Sunday, June 12, 2022

Diversity and Inclusion


"Diversity" and "inclusion" are important parts of the illiberal, postmodernist, Dark Age philosophy of Wokism, which emerged around 2015 or so. But the social ideals of diversity and inclusion constitute an attack upon exclusivity, merit, achievement, and greatness. They invite in low, dumb, unworthy, unqualified blacks, Hispanics, women, and other "minorities" to schools, jobs, places, and situations where they don't deserve to be and don't have a right to.

This favortism and bigotry based upon irrelevant biology is malicious and indefensible. Such "social identity group" discrimination is unjust and immoral. The standards and goals of diversity and inclusion harm the good and great people of this Earth. They also degrade the institutions involved and damage the whole society. Diversity and inclusion are an assault upon humanity, especially persons of quality, nobility, and magnficence.

No-one should be become a member of a distinguished group or organization who isn’t himself noteworthy or distinguished. Having dark skin or female genitals aren’t qualifications to join. Only merit, achievement, and excellence should count. Only people of genuinely high value are beneficial to, and worthy of, any exclusive schools, companies, clubs, organizations, and institutions to which they belong.

The selection process for elite groups and organizations should be based upon inborn and developed talent alone. Only superiority and specialness should count. If some black, Hispanic, woman, or minority is undistinguished, unimpressive, unqualified, and unmeritorious, then – just like mediocre whites and males – he needs to be kept the hell out. There’s no substitute for achievement and greatness.


  1. Goodess? Are you inventing a word? Or was it emotionally written? Oh, goodness! We don’t publish when we are emotional. 😢

    Otherwise a gloriously great rebuke of the nonsense. Almost everything one would expect from such a snob who thinks himself better than others.

    Mr. snobby pants can think clearly and write superb on the subject, but unfortunately in spelling, he gets his ass kicked.

    1. You're rather cowardly to write anonymously. Still, thanks for pointing out the spelling error! Everything written has them.

      But, yes, I'm better than many others, such as yourself. It isn't snobbish to know and act like it.

    2. I wouldn't call that a spelling error, more like a typo.

    3. Michael -- Thanks. As a book writer, the typos, spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, formatting foul-ups, etc. just keep on a-comin'! 😉


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