Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Your Job


No matter how poor the philosophy, culture, and society is which surrounds you, you still have the sacred moral duty to yourself to maximize your potential, to be as great as you can be, to live as joyfully and happily as possible, and to fulfill your destiny. This is true even if you’re hopelessly trapped inside a planetary, criminal insane asylum.

However bad it is, you never know: You may find a way out if you work really long, hard, smart, and slick. Or one of your friends or allies may show you the way. Or superior space aliens may even rescue you. Or you may live a life well worth living despite being stuck inside Hell.

But no matter what, you need to be ready. And you need to be worthy.

Meanwhile, regardless of the rottenness of your circumstances, you have a special obligation to yourself to do your best. You can’t ask, or realistically expect, any more than that. But you shouldn’t ask any less either. Hang in there, be strong and tough, and when it comes to the challenge and death-struggle of reality, life, self, and people, try like hell to triumph.


  1. Inspiring. I think you are right and thank you for the reminder.


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