Friday, July 31, 2020


Truth never damages a cause that is just.” --Mohandas Gandhi

Blacks are inferior to whites. It’s a fact. Pretty much everyone today evades or denies it. But it’s a fact.

Blacks are significantly inferior to whites in both their nature and nurture. Virtually all the scientific and cultural evidence indicates this. But these days virtually no-one white or black cares to hear it.

The Great Lie which practically every one tells is that black and white IQs are essentially identical. And that black culture and white culture are essentially identically rational, moral, healthy, and happy.

So where is the public equality? Blacks and whites have been asking this at least since the 1960s. Why are blacks so economically and socially backward? The only answer or cause which anyone can think of – since the truth is forbidden to openly mention or even secretly consider – is white racism.

Hilarious. How absurd.

Everyone hates racism. Or at least traditional racism: racial abuse, discrimination, and disrespect by whites against blacks. This is universally and passionately condemned. Everyone black and white knows this. However much everyone nowadays may evade and deny it – everyone knows it.

The fact is legal and societal racism against blacks ended in the 1960s. That’s almost three generations ago. Virtually no-one alive today can even remember anti-black racism practiced in real life. And this is so despite ubiquitous propaganda claiming otherwise.

Blacks obtained political equality in the 1960s certainly. And in terms of popular respect and acceptance by half-way decent people of all races, blacks obtained societal equality as well.

So why don’t blacks today rank as high in business success and social esteem? Why do they perform so badly, economically and socially?

Must be racism. Everybody says this.

But what racism? Where? Who’s doing it, why are they, and what exactly are they doing? No answer is given. Or at least none that makes any kind of sense.

So the cause of black and white inequality must be hidden racism. You know, secret racism. Institutional racism. Omnipresent, broad-based, cultural, sociological, and overall racism. Racial inequalities are all due to systemic racism which comes from, and is caused by, you know, the system.

Blacks don’t really believe this. Whites don’t either. Neither race is stupid. But they just don’t know what to believe.

The fact is egalitarianism and progressivism have massively brainwashed both groups. According to these two philosophies, the equality of the races is a fundamental article of faith which it’s unthinkable to question.

But clearly something is wrong with this picture. Blacks and whites may not know what – but clearly it’s something. Everyone quietly knows and admits this.

But it can’t be that blacks are considerably lesser than whites in their genes and upbringing. It just can’t be. So what is it? No-one knows...

The natural result of all this militant and fanatical shunning of reality is that blacks today are massively paranoid. Someone or something is working against them. This is obvious. They just don’t know who or what. Nor how. On all these issues they’re filled with black despair.

Blacks today certainly assume – after 55-plus years of merciless indoctrination – that the “blacks are equal to whites” ignoramuses and liars can’t be wrong. The can’t be evil. And, beyond all doubt, they can’t be the ones doing all the damage.

Why, these egalitarians and equalitarians are the good guys! Indeed, these utter fools and brazen frauds are the black man’s only hope!

So says everyone. And so – at this point – maybe almost everyone believes. Tell a falsehood often enough, and with enough confidence and aggression, and prettyh soon everyone accepts it.

And so here we are! Stuck forever. Trapped in a never-ending nightmare. No-one will tell the truth – and yet this truth is the elephant in the room which is brutally stomping on all the deceived whites and blacks.

If we truly want whites and blacks to get along harmoniously – to live together in peace and brotherhood – then we must face the facts.

And the fact is: Blacks are inferior to whites. This is what all the impartial, scientific evidence indicates. This is what George Rockwell in the ‘60s, Arthur Jensen in the ‘70s, William Shockley in the ‘80s, Charles Murray in the ’90s, and many others more recently have observed.

Blacks are notably inferior in both genetics and culture. This is why they do so poorly economically and socially. It isn’t everyone’s favorite bogeyman “racism”.

If the two races would abandon the current, failed, depraved philosophy that this truth needs to be suppressed at all costs, things would be different. If the two races would halt their current, failed, depraved policy of lying thru their teeth, the situation would change. The relationship between white and black would take on a whole new character – something much more healthy and happy.

Altho some of the ignoramuses and liars of today are partially virtuous in their motives, today’s progressives, multiculturalists, black powerists, and black supremacists are truly doing both races a bad turn.

What people today don’t seem to realize is that admitting a problem exists is half-way to solving it. In the Game of Life, facing an issue squarely, and then acknowledging the truth about it, almost always means solving the majority of it. Evading or denying the problem makes it fester and grow.

Blacks and whites may be the same human species, but they are not the same sub-species. And they usually do not live in the same cultural milieu. At long last it needs to be admitted that these two varieties of humanity generally have contrasting natures and nurtures – significantly divergent biologies and sociologies.


  1. They are the most easily manipulated people, and most impulsively prone to violence. The vatican has been using their thuggish inclinations for over 200 years to overturn sovereign Protestant nations, refusing to bend the knee to the papacy and it's "whore of Babylon" religion. [Rev.17-18]. The Treaty Of 1213 proves who is running the show. The Treaty Of Verona reveals the catholic powers of Europe to be enemies of this former Constitutional Republic. She has, and is, bringing America down. It is not "the jews", not "the Bolsheviks", not "the Freemasons" is their mother, and master. The great harlot seated on the seven hills of Rome!!! "Mystery Babylon the great mother of harlots and abominations in the earth." She is "drunken" on the blood of the disciples of Christ Jesus, and has bewitched the kings of the earth with her sorcery. She controls world commerce, including banking. The highest order of controlling families in the world are all roman catholic, not "jewish". They hide this well from the billion parishioners that believe they have something to do with the true Christ. They never have. They openly bow down to and pray to statues/idols and the catholics don't see what is right in front of their eyes. This is the power of idolatry.[says the Bible on all points.]

  2. Old Scotty -- Not much of what you say is true or relevant to my essay. Philosophy rules the world. Religious philosophy is poor. You should maybe (carefully) try Ayn Rand.


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