Thursday, November 12, 2020

Communism and Religion


Communism and religion are the two great destroyers of Western history and the modern world. Both began in classical Greece. The first serious communists were found in the military dictatorship of Sparta, and the first serious religiosos were found in the mystery cults of Eleusis.

Plato made both false and evil belief-systems much more sophisticated and formidable. He did this with his “demiurge”, which is close to an all-powerful Creator, and with his “republic”, which is close to an all-powerful authoritarianism. Both hateful philosophies demand that the Holy Individual – the cynosure of the universe – sacrifice himself to some nebulous deity or collective which doesn’t truly exist. And other than a handful of oligarchs on top, both ideologies demand massive servitude for all.

Communism and religion are intensely illiberal and anti-modernist. They ruthlessly attack the best of Western Civilization over the past 2600 years. Intellectually, communism and religion essentially deny and reject the epistemology of reason and science. They deny and reject the ethics of individualism and self-interest. They deny and reject the politics of liberty and justice. And they even deny and reject the lofty esthetics and spirituality of heroism and triumph.

Communism and religion are evil incarnate. These fatuous and depraved philosophies need to be annihilated.

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