Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Against Judaism and Christianity


The Old Testament was written and edited by Jews mostly during the magnificent Greek Era, and thus contains many elements of sound, excellent, Greek philosophy. The New Testament was written during the magnificent Roman Era, and thus contains many elements of sound, excellent, Roman philosophy.

But the Bible is also suffused with irrationality and supernaturalism. It mostly stands in opposition to reality, this world, Mother Nature, and Natural Law. It rejects individual happiness and human greatness in this world. Jewish and Christian philosophy opposes reason, science, materialism, and “worldliness”. They oppose what Augustine called “The City of Man” in favor of “The City of God”. Ancient monotheists said it was the sacred duty of man not to achieve or be heroic, but rather to be humble, submissive, obedient, and a “slave” to this new “god” thing. These monstrous goals and ideals are why the best and brightest of the Greeks and Romans were so passionate in their desire to defeat the foolish and depraved Jews and Christians.

Greek historian Apion (~20 BC to ~45 AD) noted: “The Jews have chosen a way of life contrary to all humanity.” Roman historian Tacitus (56 to 120 AD) observed: “The practices of the Jews are base and abominable, and owe their persistence to their depravity.”

As for the Jewish offshoots, Tacitus states: “The Christians were convicted [after a terrible fire], not so much for the crime of arson, but of hatred against mankind.” Roman intellectual Celsus [~140 to ~220 AD] criticized the leading thinkers of both Judaism and Christianity saying: “They invite [to their religions] the foolish, the dishonorable, and the stupid.” Moreover: “Their injunctions are like this: ‘Let no-one educated, no-one wise, no-one sensible draw near. For these abilities are thought by us to be evils.’”

It’s very suppressed today, but the fact is the finest intellectuals and philosophers of classical Greece and Rome hated and feared Judaism and Christianity. They saw these bizarre and loathsome belief-systems as alien and inimical to virtue, happiness, and their respective ways of life. What a horror that to this day Western culture still hasn’t decently rejected the disastrous and depraved philosophies of Judaism and Christianity.

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