Sunday, February 23, 2025


There’s no shortage of American politicians, journalists, and intellectuals who blithely claim: “Diversity is a strength.” Indeed, the Wokesters, post-modernists, virtue-signallers, societal destroyers, America haters, and lowlifes often brazenly proclaim: "Diversity is our greatest social and civilizational strength."

Examples of this are Hillary Clinton during her 2016 presidential campaign stating: “Diversity is a strength, not a weakness.” At the Democratic National Convention that year, ex-president Barach Obama said: “Our diversity...will always be one of our greatest strengths.” In 2023 President Joe Biden averred: “Diversity is our strength.”

Nothing could be further from the truth. America’s greatest asset and strength is freedom. Political, social, and economic liberty are central to America’s greatness and nobility. They generate wealth, health, virtue, character, cultural richness, scientific progress, military power, peace, social harmony, and personal greatness and happiness. Diversity, on the other hand, leads to weakness, disunity, and destruction. Both the individual and the society suffer.

Professor Robert Putnam’s famous 2007 Harvard study – E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the 21st Century – got it exactly right: Diversity is deadly. It degrades social cohesion and exacerbates civil strife. Putnum observed: “Diversity appears to make people uncomfortable with social interaction generally.” Also that: “In ethnically diverse neighborhoods residents of all races tend to ‘hunker down’ – they withdraw from collective life.” And that: “[I]mmigration and diversity tend to reduce social solidarity and social capital.”

America today has far too many blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, and coloreds inside it. These inferiors hold the United States back and drag it down. They degrade the culture and lower the quality of life, just as they create national disunity, social conflict, lack of cooperation, and inter-group hatred. Natural human solidarity and the brotherhood of man go into the toilette.

Ethnic-wise, America would hugely benefit from more racial and ethnic homogeneity. The nation needs far more naturally high-quality White people in its population. Whites need to breed more and immigration needs to focus much more on true value and objective merit. This means far more Anglo-Saxons, northwest Europeans, and other racially-pure Nordics. The United States would also profit from additional Orientals and Jews.

America needs to get rid of as many naturally and nurturally inferior Third World savages as possible. Such lowlifes, animals, and interior saboteurs considerably diminish America’s unity and strength.

The undeniable truth is: Diversity devastates America. We need to shrink it immediately and radically.

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