Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Liberal Lifestyle

Liberalism gives your life meaning and purpose. It yields a life which is rich and full. Liberalism also makes you healthy and happy. It turns you into someone good and great.

The essence of the 2600-year-old philosophy of liberalism is: 1) the epistemology of reason and science; 2) the ethics of individualism and self-interest; 3) the politics of liberty and justice; 4) the aesthetics of beauty and heroism; 5) the spirituality of transcendence and triumph. There’s no philosophy better.

Still, liberalism is rather theoretical and abstract. A bit general and unspecific. You need to supplement liberal intellectualism with practical and concrete elements too. Something to quickly get you a lot of money and lovers. Plus lots of power and prestige. You need rock-solid, earth-bound, utilitarian elements to help you really exploit and enjoy: 1) sex, drugs, and parties; 2) videos, entertainment, sports, comedy, music, and dance; 3) movies, plays, novels, and short stories; 4) family and friends ; 5) industry and frugality; 6) work and leisure; 7) exercise and rest; 8) relaxation and contemplation; 9) and more.

The center of your life is almost always what you do to invent and create. To accomplish and achieve. To be innovative and productive.

So you need to learn how to truly relish, exploit, enjoy, and profit from your job – which isn’t easy. But practical, concrete, philosophy needs to teach you just that. This will gain you the most pleasure, joy, and ecstasy in life, which you do want, and which is your sacred, moral duty to experience.

Theoretical philosophy is the foundation of life and an absolutely necessary thing. But practical philosophy is hugely beneficial too.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Three Philosophical Alternatives

Now that reason has been discovered, and science and philosophy invented, and now that the Enlightenment has passed, Westerners today essentially hold some combination of three, and only three, philosophies: 1) pre-modernism, a.k.a. religion; 2) post-modernism, a.k.a. nihilism; 3) modernism, a.k.a. rationality. These broad intellectual categories can also be usefully referred to as: right-wing conservativism, left-wing progressivism, and straight-wing liberalism. The conservatives base their conquering ideology on monotheism; the progressives base their conquering ideology on collectivism; and the liberals base their liberating philosophy upon individualism.   

There are elements of truth and goodness to be found in the philosophies of the right-wing and left-wing, but the straight-wing is intellectual, moral, and spiritual perfection. Humans were impressively liberal in the Greek and Roman eras, and more so during the Renaissance and Enlightenment eras. But mankind will be far more impressive and stunning once the “pomos” and “premos” die out completely and the cutting-edge liberals take over – probably in less than a century. Reason, science, and philosophy will then be employed to glorious effect!        

Monday, November 4, 2019

Western History, Liberalism, and Transhumanism

The philosophy, culture, society, lifestyle, perspective, and attitude of liberalism was discovered and invented 2600 years ago in the Athenian colony of Miletus. The philosophy of liberalism, in its essence, is the epistemology of reason and science, the ethics of individualism and self-interest, the politics of liberty and justice, the aesthetics of romanticism and heroism, and the spirituality of transcendence and triumph. 

All liberals are natural transhumanists — and the reverse. They seek to maximize their quality and quantity of life. Liberals and transhumanists ambitiously yearn to transcend their current limitations and become creatures of almost god-like knowledge and power. Seeking to radically enhance longevity is a very normal part of being Western liberal and transhuman.    

But from its beginning, the glorious philosophy of liberalism was opposed and attacked by its opposite ideology, illiberalism. The ignorant, low, weak, and timid were usually anti-liberal. Their intellectual falsity and depravity took three forms: right-wing conservatism, left-wing progressivism, and down-wing nihilism. 

The right-wingers tended to believe that the new, liberal-era version of "god" was the most important thing in the universe, and that the individual's job was to live for its sake, and to nobly serve it as a kind of personal slave. The left-wingers tended to believe that the new liberal-era version of "the collective" was the most important thing in the universe, and that the individual's job was to live for its sake, and to nobly serve it as a kind of personal slave. The down-wing nihilists tended to believe that nothing was important or meaningful in the universe, and that the individual had no job or purpose in this senseless, trivial, fundamentally-empty universe and life.

However, the up-wing liberals realized that the individual was the most important thing in the universe, and that his job in this new, wonderous, magnificent Liberal Era was to nobly live for his own sake and try to be truly great and happy — and even try to be a kind of genius, saint, and hero.

Early conservatives could be found among the mystery cultists of Eleusis. Early progressives could be found among the military communists of Sparta. Early nihilists were generally considerably evil, and thus tended to destroy themselves, and could only be found in temporary, scattered pockets. Early liberals could be found everywhere there were free, healthy, wealthy, successful, happy individuals, groups, and nations.

Up-wing liberal Greeks like Aristotle, Epicurus, and Zeno the Stoic, along with up-wing liberal Romans like Cicero, Lucretius, and Horace, radically enhanced Western Society and individual happiness, and caused them to powerfully ascend in almost every way. But right-wing conservatives, with assistance from their mutually-illiberal allies on the left, eventually caused a horrific Dark Age to descend upon the West in the Medieval Era.

However, new liberals emerged during the Renaissance and Enlightenment, such as Locke, Smith, Voltaire, and Jefferson. Western Civilization became better than ever. Unfortunately, after a few centuries of wondrous light, left-wing progressives, with assistance from their mutually-illiberal allies on the right, caused the current ghastly Dark Age to descend upon the West in the current Postmodern period.

Now, up-wing liberals like the Austrian economists, political libertarians, and philosophical Objectivists have prominently emerged over the past half-century. And so ever since about the 1980s, the philosophy, culture, society, lifestyle, perspective, and attitude of liberalism have been rising.

The latest phase in human development, and the liberal ascent, is 21st century transhumanism. Nothing today is more cutting-edge – or important – than seeking to radically expand the current quality and quantity of human life. Science and medicine have made tremendous strides in increasing health and longevity for simple life forms since the 1990s. Now it’s time to apply this to mankind.

Humans naturally rise. It’s our destiny to achieve immortality.