Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Battle Royale

Ever since reason was discovered and invented in about 585 B.C. – that is, ever since strictly logical thought was successfully isolated from emotions, desires, drives, and instincts – the world has been a battleground between the forces of rationality and irrationality. This means an intellectual, psychological, legal, military, and otherwise war between those who search for and obey reason, and those who blithely ignore or brazenly reject it. This is the purest version of the eternal clash between good and evil.

This seminal reason vs. unreason philosophical conflict manifests itself culturally and societally in a ferocious fight between liberalism and illiberalism. In simple terms, this means the ideals of 1) rationality, 2) individualism, 3) liberty, 4) heroism, and 5) triumph vs. the ideals of 1) religion and nihilism, 2) altruism and collectivism, 3) fascism and socialism, 4) apathy and passivity, and 5) surrender and defeatism. This fundamental battle can also be described as the thought-system of up-wing liberalism vs. that of right-wing conservatism and left-wing regressivism. This means: the magnificent ideology of progress and ascent vs. the ideology of a weak, sad, barbarous status quo vs. the ideology of an even weaker and sadder retreat into worse barbarism.

Clearly the Holy Individual and his derivative, supportive society needs to be as rational and liberal as possible. This is the way to maximum personal greatness and happiness, plus maximum social harmony and prosperity. Selfish pleasure, cultural richness, and the victory of man demand rationality and liberalism.

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