Friday, December 25, 2020

Blah, Blah, Blah


Long talk is wrong talk. Teachers and intellectuals need to be clear, exact, and concise. They need to come immediately, directly, and powerfully to the point.

Educators and philosophers shouldn’t waste people’s valuable time and effort with their tedious, empty, long-winded blather. And they especially shouldn’t fool, seduce, or brainwash their innocent victims with droning or ranting. Mesmerizing and indoctrinating defenseless masses or naive students with overlong, tiresome, meandering nonsense is wrong.

If a person has something to say, he should say it. Verbosity is evil. Loquaciousness harms us the listener and reader.

People need to learn to make their point – assuming they have one, which is rare – and then shut the hell up. If somebody can’t say what they want to say quickly, strongly, and right on the money, then they’re likely spouting bullshit. 

Almost any lengthy commentary is an attempt to brainwash – whether the speaker or writer fully realizes it or not. He’s tricking the innocent listener or reader while secretly trying to get the mark to join his stupid, evil cult.

Once a person is fooled into slogging thru some large pile of rubbish, he’s trapped. The dreadful material is now part of him – because he’s committed so much of his valuable time, energy, and life to it. To deny the truth and importance of this recent intellectual content is to destroy a part of himself. And this people won’t do.

In today's world, and always, there are many ridiculous, loathsome, ideological groups and semi-cults out there spewing lies and hurting people. Their mind-warping beliefs are interminable vaporizing and not accurate. Their brain-washing thought-systems are ill-conceived and vicious.

And their winding, torturous folderol is rarely or never “the truth” which "takes time to explain”. In point of fact, their lengthy diatribes are almost invariably fatuous and depraved nonsense, as well as acts of destructive indoctrination.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Enlightenment Revolutions


The American Revolution of 1776-1783 mostly got it right. The French Revolution of 1789-1799 largely got it wrong. The Americans believed in and fought for “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, and in deference to “inalienable rights”. The French believed in and fought for “liberty, equality, fraternity”, and in deference to “the general will”.

The Americans, and their Declaration of Independence, were mostly individualist; the French, and their Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, were largely collectivist. The American revolutionaries essentially thought that sovereignty lay with the individual, and eventually ended up with leaders like Jefferson and Madison. The French revolutionaries essentially thought that sovereignty lay with the nation, and eventually ended up with a leader like Napoleon.

The Americans had a high regard for true reason --  whose leaders were mostly deist. The French established a Cult of Reason -- whose leaders were mostly executed. The Americans overthrew a foreign and tyrannical rule by relatively-virtuous Britain. The French overthrew a local and tyrannical rule by a largely-vicious hereditary monarchy and established church.

But, ultimately, both Enlightenment-based revolutions did believe in, and advance, the cause of individual freedom; and of equal justice and liberty for all.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Communism and Religion


Communism and religion are the two great destroyers of Western history and the modern world. Both began in classical Greece. The first serious communists were found in the military dictatorship of Sparta, and the first serious religiosos were found in the mystery cults of Eleusis.

Plato made both false and evil belief-systems much more sophisticated and formidable. He did this with his “demiurge”, which is close to an all-powerful Creator, and with his “republic”, which is close to an all-powerful authoritarianism. Both hateful philosophies demand that the Holy Individual – the cynosure of the universe – sacrifice himself to some nebulous deity or collective which doesn’t truly exist. And other than a handful of oligarchs on top, both ideologies demand massive servitude for all.

Communism and religion are intensely illiberal and anti-modernist. They ruthlessly attack the best of Western Civilization over the past 2600 years. Intellectually, communism and religion essentially deny and reject the epistemology of reason and science. They deny and reject the ethics of individualism and self-interest. They deny and reject the politics of liberty and justice. And they even deny and reject the lofty esthetics and spirituality of heroism and triumph.

Communism and religion are evil incarnate. These fatuous and depraved philosophies need to be annihilated.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Invention of Religion


The Greeks invented reasonism, but they also invented mystery cultism. These two categories of philosophy are based upon rational thought and unreasoning faith, respectively, and they’re diametric opposites. There’s no way to reconcile or combine them. But that didn’t stop the classical Greeks from trying.

The science-oriented Greeks wanted to gain the broad-based knowledge, prosperity, competence, spiritual power, and personal liberty which a life based upon reason generates. They wanted to be fully alive, dominate their environment, become great, feel strong pleasure, and experience true happiness.

But they also understandably sought to live forever. The Greeks wanted the infinite quality and quantity of life which the mystery cults brazenly promised them.

The nearby Hebrew nation was aware of all of this. So they crafted a religion which attempted to integrate the thought of the pre-Socratic philosophers with that of the cultist Orphics, Dionysians, Demeterites, and Pythagoreans. Later on, the Jewish fathers increased their ambition, and tried to combine mystical Platonism with highly rational Aristotelianism.

This bizarre amalgamation sort of worked, at least in some senses. The hybrid and gargoyle of mature Judaism was developed. Soon after came the similar philosophy of Christianity.

Both early religions replaced the Greek logos (i.e. reason and explanation) with the Jewish and Christian “logos”. Jewish and Christian “law”  which was various arbitrary assertions and commands  also replaced Greek natural law, in which the reasoning human mind deduced objective truths about the real world and discovered rational virtues to be used to achieve human greatness and personal happiness.

But Judeo-Christian “virtues” – unlike rational Greek ones – involve self-sacrifice and self-destruction. You have to become a kind of slave to “god” in order to achieve their claimed immortality. To successfully become this holy servant, you need to believe in god with all of your “heart” – which is a sneaky, lying way of saying with all of your drives and passions. You also need to commit to god with all of your “soul” – which is a sneaky, lying way of saying with all of your mind and will.

Many do this, alas.

So the reconciliation and combination of Greek reasonism with Greek mystery cultism – as manifested in the mature philosophies of Judaism and Christianity – has taken place and is still with us. But the philosophy of reasonism has suffered in the mix. So has mankind.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Cooperation and Harmony in Society


Even if all one cares about is social cooperation and group harmony – and to hell with individual greatness and happiness – then it needs to be known that the best way to get social cooperation and group harmony is thru non-coercion. Don’t make people interact. Don’t coerce them in that direction. Let them remain free.

If cooperation and harmony between people is society’s primary goal – which is fundamentally absurd – then it needs to be realized that the best approach to this is, as it were, roundabout. Don’t seek this ideal directly. Let it happen. Allow the social cooperation and group harmony to develop naturally, organically, peaceably, and freely. Don’t attempt to force it via government tyranny.

Grant each individual in society his full liberty. Respect the rights of man and allow everyone to interact with each other as they will and choose. Because the fact is: People have more than enough sweetness, goodness, common sense, and rationality within them to cooperate harmoniously with their fellows naturally and easily. This practically happens automatically.

Or at least it does if the social cooperation and harmony is allowed to happen and develop freely. But if some ingenious and saintly social engineer chooses to coerce the social interplay – if he wisely and virtuously elects to force friendship and brotherhood down people’s throats – then that pretty much kills all high-quality cooperation and harmony in society.

Just as people quickly and easily become friends and brothers under individual liberty – as the history of Britain and America in the 1800s proved – so too they naturally become enemies and destroyers under government compulsion. When the rights of the Holy Individual are protected – when all members feel safe and secure from societal attack – then social interactivity flourishes.

Tyranny, in contrast, makes everyone hostile to everyone. People rightly see their fellow man as their slave-master which they must now serve. They accurately view their fellows as their hated lords and masters which they now must cooperate and live in harmony with – or else. People inevitably regard these folks with revulsion, and as their evil enemies.

They even tend to see such hostile forces as bizarre, fascist space aliens – and not human beings at all. People they once would have welcomed, and gladly called friends, they now naturally view as noxious insects which need to be squashed. Freedom-loving individuals properly regard these moral slave-masters as vermin fit only for extermination.

Thus if one is personally and philosophically stupid and slimy enough to favor social cooperation and group harmony above the proper and noble goals of individual greatness and happiness, then one should at least try to realize that far the best way to achieve the ideal of cooperation and harmony is via pure individual liberty with zero coercion of the society and collective.

Friday, September 25, 2020

A Great Beginning


The classical Greeks laid the foundation for the magnificent edifice of 2600 years of Western Civilization. Fundamentally, they determined that: 1) man was great; 2) his powerful reason made him so; 3) therefore he should employ it as much as possible. The Greeks essentially concluded that it was man’s job to use his rational mind energetically, systematically, and deeply in order to understand the universe, and thus to live a noble and happy life.

The classical Greeks left the notion of man-as-animal far behind. Rather than a beast, they largely saw man as a type of god. Their thinking and lifestyle created men of lofty minds and noble souls.

The Greeks cast aside most of superstition, magic, and mythology. They generally sought naturalistic and scientific explanations for the nature of the universe, life, society, and individual. With this approach to learning and life, they vanquished age-old ignorance and rapidly acquired a great deal of knowledge and intellectual power.

The Greeks also cast aside much of short-term thinking, narrow self-interest, and immediate pleasure-seeking, in favor of long-term planning, wide self-interest, and deep, long-lasting pleasure. They became personally moral and socially just. Their minds and spirits became healthy and alive.

* * *

It’s true, of course, that the classical Greeks also largely replaced their polytheism with monotheism, their mythology with religion. They invented the mystery cults of Eleusis and Thrace (based just west and north of Athens) putting the worship of Orpheus, Dionysus, and Demeter ahead of the former top gods of Athena, Apollo, and Zeus.

It’s also true that the early Greeks mistakenly combined reason and faith, philosophy and religion, in such loose and tricky belief-systems as that of Pythagoras, Parmenides, and Plato. And soon enough this led to full religions, such as Zarathustraism and then Judaism (based to the east and south of Greece).

But the only Greek thought which was wide-ranging, elaborate, complex, and profound was found in the realm of philosophy, such as Zeno the Stoic, Epicurus, and Aristotle. Full and rich thinking was also found in Plato’s work when he stayed away from the relative shallowness and immorality of theistic speculation.

It’s worth noting that early religious thinking, such as that found in the holy books of the Jewish and Christian bibles, was limited and poor. It was never much rational or philosophical. Religious thought only became decent after true philosophy was smashed, around 100-200 A.D., and all known subsequent ‘philosophers’ became highly religious.

* * *

The pro-reason, pro-science, pro-philosophy Greeks made man great. But the pro-faith, pro-supernaturalism, pro-religion, anti-Greeks drove man low. And it was only a few centuries after this that Western Civilization began a millennium-long Dark Age.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Greco-Roman Liberty


Despite what is almost universally believed – including by practically all Objectivists and libertarians – the classical Greeks and Romans loved political freedom and individual liberty. You can see some of this in the confidence, dynamism, and individuality of their statuary. And you can hear it in their frequent contemptuous references to “Oriental despotism”.

And the Greeks and Romans largely understood what the concepts of political freedom and individual liberty meant. They mostly lived under these social ideals and were proud to do so. The classical Greeks and Romans virtually never stopped comparing their civilized, advanced, and free societies with those of the savage, backward, tyrannical Persians, Germans, Illyrians, Etruscans, and other barbarians all around them.

Why did the philosophy- and science-inventing Greeks ferociously resist the overwhelmingly powerful Persians of the early 5th century B.C.? The poet Simonides (556-468 B.C.) says: “ We fought to crown Greece with freedom.”

The historian Thucydides (460-400 B.C.) once acknowledged “the secret of happiness to be freedom and the secret of freedom to be a brave heart”. So the Greeks courageously resisted tyranny on numerous occasions. The playwright Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.) contrasted “the freeman” with “him enslaved by another’s might”.

One immensely important aspect of political freedom is equal justice for all. And as the great Athenian leader Pericles (495-429 B.C.) noted: "When it is a question of settling private disputes, everyone is equal before the law."

The philosopher Aristotle (284-322 B.C.) generally praised liberty, but then mocked those who argued “because men are equally free [politically], they claim to be absolutely equal [socially]”. Aristotle approvingly stated: “The basis of a democratic state is liberty.” And it should be remembered that the Greeks essentially invented democracy.

The Romans built upon what they learned from the libertarian Greeks and gained a sophisticated understanding of constitutions, rule of law, justice, and certainly political freedom. The historian Sallust (86-34 B.C) noted the irony that often “in the highest [political] position, there is the least freedom of action.” The philosopher Epictetus (55-135 B.C.) added: “Only the educated are [truly] free.”

The poet and intellectual Horace (65-8 B.C.) praised Roman “painters and poets” for their freedom of “bold invention”. He explained: “We claim the liberty for ourselves and in turn we give it to others.” The historian Tacitus (56-120 A.D.) once happily noted: “It is the rare fortune of these days that one may think what one likes and say what one thinks.”

But did the classical Greeks and Romans really understand the relatively difficult concept of freedom of speech? Well, the philosopher Socrates (469-399 B.C.) evidently spent a half-century openly questioning, criticizing, and mocking virtually every powerful person and idea in Athens (frequently during wartime).

The Greeks debated extensively the merits of oligarchy, monarchy, and democracy, while often practicing their marvelous political invention of democracy. But they didn’t praise it uncritically because as the philosopher Plato (428-348 B.C.) observed, often: “Democracy passes into despotism.” Plato condemned even successful dictators by noting: “When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other in order that the people may [continue to] require a [dictatorial] leader.”

Regarding political freedom and individual liberty, Aeschylus observed quite early in Greek history that: “Death is better, a milder fate than tyranny.”

Thursday, September 17, 2020



Man is god. He is goodness and greatness personified. Man is an end in himself. He lives for his own sake.

Man creates his own meaning and purpose. He earns everything he has and deserves everything he is. As Ayn Rand noted: “As man is a being of self-created wealth, so he is a being of self-created soul.” He continually attempts to uplift himself and make his spirit soar.

Man carves out his own existence in nature and reality. He is a dynamic, vivacious, and cutting creature who drives himself forever forward. Man is potentially a hero, saint, and noble soul who forever rises.

Man is as creator. He builds and produces. He invents and achieves. It’s man’s holy duty to always grow and ascend. He is forever traveling onward and upward.

Man is the most wondrous and magnificent thing in the known universe. He is greatness itself. Virtual omniscience and omnipotence are his destiny. Man is god himself.

Monday, September 7, 2020



When people today speak of “capitalism” they almost always mean: government of vast economic regulation. They mean: fascism or welfare statism.

A “capitalist” these days is a rich person or business owner who uses his wealth to regulate his industry to his advantage. He uses his money to manipulate the political system to enrich and empower himself. By “manipulate” is meant coerce; by “empower” is meant acquire the ability to coerce.

But since in the real world capitalism means individual liberty or economic freedom, this current version of capitalism is the opposite of the real deal. Actual capitalists don’t seek to regulate or coerce anyone, nor do they allow anyone else to regulate or coerce them.

Capitalists” nowadays secretly bride the legislators, judges, executives, regulators, and other government authorities with cash under the table. Or they openly bribe them via campaign or charity contributions. Or the bribes take the form of extravagantly-paid, no-show “jobs” for the various government officials, their family, friends, and cronies. Or the pseudo-capitalists fool and bribe the people or voters directly.

The general way these “capitalists” – these robber-baron parasites and authoritarians – become enriched and empowered is they get the bribed government officials to alter the tax, regulation, subsidy, import, and export system to benefit themselves – usually thru some version of a monopoly in their industry. This impoverishes and disempowers their customers and victims – as well as the nation and the world.

These “capitalists” slow human progress and damage world society. Their “alterations” of the tax, regulation, subsidy, import, and export system always involves coercion. This warping of economic freedom can also be called criminality or tyranny. And since real capitalism always means liberty, these “acts of capitalism” always involve the contrary of capitalism.

Under true capitalism the good businessmen and companies thrive and grow rich, while the poor ones go broke and out of business. But under vastly regulated fascist or welfare statist “capitalism” it’s the coercive, thieving, bad businessmen and companies which thrive and grow rich, while everyone else suffers considerable elements of impoverishment and enslavement.

No wonder virtually everyone today hates modern capitalism! They should. Current capitalism is the polar opposite, and death, of real capitalism.

Friday, August 14, 2020

The Moral Depravity of EVERYBODY (In the Aftermath of George Floyd)


The police are scum – for their generally abusive, thuggish, and brutal behavior as they enforce fascist “vice” laws and semi-fascist, government road rules. These two evils contaminate everything they do.

The police protesters are scum – for their demonstrations and marches against a police and societal “systematic racism” which doesn’t exist, while promoting socialist tyranny, and deliberately providing cover for criminals.

The rioters, vandals, looters, arsonists, and assaulters are scum – for obvious reasons. Time to get out the billy-clubs, if not machine guns, and stop these vermin dead in their tracks.

Black Loves Matter, Antifa, and their allies are scum – for being such racist, communist, cop-killing, savage organizations.

Blacks and Hispanics are scum – for being so criminal, welfarist, Big Brotherist, anti-American, generally immoral, broadly bigoted, and specifically racist.

Whites and Jews are scum – for appeasing evil blacks and Hispanics so much, for supporting the black-and-Hispanic-undermining welfare state so strongly, and for being so self-hating and self-destroying.

The intellectuals are scum – for not being able to figure out practically any of this, despite it being so obvious.

The entire American population is scum – for evading or denying the inferiority of blacks and Hispanics as regards their nature, nurture, and volition, i.e. as regards their manifest weakness of genetics, culture, and morality. This dishonesty and cowardice causes deep paranoia, and massively results in blacks and Hispanics faring badly in their personal, social, and economic lives. This evasion and denial of the obvious causes the majority of their backwardness – not white racism. When it comes to the relative merits of the ethnicities, the general populace needs to stop lying thru their teeth.

This is a scumbag world. Every last one of you is guilty of creating and maintaining it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Bigotry on Parade


America is a systemically bigoted nation. It’s systemically racist and sexist. This considerable social evil has been on-going for at least 55 years now.

Kamala Harris wasn’t nominated Tuesday [August 11th, 2020] to be the Democratic vice-presidential candidate because of merit. She isn’t all that smart or politically experienced, and she’s a personal lowlife. Harris was selected mainly because of the (pretend) color of her skin and the nature of her genitalia. She is the great “affirmative action” or Bigotry Candidate of the year. She was chosen by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden because America is a systemically racist and sexist country.

So who is to blame for this horror? What caused this monstrosity? Altho’ many factors are involved – including the near-universal denial of pivotal biological realities – near the top of the list is the remarkable intellectual dishonesty and cowardice of virtually all American whites and males. Their submission to, and appeasement of, raw evil is a disgrace. Their ideological self-hatred and self-destructiveness is a giant part of Tuesday’s hideous display of racism and sexism.

Monday, August 10, 2020

The Power of Philosophy


The power of philosophy is effectively infinite. It can make people believe anything – no matter how false. It can make people do anything – no matter how evil. Philosophy is an exceptionally strong and dangerous weapon to possess.

At times, however, philosophy can be a beneficial tool. It can be a useful, helpful guide to life – even to a noble and magnificent life. But at other times a rotten and misguided philosophy can drive people to the very limits of absurdity and destruction. It can force people to think truly crazy things about themselves and others, and to perpetrate truly horrific acts against themselves and others. As Cicero noted: “There is nothing so ridiculous but some philosopher has said it.” When it comes to stupidity and depravity, philosophy has essentially no limits.

No wonder Cato the Elder and the Romans sent away the famous, visiting, Greek philosophers (Critolaus, Carneades, Diogenes of Babylon) of 155 BC! Considering all the unfamiliar and menacing nonsense they were spouting, the Romans might well have put them to death.

If you understand the intellectual, moral, and spiritual authority of philosophy, it isn’t surprising to see all the atrocities committed by the Russian Bolsheviks and German Nazis. And by the Cambodian Kymer Rouge. And by the Moslems of Saudi Arabia and Iran. And by the fascists under Mussolini, Franco, and Tojo. And by the communists of China, Vietnam, North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba. And by the 1940s medical experimenters of Germany and Japan.

Under philosophy, massive slavery, torture, and murder is common. Especially this past century.

Of course, the major purpose of philosophy is personal happiness – not social utopia. The moment personal philosophers convert and pervert themselves into collectivist ideologues is the moment they should pretty much all be lined up against a wall. The history of social utopian philosophers is about 99% the history of coercion, force, attack, assault, totalitarianism, tyranny, and enslavement.

Collectivist ideologues – with their supposedly brilliant, ingenious, marvelous, and magnificent ideas and ideals – almost always reject persuasion in favor of coercion. Funny how that works out, isn't it? The lofty ideological idealists never convince by being convincing or persuade by being persuasive. Their philosophical understanding and insights are allegedly too good, great, fine, strong, beautiful, and wonderful to bother with that. So their technique is always that of Pol Pot. So too their goals and results.

The simple truth is people need meaning and purpose in their lives. They need goals and ideals. These are non-negotiable imperatives for human existence.

So they turn to philosophy. And, historically, philosophy usually turns on them.

Even Ayn Rand’s wretched, shocking, late-1900s cult was something to be expected. Why shouldn’t she and all her top lieutenants abuse, censor, and excommunicate all of their virtuous, loyal dissidents? Everyone who thinks too freely and asks too many questions? Abuse, censorship, and excommunication of dissidents are what philosophy is all about!

The leading Randroid cultists of the late 1900s and early 2000s had no problem taking a philosophy of reason and individualism, and then turning these ideas upside-down and inside-out. Noble philosophy transforms into lowly religion with ease.

So what can we do to keep it on track? How can we avoid the continuous, historical disasters? One simple idea may be the most important and best.

Freedom of speech is a powerful shield and weapon against bad philosophy. Open discussion and debate radically cleanses, improves, and uplifts it. So long as people are allowed, encouraged, and required to freely and openly doubt, question, criticize, and condemn the dominant ideas and people, philosophy tends to fare far better.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


People are scum. Even the greatest geniuses sand heros. No-one is a saint. No-one is morally good.

Aristotle was a partial religionist and Rand a partial cultist. Aristotle knew perfectly well that “souls” and “gods” didn’t exist. Rand knew perfectly well that freedom of discussion and debate was imperative to philosophy and life. But both acted against these truths and willingly chose the path of personal immorality and social destruction.

Humans were somewhat rational and virtuous during the Helleno-Roman and Renaissance-Enlightenment periods. But then they voluntarily surrendered their relatively liberal philosophy, culture, lifestyle, and attitude. Human beings were happy to believe in and follow the stupidity and depravity of serious Christianity from 500 to 1500. They were happy believe in and follow the stupidity and depravity of serious socialism from 1900 to 2050.

So people are scum. They do tend to eventually ascend philosophically and culturally. But only when they can’t help it and only at a snail’s pace. People are scum.

Friday, July 31, 2020


Truth never damages a cause that is just.” --Mohandas Gandhi

Blacks are inferior to whites. It’s a fact. Pretty much everyone today evades or denies it. But it’s a fact.

Blacks are significantly inferior to whites in both their nature and nurture. Virtually all the scientific and cultural evidence indicates this. But these days virtually no-one white or black cares to hear it.

The Great Lie which practically every one tells is that black and white IQs are essentially identical. And that black culture and white culture are essentially identically rational, moral, healthy, and happy.

So where is the public equality? Blacks and whites have been asking this at least since the 1960s. Why are blacks so economically and socially backward? The only answer or cause which anyone can think of – since the truth is forbidden to openly mention or even secretly consider – is white racism.

Hilarious. How absurd.

Everyone hates racism. Or at least traditional racism: racial abuse, discrimination, and disrespect by whites against blacks. This is universally and passionately condemned. Everyone black and white knows this. However much everyone nowadays may evade and deny it – everyone knows it.

The fact is legal and societal racism against blacks ended in the 1960s. That’s almost three generations ago. Virtually no-one alive today can even remember anti-black racism practiced in real life. And this is so despite ubiquitous propaganda claiming otherwise.

Blacks obtained political equality in the 1960s certainly. And in terms of popular respect and acceptance by half-way decent people of all races, blacks obtained societal equality as well.

So why don’t blacks today rank as high in business success and social esteem? Why do they perform so badly, economically and socially?

Must be racism. Everybody says this.

But what racism? Where? Who’s doing it, why are they, and what exactly are they doing? No answer is given. Or at least none that makes any kind of sense.

So the cause of black and white inequality must be hidden racism. You know, secret racism. Institutional racism. Omnipresent, broad-based, cultural, sociological, and overall racism. Racial inequalities are all due to systemic racism which comes from, and is caused by, you know, the system.

Blacks don’t really believe this. Whites don’t either. Neither race is stupid. But they just don’t know what to believe.

The fact is egalitarianism and progressivism have massively brainwashed both groups. According to these two philosophies, the equality of the races is a fundamental article of faith which it’s unthinkable to question.

But clearly something is wrong with this picture. Blacks and whites may not know what – but clearly it’s something. Everyone quietly knows and admits this.

But it can’t be that blacks are considerably lesser than whites in their genes and upbringing. It just can’t be. So what is it? No-one knows...

The natural result of all this militant and fanatical shunning of reality is that blacks today are massively paranoid. Someone or something is working against them. This is obvious. They just don’t know who or what. Nor how. On all these issues they’re filled with black despair.

Blacks today certainly assume – after 55-plus years of merciless indoctrination – that the “blacks are equal to whites” ignoramuses and liars can’t be wrong. The can’t be evil. And, beyond all doubt, they can’t be the ones doing all the damage.

Why, these egalitarians and equalitarians are the good guys! Indeed, these utter fools and brazen frauds are the black man’s only hope!

So says everyone. And so – at this point – maybe almost everyone believes. Tell a falsehood often enough, and with enough confidence and aggression, and prettyh soon everyone accepts it.

And so here we are! Stuck forever. Trapped in a never-ending nightmare. No-one will tell the truth – and yet this truth is the elephant in the room which is brutally stomping on all the deceived whites and blacks.

If we truly want whites and blacks to get along harmoniously – to live together in peace and brotherhood – then we must face the facts.

And the fact is: Blacks are inferior to whites. This is what all the impartial, scientific evidence indicates. This is what George Rockwell in the ‘60s, Arthur Jensen in the ‘70s, William Shockley in the ‘80s, Charles Murray in the ’90s, and many others more recently have observed.

Blacks are notably inferior in both genetics and culture. This is why they do so poorly economically and socially. It isn’t everyone’s favorite bogeyman “racism”.

If the two races would abandon the current, failed, depraved philosophy that this truth needs to be suppressed at all costs, things would be different. If the two races would halt their current, failed, depraved policy of lying thru their teeth, the situation would change. The relationship between white and black would take on a whole new character – something much more healthy and happy.

Altho some of the ignoramuses and liars of today are partially virtuous in their motives, today’s progressives, multiculturalists, black powerists, and black supremacists are truly doing both races a bad turn.

What people today don’t seem to realize is that admitting a problem exists is half-way to solving it. In the Game of Life, facing an issue squarely, and then acknowledging the truth about it, almost always means solving the majority of it. Evading or denying the problem makes it fester and grow.

Blacks and whites may be the same human species, but they are not the same sub-species. And they usually do not live in the same cultural milieu. At long last it needs to be admitted that these two varieties of humanity generally have contrasting natures and nurtures – significantly divergent biologies and sociologies.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Raising Hell

No child has ever been raised right. All of us have abusive childhoods in our background. And, by objective standards, almost always it’s severe.

The only major exception in modern society is when a kid’s upbringing is, instead, horrific and nightmarish. And certainly it’s doubtful whether space aliens ever adopted a human baby and then raised him in a proper and healthy manner.

Children should be brought up rationally. Their social and learning environment should be one of pure reason, including all the adults and kids they interact with.

Their books and videos should be strictly rational as well. Even their physical bedroom, home, school, play areas, and surroundings should be relatively understandable and coherently organized. And so too their childhood challenges, tests, experiences, and adventures.

Beyond systematic rationality, kids should be treated with the corollaries of that, which includes justice, morality, and merit. Dealing with people and their environment, good behavior should be rewarded and bad behavior punished – and all proportionately.

At the least, the child should have the perception that justice is the societal standard, and that his parents, teachers, friends, and others are at least attempting to reward and punish appropriately and fairly – as reality itself almost always does. Supervising guardian adults, authority figures, and others may lack insight and wisdom at times, and they may not always see enough of reality to treat him equitably, but if the kid knows that they’re indeed trying, then he likely won’t suffer much.

Children also need to be raised in a place which is physically safe from predators and bodily dangers, and which appears to be so to the kid.

A great deal of parental love, understanding, empathy, and emotional and psycho-spiritual support is also important in upbringing – especially when the child is young. As he ages, the massive unconditional love of his family, friends, and others should be gradually replaced with conditional love and support, based upon justice. The kid needs to gradually learn to earn his parents’ affection and caring behavior, just as he also learns to justly and properly return it.

But even if a child today is somewhat raised right – or partially so – he still has huge problems to face. One obvious one is that his powerful and important social world, outside his family and home, is nowadays highly irrational and unjust. Some of this will hit and hurt him directly, of course. And a good deal more he will have to observe in the suffering of others, such as what happens to his family, friends, colleagues, and multitudinous innocents.

Essentially everyone a kid meets in today’s irrational, illiberal, Dark Age culture is either a monster, or a victim of them, or both. Everyone he meets is warped and perverted. All are tortured and demented. Not one is healthy or normal.

So life today is pretty much an unending freak show for any relatively rational, decent, healthy, normal child. It’s like living in Superman’s Bizarro World or on The Planet of the Apes. Just about everyone he interacts with is a sideshow geek and sad, sick twist. For a normal kid – if any ever emerges – Earth today is like living in an unescapable, criminal, insane asylum. The weirdos and wack-jobs – the deviants and demons – are forever coming out of the woodwork to get him.

So the rational, healthy, secure, happy, justice-raised, morality- and merit-loving child has all of that to deal with. Life is quite tough, even for him.’s better than being raised irrationally and unjustly by ignorant, incompetent, morally-low parents.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Coming to Terms with the Past Two Centuries

In general terms, the philosophy of modernist, straight-wing liberalism (i.e. “classical liberalism” or “Enlightenment liberalism”) probably reached its height in the late 1700s in Britain, France, Holland, and America. The philosophy of liberalism was promoted mostly by upper-class intellectuals and the well-educated, but it massively made its way into the middle class and popular culture too, especially by around the mid-1800s.

Ever since the liberal apex of about the 1780s, the world has been a philosophical and cultural battleground between the post-modernist left-wing progressives, the pre-modernist right-wing conservatives, and the modernist straight-wing liberals. The first two groups are absolutely dominant, currently. Still, the liberals have been rising recently, especially since the revolutionary liberal philosopher Ayn Rand came to prominence in the 1960s.

But maybe the names of these three ideologies and their derivative cultures are mistaken and misleading.

It may be more enlightening and useful for humankind to call them left-wing regressives, and right-wing reactionaries, and up-wing liberators. After all, when it comes to our noble and magnificent Western Civilization, leftists today are hugely dedicated to mankind’s destruction. Rightist are hugely dedicated to mankind’s retreat. And straightists (if I may use such a term) are entirely dedicated to mankind’s triumph.

So why flatter the lefties by calling them “progressives” (progressing to where?) when they’re really regressives who seek worldwide destruction and even annihilation? Why flatter the righties by calling them conservatives (conserving what?) when they’re really reactionaries who seek worldwide retreat and even surrender?

I think the "straighties", “uppies”, “northies”, “risers”, “ascenders”, or some such need to find a better language. They need something more powerful with which to attack and eliminate their leftist and rightist enemies.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Human Variety

Humans are far the most intelligent creatures in the known universe. But as countless scientific studies have shown, human intelligence varies significantly from person to person, and ethnic group to ethnic group. Types of intelligence vary considerably too.

Some smart people might excel at 1) solving mathematical, technical, engineering, and abstract scientific problems. 2) Others might be outstanding at economically productive or intellectual innovation, creativity, and inventiveness. 3) Still others might naturally possess a great deal of environmental or social flexibility, adaptability, and adoptability. 4) Certain people might have great emotional, psychological, or spiritual insights into themselves and others. 5) And some folks might have serious, inborn talent at art, music, dance, and entertainment. 6) A few others might be naturally quite good at physical labor, sports, and sex. And so on.

But individual and collective humans don’t just diverge significantly in IQ and types of IQ. They also vary noticeably in natural or inborn VQ, which means virtue quotient or morality. Comparatively speaking, some human beings are genetically saintly and some are savage. Some are naturally, biologically noble souls and some are animals.

In particular, some persons and ethnicities naturally work hard and smart, and shun short-term pleasures in favor of long. But other types naturally parasite off or prey upon their fellows. They have a propensity toward crime, charity-seeking, sloth, and self-indulgence of low, visceral, short-term pleasure over lofty, spiritual, contemplative pleasure and profit.

Of course, the various individuals, groups, ethnicities, and races of mankind can be highly improved or degraded based upon physical and social environment, family and education upbringing, societal acculturation, and more. And individual members of the different ethnic and biological groups can exercise their free will and make volitional choices which have a massively positive or negative effect upon themselves and how they treat others.

Native IQ and VQ have a large influence upon a person’s or race’s essence, quality, culture, progress, and popular esteem. But so do upbringing and volition. Nature, nurture, and free will all have a big impact, personally and collectively.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Trivial Incomprehensible Borefest

According to cultist epigone Leonard Peikoff:

“Though irrationally combined, the elements of invalidly created wholes, like those of valid wholes, are related not by juxtaposition but by necessity. The necessity within the invalid whole derives not from objective facts, but rather from the relationships the integrator can establish based on his non-rational framework. In other words, the source of necessity here is not reality, but the systemic internal consistency of the product – that is, its consistency within its non-rational framework. However unjustified that framework, within it the parts are connected; as with any whole, the parts require one another.” (The DIM Hypothesis, 2012, chapter 1, page 20)

But while slogging thru Peikoff’s Kantian prose, two thoughts kept occurring to me: 1) Does the integration of ideas really require a 350-page tome which is impossible to follow or care about? 2) And does this integration-of-ideas phenomenon really drive human history and destiny to such a powerful extent?

Peikoff clearly says yes to both. Or at least his book does. But far more important in guiding mankind, I would argue, is philosophy as a whole. Or even epistemology as a whole.

In my view, what truly counts – when it comes to individual greatness and happiness, as well as societal prosperity and progress – are the following fundamental epistemological issues:

1) How rational you and your ideas are. 2) How many actual truths you discover and how knowledgeable you become. 3) How relevant and important those new truths and ideas are. 4) How profound and wise they are. 5) How exact and error-free they are. 6) How closely and carefully you observe, measure, record, and publicize your new insights about reality. 7) How intellectually honest you are. 8) How intellectually brave you are. 9) And, yes, how well you organize and integrate your new ideas and insights into a cohesive, non-contradictory whole; or a helpful, comprehensive hierarchy; or a clear, perceptive, deft, nimble, practical, useful, intellectual system in regard to the specific hard or soft science you are currently studying.

Do these nine well and the Holy Individual and society will thrive and ascend like a rocket! How a person thinks is indeed important.

Because as Peikoff endlessly notes, it’s far better to have organized and integrated ideas and concepts in your mind and intellectual system, rather than misorganized and misintegrated ones. It’s more important still to avoid massively disorganzied and disintegrated ideas and concepts. But in order to figure out that simple idea, do we really need to struggle thru 350 pages of turgid, baffling, tedious, pointless, Kantian gibberish?

Monday, June 8, 2020

The Police

The Police are scum. They abuse everybody. It’s the nature of their job.

The police today violate the rights of man. They’re not supposed to – but they do. The police attack people and property. It’s not right – but they do it.

Every nation on earth today is a scumbag welfare state. Every government on the planet wildly violates life, liberty, property, and privacy. It’s the law.

A proper and legitimate state exists in order to defend individual liberty. Its function is to protect innocent people and their property. But nowadays that’s not what government does.

And that’s not what the police do either. The slimy people of earth, and their evil governments, all command the police force to transgress human freedom, and to assault people and property. The democratic masses force the police to disobey Natural Law – the law of liberty and justice for all, which morally and legally governs all of us.

Violating rights and hurting people. That’s what the cops do. They may not like it. They can have no pride in doing so. But violating human rights, and attacking people and property, is what the police do today.

The impact upon them personally, of being almost forced to perpetrate all this evil, is incredibly corrupting.

Yes, occasionally the police will protect individual liberty and the rights of man. Sometimes they will defend innocent people and their property. From time to time the cops will attempt to stop robbery, assault, arson, kidnapping, murder, and the like. Justice gets upheld rather than traduced.

But mostly the police are concerned with enforcing fantasy crimes. Their focus is on fraudulent acts of phony illegality.

Largely today the police are involved with drugs, prostitution, and gambling. These are vice “crimes” or victimless “crimes”. This means cops are assaulting the innocent. They’re interfering in normal, peaceful, human life in order to impose society’s tyranny upon innocents.

When the police aren’t involved with nonsensical, dictatorial morality laws, they’re largely involved with car “crimes” – parking, moving, and paperwork violations. But the welfare state roads that the cars operate upon today shouldn’t be government-owned and government-run in the first place. Streets today are mostly communist thoroughfares which have no right to exist. Thus pretty much all driving and parking today takes place on evil, illegitimate, communist property which the hapless police must now administer.

Since we’re stuck with these awful, welfare state roads – due to the incompetence of virtually all the planet's top intellectuals – we have to have some order there. So the police do need to enforce various social rules with their fines and tickets. Even a few "quality of life" street conduct rules. But most of the car and public behavior rules and laws that the police enforce are quite arbitrary and mindless. And the police enforcing them are often remarkably malicious and cruel. Hence people hate the cops for what they do on the commie roads, and rightly so.

So there you have it. The police mostly do evil and illegal stuff. They wantonly violate rights and criminally attack people and property. No wonder the police are so abusive to the citizenry in their ordinary, everyday behavior.

The fatuous and depraved welfare state, which practically everyone today believes in, essentially forces the cops to be loathsome, dictatorial, injurious jerks.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Early Epistemology

The classical Greeks invented reason. This means thought isolated from emotions, desires, fantasies, hormonal drives, and biological instincts. Thought by itself is pure and uncorrupted. Its power to understand the universe is immense.

Of course, individuals thinkers are limited in intelligence and education, and capable of considerable error. But reason itself, as a tool to understand the world, is vastly reliable and trustworthy. When reason is kept clean – when logic is unadulterated by emotions, desires, fantasies, drives, and instincts – it tends to see the universe with few illusions and great acuity. What the Greeks discovered and invented in the 500s B.C. is important and great almost beyond description.

Rather than just reason and logic, it also could be said that the sixth century Greeks invented epistemology. This means the systematic and meticulous study of comprehension, knowledge, and truth. Early on the Greeks used pure reason to attempt to ascertain the true nature of Nature and the universe. The strength, depth, universality, and certainty of any intellectual conclusion and possible truth was tested and weighed by reason alone.

Reason applied to the study of the physical world was eventually called science. Reason applied to the study of the intellectual world was eventually called the humanities or social sciences. Reason employed to understand nature can be called hard science. Reason employed to understand humanity can be called soft science.

The soft sciences include such subjects as psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, economics, and the massive subject of philosophy. Philosophy includes such subjects as epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, politics, aesthetics, and spirituality. Philosophy is so important to man that some people just say: “The Greeks of the sixth century B.C. invented two main things: science and philosophy.”

Scrupulously and insightfully using reason to determine the nature of the natural world and humanity can result in speculations, claims, and statements which are the absolute and certain truth. Truth is naturally clear and definite – not hazy and vague. Real truth is also a positive and exact thing – not a matter of probability. Truth which is truth is absolute and certain. If it isn’t, then the speculation, claim, or statement put forth can’t accurately be called truth; it isn’t an established, definite, and known truth.

Alas, many classical Greeks rejected reason and science. It reminded them too much of their own mortality. So they invented a “god” to save them. They studied reality and mankind still using a relatively high level of reason, but also mixed with significant amounts of emotion, desire, fantasy, drive, and instinct. But willing something, or believing something, to be true doesn’t make it so. The result of this intellectual and cognitive mixture was an inferior epistemology or method of determining truth.

The first reasonist failures were the nihilists. They solidly emerged within a century. They claimed that existence didn’t exist and that reality wasn’t real. Naturally, they also said that the truth wasn’t true. Even when challenged in their irrationality and condemned for this nonsense, the nihilists nevertheless said that existence, reality, and truth were unknowable to the human mind.

These nihilists believed in relativism and subjectivism. Relativists said that absolute and certain knowledge of reality was impossible; only “truths” which were relative to each other could sometimes be ascertained. Perhaps it could be determined that elephants were bigger than mice – but not what their positive, definitive sizes were. Subjectivists, in turn, also said that absolute and certain knowledge of reality was impossible; they claimed that “truth” varied from person to person and situation to situation. The truth of one character and circumstance was different from the truth of another.

The second reasonist failures were the religiosos. They also emerged within a century. They admitted that existence existed, reality was real, and the truth was true. They knew all this absolutely and certainly because some deity guaranteed it to them. But they also said that the ultimate existent, reality, and truth was this self-same “god”. Religionists offered no serious evidence for these fraudulent and outrageous claims.

The religionists believed in dogma and faith. Dogma said that something was true just because another person said so, especially some religious authority figure. Faith said that some speculations, claims, or statements should simply be accepted as truth without reason or evidence. The faithful want everyone to believe and accept their “truths” as a matter of principle – even if it means flying in the face of reason, science, evidence, and known facts.

Reason tells us that truth is absolute, certain, objective, rational, logical, and scientific. Reason also tells us that a fully rational and logical thought-system reveals the best path towards meaning, purpose, pleasure, greatness, and happiness.