime a bit, somewhat deregulate the economy, partially free up the energy industries, deport a moderate amount of illegal aliens, and occasionally stand up for America against enemies like China, Russia, Pakistan, North Korea, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. But Trump is a total welfare statist. His foreign policy is one of engaging with and appeasing evil; he doesn’t believe in victory. His domestic policy is one of coercion and regulation; rhetoric aside, he doesn’t believe in freedom. Trump strongly rejects free statism, economic laissez-faire capitalism, social libertarianism, personal liberty, and political liberalism. And he may well spend like a drunken sailor and get us into some pointless wars.

If someone were to walk up to Donald Trump and quietly point out that the purpose of gov’t is to uphold individual rights, establish liberty and justice for all, protect people and property, prevent the initiation of force, and create a socio-economic system of pure freedom...he wouldn’t know what the hell you were talking about. All of this is alien to his notions of gov't.

Still, political leaders adapt. They improvise and adjust themselves to the times, social situations, cultural trends, and changing intellectual beliefs. They tend to comply with what the masses and elites demand of them. Maybe the leading thinkers of America and the West can somewhat force Trump away from Big Brother and in the direction of freedom. By far the best hope for political liberalization on the planet today is Argentina’s Javier Milei. Maybe from afar Trump can observe and learn from him. Or maybe Milei can personally talk to Trump and influence him directly.

Ultimately, it’s up to the intellectual leaders of the Atlas Society, Objective Standards Institute, Ayn Rand Institute, Cato Institute, Reason magazine, and others to get to work and try to intellectually persuade and personally push Donald Trump in the liberal philosophical and political direction. More important than this, liberal thinkers need to continue to try to win the philosophical battles in the intellectual journals, think-tanks, and elite universities. This will eventually touch Trump, and all the political leaders of the world which follow.

Sunday, January 5, 2025



In order to live forever, humans should probably try to learn from at least three relatively well-documented species which show negligible senescence, i.e. little or no biological deterioration with age. These are:

* Hydra (Hydra vulgaris): tiny freshwater animals which show no signs of aging when protected from predators and disease. They maintain their ability to regenerate cells and avoid cellular deterioration through continuous renewal of their stem cells.

* Immortal Jellyfish (Turritopsis dohrnii): saltwater animals which can revert to an earlier life stage when stressed, avoiding death from aging indefinitely via cycling between adult and polyp stages.

* Planarian Flatworms (Planaria tricladida): small underground animals which can regenerate their entire bodies from small pieces and show no signs of aging due to a large population of stem cells called neoblasts.

People should also probably learn why certain closely-related species have such different lifespans. Here are some:

* Calico rockfish (S. dallii) and Halfbanded rockfish (S. semicinctus) appear to only live 15-20 years while Rougheye rockfish (Sebastes aleutianus) live 200 years or more.

* among bivalve ocean creatures, Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) live about 5-10 years and Common mussels (Mytilus edulis) about 20-25, while Hard-shell clams (Arctica islandica) live over 500 years.

Humans probably need to learn the biological secrets of these creatures, such as by studying their genomes, as well as their mechanisms of negligible and reverse senescence. Then we need to apply such knowledge to ourselves.

Two obvious techniques for this are: (1) using the new CRISPR Cas9 technology to rewrite the human genetic code; and (2) using the old method of gene therapy thru viral vectors to do the same. Both techniques can potentially enhance the longevity of individuals via direct genetic manipulation.

The world needs scientific, medical, and healthcare geniuses to work on all this. The word needs new iterations of Leonardo Da Vinci and Albert Einstein to work on the theoretical and intellectual side of this issue; and new iterations of Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs to work on the practical and effective side.

People profoundly need to shun government funding or
communist research and development on this subject. People need to strictly avoid having the state "throw money at the problem" and utilizing versions of the Post Office and DMV to try to enhance human longevity. This won’t just be ineffective and useless; it will slow down, stop, or reverse progress by diverting scarce money, knowledge, energy, enthusiasm, and publicity from competent researchers and developers.

To defeat mankind’s worst enemy, the Grim Reaper, there is a desperate need to work on this problem immediately. Many billions of dollars and thousands of scientists and doctors are currently working on this issue, but there needs to be far more.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Value of Liberalism


Liberalism as a personal philosophy can help make you great and happy. It can help make you rich, famous, powerful, and successful. It can let you do great deeds, maximize your potential, realize your dreams, and fulfill your destiny.

Liberalism can give you meaning, purpose, satisfaction, and peace of mind. It can make you honest, brave, strong, and good. It can give you a high character and noble soul. It can make your life rich, full, pleasant, fun, interesting, exciting, exhilarating, marvelous, and magnificent.

Liberalism as a social philosophy can help create cooperation, harmony, peace, brotherhood, alliances, friendship, and love. It can help create a paradise and utopia.

Liberalism is a sweet phenomenon.

But it can also crush the life out of its false, evil, illiberal, intellectual rivals. It can smash to smithereens the enemy philosophies of Third Worldism, Islam, and socialism. It can also beat the living hell out of religious conservatism, collectivist progressivism, and all those who advocate such.

Liberal thinkers are Supermen who fear no evil. Indeed, liberal warriors often walk around looking for dragons to slay and terrible monsters to destroy. However much the semi-formidable commies and muzzies foam at the mouth as they rant and rave – and however maniacal and terrifying they may seem – truly liberal intellectuals and philosophers can verbally and intellectually annihilate them.

So everyone on Earth needs to stop being such pathetic weaklings and miserable failures, and convert to liberalism!

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Human Nature

Are human beings fundamentally and essentially Good or Evil? Or is this the wrong way to frame the question? Or is this the wrong question to ask?

At first glance, human evil is obvious enough. Their irrationality and senselessness is massive and undeniable. The way they attack and damage themselves and their fellow man – both currently and historically – is stunning to see and horrific to contemplate.

And yet human babies seem good enough. Infant human beings are evidently innocent and pure. They almost never seem irrational or senseless. And they rarely or never deliberately harm themselves or even their fellow man.

Kittens and puppies also seem morally good – if such a designation can be applied to them. Indeed, when various high-level mammals are born – including predators – it seems almost ludicrous to judge them morally low. They very much seem loyal to their inborn, intrinsic nature. If such lifeforms aren’t naturally virtuous and good, then at worst they seem morally neutral. They are what they are. They are this based on their inherent biology, and to judge them evil seems untrue and unjust.

Maybe humans are the same. Just looking around at people today, and studying human history, there seems to be a lot of evidence for this. Kids start out mostly sweet and wonderful, but as they grow up they manifestly become corrupted and degraded by their irrational, senseless, illiberal culture. Unhealthy and unhappy society seems to drag them low.

When a human child is born, he initially seems to be quite sincere and honest about looking at his world, himself, and his fellow man. He seems fairly bold and brave too. While he looks to grow and improve, he’s filled with an eager curiosity about virtually everything and everyone; and malicious destructiveness about virtually nothing and no-one.

So the best and most accurate conclusion to draw seems to be that human babies are fundamentally and essentially good. They’re rational, sensible, honest, brave, harmless to self and others, and beneficial to both. It’s malevolent and evil Society that makes humans bad. It’s depraved, irrational, illiberal philosophy and culture that corrupts and degrades humanity. This intellectual and spiritual failure warps and wounds their sacred essence. It almost forces them to damage themselves and their fellows. But when an unattacked product of Mother Nature, human beings are evidently fundamentally and essentially good.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024



Everyone is brainwashed. Our massively stupid and evil culture indoctrinates us all into illiberalism. Our parents, teachers, preachers, news media, social media, art, entertainment, intellectual journals, universities, and think-tanks brainwash us into a high level of illiberal beliefs and behaviors.

The result is a planet of low dumb monkeys. A world of foolish, wicked, warped, perverted, corrupt, malicious, hateful, disgusting, miserable, filthy animals.

Even tho reason, science, and philosophy came into the world 2600 years ago, people still largely think and claim reality is unreal, existence doesn’t exist, facts are unfactual, and the truth is untrue. People say that to be reasonable and live rationally is irrational and immoral.

They argue the universe is a fantasy and illusion. They say it’s fundamentally unreal and non-existent or, at best, unknowable. People claim that appearance and reality conflict often, usually, or always. “God”, however, exists, and can be known. “The lord”, it seems, is real and true.

These low dumb monkeys go on to claim that selfishness, or concern for the self, is evil. It harms the practitioner and destroys society. These loathsome baboons also claim that greed, or the desire and pursuit of values, is evil. Being selfish and greedy, they say, secretly hurts and undermines the individual, just as it openly hurts and wrecks the group. Instead of aggressively embracing the ideals of enlightened selfishness and rational greed – and trying to make ourselves and our lives great – we should be slaves to the deity, which doesn’t exist, or to the collective, which doesn’t exist either.

The depraved repellent macaques of mankind further argue that freedom is slavery and wicked. They say we should reject personal liberty, social libertarianism, and economic capitalism in favor of welfare statism. We need to “serve humanity” by wildly coercing it. This “soft” form of “benevolent dictatorship” is “for their own good” and “for the greater good”.

Thus, today’s worldwide welfare statism. It’s a mild form of personal, social, and economic tyranny which isn’t all that mild. It’s a moderate form of fascism and socialism which isn’t all that moderate. It’s a limited version of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao which isn’t all that limited.

What a nightmare world this is. What a nightmare set of illiberal beliefs we virtually all hold.

But the painful reality is people do believe this stuff. Essentially everyone is brainwashed. However false and evil, people fervently believe and slavishly follow all of it. Ultimately, this is a planet of low dumb monkeys which desperately needs to be put out of its misery.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The Good and The Great


It’s rare or unknown today to meet, or even to become aware of, someone who is genuinely educated, insightful, profound, good, or great. Someone who is healthy, strong, confident, light-hearted, fun-filled, serene, joyful, or happy. This failure and misery is because virtually everyone nowadays is so illiberal.

Their philosophy, culture, society, and personal milieu is low, weak, dark, empty, vapid, foolish, corrupt, and depraved. Our post-Enlightenment, post-modern, post-liberal Dark Age is so irrational, ignorant, brainwashed, diseased, absurd, and bizarre that it doesn’t much allow any such solid, fine, accomplished, impressive, magnificent, or heroic person to emerge and thrive. Not even to humbly subsist and precariously survive.

Of course, every philosophy, culture, and society have some contact with reality and truth. Some rationality, understanding, virtue, and excellence. Some liberalism. They’d die without it.

But, nowadays, such persons and societies haven’t much.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

The Working Class


In the wake of the somewhat surprising “Make America Great Again”, Donald Trump, presidential victory of late 2024, his Republicans now seem to be the party of the “earning working class”, while the Democrats are evidently the party of the “thieving working class”. This political transformation and differentiation seemingly began with the “Reagan Democrat” blue-collar workers and voters of the 1980s. It’s worth noting that both Reagan and Trump were heavily opposed – and even hated – by “RINO”, “country club”, and “establishment” Republicans, especially their top leaders.

The earning working class Republican Party supporters are those who genuinely work hard and produce – the skilled workers and entrepreneurs who are the backbone of the American economy, and even society. The thieving working class Democratic Party supporters are those who don’t actually work hard or produce – the low-talent parasites of America. These slackers are usually deadweights or worse. They are the privileged few who sleazily acquire cushy union, mafia, or government civil servant or bureaucratic “jobs” which are usually quite hard to get. These blood-suckers generally have to “know somebody” or “”pay someone off” to obtain these sinecure and “no-show”-type jobs.

Earning working class jobholders don’t earn nearly as much as thieving working class jobholders, but they should. In fact, their respective salary statuses should be reversed. Indeed, in most cases the thieving “job” holders should have their union, mafia, or government employment positions eliminated from the work force completely. These mostly fraudulent and Democratic “workers” are robbers, crooks, parasites, traitors, and cancers which destroy America.

Friday, October 25, 2024



Immigration is destroying the world. The West is being flooded by Third World savages. Ever since 1965 or so, America, Britain, France, Germany, and many others have been under increasing invasion and attack by lowlife foreigners. These people are highly inferior in nature and nurture. They grossly degrade the quality of life in every nation they infect.

The main countries which are heroically resisting this alien assault and metastasizing cancer are Japan, South Korea, Poland, Hungary, and (semi-Western) Russia. They defy currently accepted social standards because they don’t want all the crime, beggary, drain on public resources, debasing of culture, support for tyranny, bigotry, and treason which the Third World barbarians bring. Whether legal or illegal, these almost-all black and brown "migrants" do immense and permanent harm to the mostly-defenseless Western nations they invade and partially take over.

These monkeys are intellectually, morally, and spiritually inferior. These animals are inferior in their childhood upbringing and adulthood culture. They transform and ruin every country they overrun. It's high time this nightmare be stopped.

Only good people should be allowed into the West. Only people of high intellectual and moral quality who improve and uplift the nation. Only those of generally superior education and culture who don’t hate the country and society they’re moving to. Japan, South Korea, Poland, Hungary, and Russia have the right idea. Until recently, so did Canada and Australia.

It isn’t “racist”, “nativist”, or xenophobic” to reject being invaded and taken over by foreign monsters and evil aliens. It’s rational and normal. It’s healthy and virtuous. In today’s Woke world, it’s admirable and heroic.

Why let the tiny civilized portion of the world be ravaged for no good reason? Why uphold a fatuous and depraved social ideal if it means the destruction of mankind?

Wednesday, October 23, 2024



"Vote!" "Go out and vote!" "Be sure to vote!" Moral do-gooders say this a lot. But why do they?

Most people are morons and scumbags. The last thing we should want is for them to "go out and vote". Who wants to be ruled by morons and scumbags?

As a matter of fact, the vast majority of today’s intellectual and moral elite are also morons and scumbags. They shouldn’t vote either. We should lock them up if they try.

For over two centuries now almost everyone in America has voted badly. The United States started out as a partially-capitalist and semi-free nation, but has since gone steadily downhill in the direction of welfare statism and socio-economic enslavement.

And all because of the voters. They almost always decide to cast their ballots for tyranny over liberty. Given a chance, they select Big Brother over individual rights. They’ve perpetrated this monstrosity for over 200 years now and there’s no indication they’re ever going to change.

So the refrain of "be sure to vote" which we frequently hear from self-consciously virtuous busy-bodies is bizarre. Why cheer on evil? Moreover it’s worth noting that when Americans cast their vote for welfare statism over laissez-faire capitalism – as they do about 99% of the time – they’re committing an absolute crime.

Natural Law forbids people from voting to coerce or enslave their fellow man. And this Natural Law supersedes human law and applies to everyone everywhere always. So if someone does vote for coercion or tyranny "because it’s the lesser evil" or "just this once" or "only during the current emergency" or some such, they’re engaging in a criminal act for which they should be incarcerated.

Supporting the new version of Hitler or Stalin – even "not-that-bad" Hitler-lite or Stalin-lite – simply isn’t allowed in civilized society. Justice demands such voting miscreants and malefactors be fined, whipped, and lengthily tossed into the clink. Maybe even stripped of citizenship and deported to a commie or muzzie hellhole.

So all this unreflective, amoral, "get out and vote" business is real nonsense. Only people who are well-educated, and morally good should be allowed to vote. And only people who decently believe in liberty and justice for all.

No buffoons permitted in the voting booth! No graduates of barber or clown college. No nitwits or dirtbags of any type. No rightists, leftists, anarchists, fascists, socialists, or religious nuts. And no-one who has gone on welfare or committed a crime. These are society’s losers, failures, enemies, and traitors. No-one wants to be ruled by them.

Far better if the moral do-gooders of the world were to say: "Don’t vote!" "Stay home, monkey!" "Keep the hell away from the ballot box, pitiful jerk!" and "Don’t make things even worse, you miserable vermin!"

For almost everyone today, voting is a serious crime they should try not to commit.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Natural Disasters


Despite what people today almost universally believe, it is not the job of government to help people recover from natural disasters, like hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, earthquakes, and storms. If they’re hurt, or their homes or businesses are damaged, it’s mostly the job of self-caring individuals to help themselves. It’s also the job of expert aid organizations, both paid and voluntary. It is not the job of a “helpful” welfare state or a “soft” Big Brother, which have no right to exist.

Firstly, in the event of a rare natural disaster, people need to take proper precautions. Afterwards, if disaster has still struck them, they need to call upon their savings and insurance. Next, they need to turn to family and friends. After that, they need to look to neighbors and coworkers. Lastly, they might in desperation try applying to public charities or begging from random strangers. But they better learn a great lesson from this.

Ultimately, specialist and expert aid organizations are pretty good at helping people get back on their feet. Governments, in turn, are terrible.

It’s the job of government to protect people and property – not to assist disaster victims. That’s not part of its function and it has no idea how to do it. The only proper activity of the state after natural disasters is extra police activity to prevent opportunistic looters.

However much our world is currently trapped in the nightmare of the nanny state, and state regulation of everything, government has no right to “rob Peter to pay for the disaster victim Paul”. Proper government isn’t involved in charity or “redistribution” of wealth. That’s robbery and tyranny. Any thieving, “helpful” state agency, or those who support it, need to be tossed in jail for a decade or three. Government should never rob the public treasury to pay for those suffering from life’s inevitable catastrophes, emergencies, injuries, diseases, poverty, bad luck, and the like. That’s the job of the various individuals involved and their professional medical, repair, and construction organizations. By definition, government is incompetent to help and will always foul up.

In the end, everyone needs to be smart, virtuous, and ready, when to comes to potential natural disasters. They also need to have reliable savings and insurance, family and friends, neighbors and coworkers, and so on. If they don’t, that’s their fault.

Such people need to have more self-love and live more responsibly. They need to behave like respectable, worthy adults – not pathetic, helpless children. In certain rare and extreme situations, possibly people should rely upon public charities and random strangers. But proper, proud, and noble folk rarely or never accept charity or beg. Even in the event of a hideous disaster, people should try to be noble souls and not pitiful worms.

Life deep in the Industrial Revolution era is essentially easy. Everyone is rich and ready to roll. But every once in a while horrific disasters strike, and these can be hard. So it’s the job of every person to be overall prepared for them. It’s the job of society too.

But it’s never the job of government to “help”. It’s morally wrong to steal from society and the public coffers. And the “aid” these pathetic people receive from the evil, tyrannical welfare state is almost always dreadful and close to worthless.

People need to create a free and capitalist government, and resultant society, which makes everyone a millionaire. Then they need to use that money and their native intelligence to be ready for emergencies. They need to save plenty of money, get proper insurance, form good relationships with family and friends, and all the rest. Then natural disasters will hurt them far less than before.