Monday, April 6, 2020

American Rx

America’s healthcare system has truly failed her. The current pandemic shows it. The system didn’t decently keep out the Wuhan Communist virus when it very much could have. It didn’t create or manufacture enough disease tests on time. It hasn’t discovered, and isn’t using, the right drugs and treatments. It isn’t moving near fast enough on inventing and distributing a vaccine. The failure of the American medical system is horrific.

Hence, America’s social life is in ruins, the economy is being systematically destroyed, and people are dying like flies.

Most of this is due to the American healthcare system refusing to stand up to the American political system. It’s due to doctors and medical scientists refusing to support the healthcare utopia of liberty and laissez-faire capitalism. Tyranny is everywhere in the system and the medical folks today hardly breathe a word of complaint.

Free market advocates are essentially non-existent. Virtually the entirety of healthcare professionals object to the principle of political coercion and dictation in their industry not a jot. Thus innovative, brilliant, miraculous products and services in medicine roll out at a snail’s pace and cost a king’s ransom, courtesy of the dictates of the FDA, CDC, NIH, and other tyrannical regulatory agencies which have no right to even exist.

Yet American healthcare companies, hospitals, clinics, universities, pharmacies, doctors, nurses, researchers, and caretakers denounce and fight these red tape monsters hardly at all. While American patients suffer and die in droves, America’s medics meekly bow down and submit to Big Brother.

So here we are. The health and wealth of America has been devastated by this disease from a ruthless enemy.

But maybe it’ll get worse. Perhaps today’s ghastly Medicare, Medicaid, ObamaCare, and Regulatory Abottoir will soon be supplemented or replaced by “Medicare for all”. This threatened nightmare of universal CommieCare promises to be resisted by America’s medical establishment not at all. Indeed, these loathsome bastards may welcome it with open arms.

The incompetence and failure of America’s current healthcare system is a sight to behold. Remarkably slow and negligent service, mixed with sky-high costs, and low-quality treatments. What a combination! And they can’t even get the name of the current disease right.

The Wuhan Communist virus pandemic shows everyone in the land the true nature of America’s medical system: wretched and rotten to the core.


  1. This is absurd. Deaths per million people, as of April 5, are:

    San Marino......943
    United States....29

    So it's the United States that is in shambles because of its "free-market" health care?

    Our system isn't really free-market in the first place, but is it is a lot less socialized than these other countries. Methinks I smell ideological possession.

  2. Dan Sullivan -- I'm proudly and defiantly an "ideologue". Or at least a limitless champion of liberty, justice, and individual rights.

    But I still think the U.S. medical community's response to the pandemic --- and everything else related to health -- has been dismal. The American Medical Association especially seems to adore tyranny.

    This whole situation could and should have been handled MUCH differently -- much more like Sweden. And I think the politically-stupid, freedom-hating, American doctors are hugely to blame.


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