Monday, February 24, 2025

Free Speech and Chosen Speech


The ultimate answer for the current social media controversy about free speech vs. content moderation/censorship is: custom filtration. Let each individual account-holder choose the material and posts he wishes to see. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter/X, Instagram, TikTok, and many others need to abandon their current mindless and amoral “one-size-fits-all” content-monitoring policy. Instead, they should embrace customization and individual-tailoring.

Some social media group-members embrace right-wing religious conservatism, and tend to want to see many posts on that, along with few or no posts reflecting left-wing collectivist progressivism. Some group-members are the exact opposite. And some are moderates or free-thinkers which want to see a variety of intellectual content. Still others have a personal philosophy or interest which reflects socialism, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Scientology, Existentialism, atheism, hedonism, classical liberalism, libertarianism, Objectivism, and more. This wide variety of human types almost always prefer to view certain types of social media content ahead of others. Their needs and desires should be accommodated.

The best solution to the current content-moderation dilemma is probably for the various social media platforms to make certain parts of their source code freely available to software designers so that they can cleverly and deftly customize the different sites. This way the social media platforms will provide the best user experience to almost all of their diverse collection of participants.

There shouldn’t be “one-size-fits-all” content censorship. Nor should there be content anarchy. Let the customer decide. Let the many different clients of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter/X, Instagram, TokTok, and others finally be free of Big Tech’s Big Brother-like control. Let each person individually customize their social media and select which flavor of these Websites they prefer.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


There’s no shortage of American politicians, journalists, and intellectuals who blithely claim: “Diversity is a strength.” Indeed, the Wokesters, post-modernists, virtue-signallers, societal destroyers, America haters, and lowlifes often brazenly proclaim: "Diversity is our greatest social and civilizational strength."

Examples of this are Hillary Clinton during her 2016 presidential campaign stating: “Diversity is a strength, not a weakness.” At the Democratic National Convention that year, ex-president Barach Obama said: “Our diversity...will always be one of our greatest strengths.” In 2023 President Joe Biden averred: “Diversity is our strength.”

Nothing could be further from the truth. America’s greatest asset and strength is freedom. Political, social, and economic liberty are central to America’s greatness and nobility. They generate wealth, health, virtue, character, cultural richness, scientific progress, military power, peace, social harmony, and personal greatness and happiness. Diversity, on the other hand, leads to weakness, disunity, and destruction. Both the individual and the society suffer.

Professor Robert Putnam’s famous 2007 Harvard study – E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the 21st Century – got it exactly right: Diversity is deadly. It degrades social cohesion and exacerbates civil strife. Putnum observed: “Diversity appears to make people uncomfortable with social interaction generally.” Also that: “In ethnically diverse neighborhoods residents of all races tend to ‘hunker down’ – they withdraw from collective life.” And that: “[I]mmigration and diversity tend to reduce social solidarity and social capital.”

America today has far too many blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, and coloreds inside it. These inferiors hold the United States back and drag it down. They degrade the culture and lower the quality of life, just as they create national disunity, social conflict, lack of cooperation, and inter-group hatred. Natural human solidarity and the brotherhood of man go into the toilette.

Ethnic-wise, America would hugely benefit from more racial and ethnic homogeneity. The nation needs far more naturally high-quality White people in its population. Whites need to breed more and immigration needs to focus much more on true value and objective merit. This means far more Anglo-Saxons, northwest Europeans, and other racially-pure Nordics. The United States would also profit from additional Orientals and Jews.

America needs to get rid of as many naturally and nurturally inferior Third World savages as possible. Such lowlifes, animals, and interior saboteurs considerably diminish America’s unity and strength.

The undeniable truth is: Diversity devastates America. We need to shrink it immediately and radically.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Make YOURSELF Great Again


Every human life is sacred and precious. Every person and existence is like a precious jewel – something to be celebrated, relished, and treasured. It’s the job of every one of us to accomplish and achieve as much as we can during our invaluable, but painfully limited, lifespans. We need to be as great as possible – manifesting an outstanding education, high character, and noble soul – and to live with as much meaning, purpose, pleasure, and happiness as humanly possible. Every sacred soul needs to continuously expand his horizons, maximize his potential, live out his dreams, and fulfill his destiny. Every indomitable spirit needs to forever rise. This is so, however impoverished your society and tyrannical your government. No matter how poor your family, friends, culture, social milieu, job, and circumstances, you still owe it to yourself to work as hard and smart as you can, and to uplift your sacred self and life to the sky.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Immigration Privileges


Proper countries and states are formed when a group of people who own contiguous land get together and voluntarily, unanimously decide to form a government or defensement which will protect their rights, liberties, persons, and properties. The founding fathers of this new country need to formally and officially sign a contract and constitution to this effect.

In theory, such a state could have open borders with no restrictions on visitors and no immigration laws. But in practice, this has never before happened in the history of man, nor is it ever likely to. The people of every country invariably and rightly choose to restrict these two political privileges. They generally restrict or forbid from entering: open enemies, extreme criminals, carriers of deadly diseases, severe lowlifes, lunatics, and often even Communists, Nazis, Moslems, and Satanists. This policy and law is normal, natural, healthy, wise, and morally right.

Thus, when good people establish a new libertarian state, they inform their citizens that they have no right to unilaterally invite in their friends – such as to visit their private property or to work at their private business – if the visitors fall into the above or similar categories. Such citizens do enjoy limitless freedom in themselves, but this does not include the right to violate the country’s visitation and immigration laws. Such laws probably significantly enhance safety and security for all. The only alternative here, for a person to successfully invite in his dubious friends, is to get the defensement to change the policy and laws, based on already agreed-upon principles of law-making.

Otherwise, foreigners are not free to trespass or invade. There is no such individual or civil right. Any temporary visitation or permanent immigration is a matter of political privilege, and thus restricting or forbidding it is not a violation of the invitee's, or would-be visitor's, liberties or rights.