Friday, December 24, 2021



Monarchy, feudalism, oligarchy, and theocracy have been almost entirely defeated. Communism and fascism have been defeated too – sort of. At the least, the Soviet Union and its Eastern European communist satellites no longer exist, just as Nazi Germany and its Japanese, Italian, and Spanish fascist allies no longer exist.

So now the enemies of the West and the world are the Moslems and the (post-2015) Monster Leftists. These two are the current champions of evil and destroyers of the planet.

But they’re both still pretty communist in economics and fascist in sociology. Both the muzzies and the multicultis hate economic and social liberty. Both the throat-cutters and the minority supremacists want the Holy Individual enslaved and/or brainwashed out of existence.

According to the sharia-ists and diversitarians, all people must serve god or government. And individuals must be servants and slaves to their fellow man and the collective. The Sacred Self must be sacrificed to religion, the state, and the masses.

Unfortunately for all of us, evil enemy nations – and communist and fascist hellholes – like China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and more, have a lot of troops and bombs to make this happen.

The Moslems of the East and the Monster Leftists of the West are true allies. They’re working hard and well to make worldwide tyranny a reality.

Low-quality blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, and trannies have a position of high privilege in Western society. But not nearly enough to satisfy themselves or the Monster Leftists. So they fight on, devastating Western Civilization, and securing ever-more “rights”, “entitlements”, and privileges as our New Elite – the great Minority Supremacists.

Their only serious opponents, if any, are the right-wing conservatives. Plus the tiny straight-wing liberals.

But in this battle for survival, the Religious Right lacks the intellectual knowledge, moral certainty, social self-confidence, and personal will to defeat the monkey Moslems and mutant Monster Leftists. This is because the conservatives, fundamentally, are highly irrational and altruistic. They’re very similar to their supposed enemies. The conservatives are just about as religious and collectivist as the head-choppers and rioter-looter-arsonists.

So all these irrational, illiberal, depraved, barbaric, self-hating, self-destroying groups give us virtually no hope. The communists, fascists, Moslems, Monster Leftists, and Religious Rightists all have profoundly false and evil philosophies. These five loathsome groups, in fact, need to be annihilated.

The liberals need to replace them all.

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