Friday, June 18, 2021

Shoot to Kill


"Shoot to kill!" That’s the morally correct policy. That's the civilized response. Go after the wild animals, violent attackers, and subhuman monsters by shooting to kill.

In any decent or civilized society, social and political "protesters" aren’t allowed to become criminals. They aren’t allowed to turn into thugs, physical aggressors, and felonious assailants. Social and political "activists" – however passionate they are about their "cause" – aren’t allowed to rage out of control and engage in mayhem and murder. They can’t morally or legally riot, vandalize, loot, commit arson, commit assault, or slaughter innocents. But if they do – you blow them away.

The only proper societal, governmental, and police response to the problem is: Nip it in the bud. Stop it before it starts. End it for all time everywhere. If the "protesters" turn into rampaging thugs and murderous monsters, you blow them to Kingdom Come.

Proper societies and police forces do not negotiate with rioters. They do not tolerate their rapacious street crime or mob violence. The police must never "stand down". The bestial would-be protesters are never "allowed to vent". If these enemies of order and civilization insist upon having their Day of Rage, and physically expressing their apoplexy, then they should be given a few moments to riot and rampage – in order to show their nature – and then they should be terminated.

If these evil clowns feel some (usually pretend) horror over some (usually innocuous) social situation or political event – probably based upon their cockamamie, depraved ideology – then these lowlife bozos need to "write their congressman".

Ha-ha-ha! Got 'em good. But seriously: They need to speak or write to their family, friends, or local representatives, you might say. Or write a letter to the editor. These passionate crusaders can also protest and march and carry furious signs and listen to fiery speeches. But they may not riot.

They also can’t "occupy" property. Or block traffic. Or pose a danger to public safety and order. Or physically threaten social or political opponents. And especially they may not resist or attack the police.

But if they do, society should fall on them like a ton of bricks. The police should beat the living hell out of them.

And these cops should never wear "riot gear". This shouldn’t even exist. The police should never use water hoses, tear gas, or rubber bullets. If a rampaging mob forms, and the fiends inside it defiantly threaten to explode in fury and run wild – or even to become significantly disorderly and unruly – then the police need to call upon their two best buddies: Smith and Wesson.

At most the cops should use their bullhorns to order the dangerous criminals to cease and desist. Then they should fire a few warning shots over their heads. But if the criminal demons don’t immediately halt their riot, cease their attack, stop threatening people and property, run away, and go home, then – shoot to kill! The police need to do their job and deal with this situation properly.

In this way, probably 99% of physical assaults and property destruction will be prevented. So too 90% of "protester" injuries and deaths. And almost all law enforcement officials and police officers will be saved. When it comes time to riot, the authorities and cops shouldn’t mess around.

One key to public order and safety is for the police to never respond "proportionately". They need to always "overreact". All these "mostly peaceful" protesters need to be shut down instantly.

Or at least something close to this. There’s little room for "compromise" or even "reason" on this. The scam protesters and rampaging rioters who seek ownership of the streets must not be allowed to triumph and successfully damage tranquility and peace. Civilization needs to be fiercely protected. No rioting allowed.

As for any non-criminals, true protesters, free speech practitioners, decent human beings, and the like: They need to take care to never participate in a rally, march, or demonstration which "turns violent" or degenerates into a riot. If the "protesters" and "mostly peaceful" multitude becomes a rampaging mob, then all good and law-abiding citizens need to urge their friends, and all responsible citizens, to quit the scene. They need to quickly differentiate themselves from the law-breaking crowd and exit the riot immediately. They also need to think hard, learn a lesson, and figure out how they ended up in a vandalizing, looting, burning, assaulting, maniacal, murderous, monstrous mob to begin with.

Because prudence, decency, morality, and justice demand that all rampaging mobs engaged in rioting, vandalizing, looting, arson, and killing – or which threaten to do so or seem like they might – need to be shot on sight.

The world needs to nip this horror in the bud. It needs to stop this nightmare from ever starting. The legal authorities and police need to be morally good and socially civilized here. In order to protect people and property – which is their sacred duty – they need to shoot to kill all the rioters, feral beasts, and mutant, murderous monsters.

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