Friday, June 9, 2023

Philosophical Failure


It's a tremendous indictment of philosophy that it evidently can’t offer people the meaning, purpose, and satisfaction that they need. It seemingly can't supply them with the consolation, solace, and hope in life that they demand.

Clearly the various well-developed thought-systems of Democritus, Socrates, Aristotle, Epicurus, Zeno the Stoic, and their successors -- in at least some important senses -- have failed. The simple fact is: no-one wants to die. And no-one wants to think about that immense and terrible eventuality.

But it's the absolute job of philosophy to explain to us why it's going to happen; tell us what it means; and teach us how to deal effectively with this sheer horror and pure evil. But philosophy -- historically and currently -- seems to fail at this.

Hence people turn to "god". They knowingly believe a lie. They deliberately brainwash themselves with as much self-hypnosis, self-created mental fog, and relentless self-deception as is needed to embrace religion. They don't go beyond this, or reject reason entirely, because self-induced irrationality, ignorance, and foolishness is harmful in the short and long term.

But in order to mentally and psychologically escape death, people are willing to be dishonest, cowardly, and slimy. At least up to a certain point. After that, they become afraid, and draw back from the abyss.

But why is philosophy evidently so empty and incompetent that it forces people into such a god-awful choice?

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