Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Sounds of Silence


This is a sissyboy-faggot world. Every adult on Earth is a pussy. It's been this way at least since reason came around. And almost certainly it’s been true since mankind fully developed, 30,000 to 40,000 years ago.

I tend to seek the truth ferociously. One result of this is I write radical things on important topics almost non-stop. Pretty much the only appropriate reactions to them are furious disagreement or thunderous applause. Yet virtually the only response I ever get in real life is...dead silence.

No-one dares to breathe a word. They don't agree with me. They don’t disagree with me. They don't say a single god-damned thing.

On the one hand, no matter how much they agree with me, they don't want to voice their assent to my new and radical ideas because then, seemingly, pretty much everyone on the globe will hate their fucking guts. On the other hand, no matter how much they disagree with me, they don't want to express their dissent because then, seemingly, I’ll skin them alive. People also don't care to utter a single negative word because they usually have little logic to back their conventional beliefs and my arguments generally seem powerful or unanswerable.

Of course, people may find my radical ideas so outlandish to publicly profess that they find me crazy as a person – and thus not worth arguing with. They could also consider me to be a dangerous lunatic – and thus unwise to provoke. Ultimately, I find this display, of intellectual and personal weakness and cowardice, contemptible and disgusting.

The way things generally happen is: I work on an important issue or problem, try to figure it out, publish my determinations, people read it, and then slimy, pathetic humanity says nothing. As already stated, the almost invariable reply to my reasoning and conclusions is...dead silence.

What a way for mankind to advance and me to improve my thinking!

In the end, whenever a howl and scream of agreement or disputement is demanded and inescapable, people find it safer and wiser to say nothing. It’s a complete evasion of the debate and controversy. People think: Best to have no reaction at all!

Thus the ideal response to my writing these days is pure sissyboy-faggotry. After all, this is a planet of weaklings, wimps, losers, failures, dirtbags, slimeballs, cowards, and pussies. Everyone except me.

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