Thursday, April 30, 2020

Gross Intellectual Incompetence

It’s important for everyone in the neoliberal community to take note of the abject failure of the leading Objectivist and libertarian thinkers in the current Communist Chinese Coronavirus (CCC) pandemic. This medical issue commands the center of attention of practically everybody in the world. Now is the time for the Objectivist and libertarian leaders to offer a superior intellectual alternative and shine. And yet the best Objectivists and libertarians are failing to correctly diagnose and prescribe for it.

First, evidently nobody in the Objectivist and libertarian movement is calling for the termination of diplomatic, social, and economic relations with the West’s tyrannical enemies such as China, Russia, Pakistan, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Morally and strategically, this is the right thing to do to undercut these slave societies and their dictators. It’s also what would have mostly or entirely prevented China from importing this pandemic into the West in the first place.

Second, virtually nobody in the Objectivist and libertarian intelligentsia is demanding the complete and immediate termination of coercive quarantining of businesses and social gatherings. And yet free people have the absolute moral and political right to decide the proper way to react to, and behave, in a pandemic – not mindless, coercive, government bureaucrats. And those free choices are, for the most part, likely to be both clever and wise, thus bringing the pandemic to a speedier and less deadly conclusion.

Third, seemingly nobody in the Objectivist and libertarian leadership is calling upon the West to wreak terrible revenge upon China, which has clearly devastated the West’s health and wealth. Justice and simple human decency demand a massive counter-attack upon this evil, tyrannical enemy. So why do the top Objectivist and libertarian thinkers say essentially nothing?

Fourth, not a single top Objectivist or libertarian intellectual seems to be calling for the end of all government regulation, especially medical regulation. By its nature, regulation is coercion: it either forbids people from doing what they want, or it commands them to do what they don’t want. It’s an especially bad thing to do during a medical disaster like the CCC epidemic. And yet where are the leading thinkers demanding an end to medical regulatory agencies like America's FDA, CDC, and NIH? They have no right to exist, they serve no valid function, and their tyrannical rules and regulations leave them with an ocean of blood on their hands. They need to be eliminated.

Fifth, not a single damn top intellectual in the Objectivist and libertarian community is calling for the elimination of the various, humongous, financial, relief packages which are so much not the province of government. The deficit they create is sure to damage the West economically for years, if not decades. People need tot deal with this mostly government-created horror thru their savings and/or borrow from their family, friends, and banks. But as Objectivists and libertarians should know, government is never allowed to just hand out money to its citizens. Any such act is highly unjust to most, and sure to have wildly destructive economic consequences overall.

These are five stunning intellectual failures on the part of the Objectivist and libertarian intellectuals. These hapless clowns don’t seem to understand or support liberal politics and individual liberty at all.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Objectivists, Libertarians, and Freedom

Today’s Objectivists and libertarians are poor advocates for political liberty. They have all the truth in the world on their side – but they still lose pretty much every political argument. The world at large does not come to them for answers.

Objectivists and libertarians lose the debate because they rarely employ principles or argue essentials. Thus they have a hard time cutting to the chase or getting to the point – assuming they even know it. When it comes to publicly discussing the nature and role of government, Objectivists and libertarians focus on side-issues and trivia.

Rather than using their strongest weapon, and arguing the moral case for political liberty, they almost always argue the practical one. This strategy implies that virtue and idealism are on the other side, and thus undercuts them drastically.

Part of the reason Objectivists and libertarians shun moral discussion, and the righteousness of individual liberty, is they’re generally uncomfortable with philosophy and abstract theory. Hence their claims are mostly devoid of intellectual rigor. They try to substitute for this with sarcasm, personal bitterness, and insults to their opponents. But serious political thinkers are not impressed.

Probably the biggest reason Objectivists and libertarians can’t get across the idea that freedom is 100% good in theory and 100% good in practice – other than that they never mention it – is because they hate being hated. They quietly know how radical they are, and how much people are initially shocked and appalled at their theories, and so they assiduously avoid stating them openly or clearly.

Objectivist and libertarian revolutionaries understand how much the current political world is dominated by right-wing conservatives and left-wing progressives – and how much these two ideologies revile genuine liberty, justice, capitalism, libertarianism, laissez-faire, and individual rights. Hence they avoid mentioning them. Objectivists and libertarians can ramble on in their inept arguments for a thousand words without once mentioning them. To most people, especially the Objectivists and libertarians themselves, it seems like such a thing isn’t possible. But the next time you get half a chance – go take a look!

Far the most common technique the Objectivists and libertarians employ, to gain popular acceptance and avoid public loathing, is to disguise themselves as conservatives. They argue – and even dress and look – just like them. They even force themselves to think like them. The end result of all this dishonesty and cowardice is that nowadays the Objectivists and libertarians very much are conservatives, They’re widely and properly known as “people of the right” and (in American terms) as supporters of the Republicans.

All this is just too sad and pitiful for words.

What needs to happen, if the Objectivists and libertarians ever want to win this intellectual battle and convince anyone of quality, is they need to finally start telling the truth. They need to clearly and emphatically admit that they reject conservatism and the Republicans – not just progressivism and the Democrats. They need to publicly confess that they favor complete freedom for every individual and that thus they entirely oppose all government intervention, interference, and force-initiation in human life whatsoever.

Objectivists and libertarians need to loudly, proudly, defiantly say: We reject all vice laws, labor laws, professional licenses, and business permits. We reject all government charity and redistribution of wealth. We oppose all government streets, schools, parks, banks, and money. We oppose and reject all personal, social, and economic regulation whatsoever.

Moreover, we Objectivists and libertarians think people have no right to healthcare, education, housing – or even food and a “living wage”. These are great values to human life, but the free individual alone has the right and duty to seek them, and he by himself can find them at far higher quality and far lower price than with government “help” and as a “right”.

Objectivists and libertarians should flatly state that government only exists to protect people and property. Hence the only legitimate government organizations are the police, military, courts, jails, and a tiny overseeing administration. Moreover they should state that taxation is theft, and thus the tiny amount of money needed to fund the government should be entirely voluntary and contractual.

Of course, the politically-pitiful Objectivists and libertarians can’t really say the stuff above if they don’t understand and believe it. And that’s the point. They don’t.

So, in simple terms, why are the Objectivists and libertarians so terrible when it comes to advocating political liberty?

First, they’re wildly incompetent. Next, they’re profoundly dishonest. Finally, they’re extremely cowardly.

So the current prospects for political liberty on this planet are poor. With friends of freedom like the Objectivists and libertarians, who needs enemies?

Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Platinum Rule

The Golden Rule says: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” But the Platinum Rule says: “Do unto yourself as you would have others do unto themselves.” In other words: “Treat yourself as you want everyone else to treat themselves.”

Because the fact is: As you behave, so you implicitly advocate that others behave. Or even command them to. This is known as “teaching by example” and “leading by example”. It’s an act of extreme power and persuasiveness.

Thus if you self-sacrifice yourself, you are advising or ordering everyone else to self-sacrifice themselves. If you give up your own pleasure, joy, and happiness, you’re telling the world to do likewise. You’re advocating self-destruction and suicide for all.

Nothing could be more wicked than this!

To be sure, virtually no-one today thinks of it this way. Historically, it seems like no-one ever has. But this is a giant mistake. The social message and moral commandment is clear.

People currently and historically view themselves as noble and heroic when they sacrifice or destroy a part of themselves in order to: 1) serve god; 2) serve mankind; 3) serve others, such as family, friends, neighbors, and allies; 4) serve a cause which is “greater than the self”. Ever since the classical Greeks, unselfish individuals have admired themselves as they have selflessly immolated and destroyed themselves.

This type of behavior is foolish and depraved, in and of itself. But the worst part of it is they’re quietly demanding that everybody else be identically self-annihilating.

Such personal destroyers almost invariably claim that they’re not advising this. They claim that they’re not serving as a role-model for all mankind to copy. But they are. Especially if they’re otherwise intellectually wise or morally good. Their silent decree is clear: “Go forth and commit suicide, all of you!”

Nothing could be more wicked than this!

People need to remember the Platinum Rule and obey it: “Do unto yourself as you would have others do unto themselves.” Set a good example. Be transcendently self-preserving, self-loving, pleasure-seeking, joyful, fulfilled, successful, great, and happy. Always bear in mind: However you behave, and whatever moral code you follow, so too you are championing others to behave and follow.

Remember this, all you unselfish vermin – all you self-sacrificing destroyers of the world!

Monday, April 6, 2020

American Rx

America’s healthcare system has truly failed her. The current pandemic shows it. The system didn’t decently keep out the Wuhan Communist virus when it very much could have. It didn’t create or manufacture enough disease tests on time. It hasn’t discovered, and isn’t using, the right drugs and treatments. It isn’t moving near fast enough on inventing and distributing a vaccine. The failure of the American medical system is horrific.

Hence, America’s social life is in ruins, the economy is being systematically destroyed, and people are dying like flies.

Most of this is due to the American healthcare system refusing to stand up to the American political system. It’s due to doctors and medical scientists refusing to support the healthcare utopia of liberty and laissez-faire capitalism. Tyranny is everywhere in the system and the medical folks today hardly breathe a word of complaint.

Free market advocates are essentially non-existent. Virtually the entirety of healthcare professionals object to the principle of political coercion and dictation in their industry not a jot. Thus innovative, brilliant, miraculous products and services in medicine roll out at a snail’s pace and cost a king’s ransom, courtesy of the dictates of the FDA, CDC, NIH, and other tyrannical regulatory agencies which have no right to even exist.

Yet American healthcare companies, hospitals, clinics, universities, pharmacies, doctors, nurses, researchers, and caretakers denounce and fight these red tape monsters hardly at all. While American patients suffer and die in droves, America’s medics meekly bow down and submit to Big Brother.

So here we are. The health and wealth of America has been devastated by this disease from a ruthless enemy.

But maybe it’ll get worse. Perhaps today’s ghastly Medicare, Medicaid, ObamaCare, and Regulatory Abottoir will soon be supplemented or replaced by “Medicare for all”. This threatened nightmare of universal CommieCare promises to be resisted by America’s medical establishment not at all. Indeed, these loathsome bastards may welcome it with open arms.

The incompetence and failure of America’s current healthcare system is a sight to behold. Remarkably slow and negligent service, mixed with sky-high costs, and low-quality treatments. What a combination! And they can’t even get the name of the current disease right.

The Wuhan Communist virus pandemic shows everyone in the land the true nature of America’s medical system: wretched and rotten to the core.