important for everyone in the neoliberal community to take note of
the abject failure of the leading Objectivist and libertarian
thinkers in the current Communist Chinese Coronavirus (CCC) pandemic.
This medical issue commands the center of attention of practically
everybody in the world. Now is the time for the Objectivist and
libertarian leaders to offer a superior intellectual alternative and
shine. And yet the best Objectivists and libertarians are failing to correctly diagnose and prescribe for it.
First, evidently nobody in the Objectivist and libertarian movement is calling for the
termination of diplomatic, social, and economic relations with the West’s tyrannical enemies such as China, Russia, Pakistan, North
Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Morally and strategically,
this is the right thing to do to undercut these slave societies and
their dictators. It’s also what would have mostly or entirely
prevented China from importing this pandemic into the West in the
first place.
virtually nobody in the Objectivist and libertarian intelligentsia is
demanding the complete and immediate termination of coercive
quarantining of businesses and social gatherings. And yet free people have
the absolute moral and political right to decide the proper
way to react to, and behave, in a pandemic – not mindless, coercive,
government bureaucrats. And those free choices are, for the most
part, likely to be both clever and wise, thus bringing the pandemic
to a speedier and less deadly conclusion.
Third, seemingly nobody in the Objectivist and libertarian leadership is calling upon the
West to wreak terrible revenge upon China, which has clearly
devastated the West’s health and wealth. Justice and simple
human decency demand a massive counter-attack upon this evil,
tyrannical enemy. So why do the top Objectivist and libertarian
thinkers say essentially nothing?
not a single top Objectivist or libertarian intellectual seems to be
calling for the end of all government regulation, especially medical
regulation. By its nature, regulation is coercion: it either forbids people
from doing what they want, or it commands them to do what they don’t
want. It’s an especially bad thing to do during a medical disaster
like the CCC epidemic. And yet where are the leading thinkers
demanding an end to medical regulatory agencies like America's FDA, CDC,
and NIH? They have no right to exist, they serve no
valid function, and their tyrannical rules and regulations leave them
with an ocean of blood on their hands. They need to be eliminated.
not a single damn top intellectual in the Objectivist and libertarian
community is calling for the elimination of the various, humongous, financial, relief packages which are so much not the province of government. The deficit they create is sure to damage the West
economically for years, if not decades. People need tot deal with
this mostly government-created horror thru their savings and/or
borrow from their family, friends, and banks. But as Objectivists and libertarians should know, government is never allowed to just hand out money to its citizens. Any such act is highly unjust to most, and sure to have wildly destructive economic consequences overall.
are five stunning intellectual failures on the part of the
Objectivist and libertarian intellectuals. These hapless clowns don’t
seem to understand or support liberal politics and individual liberty
at all.