Sunday, May 30, 2021

Analytical Race Theory


Analytical Race Theory argues that browns and blacks are significantly inferior to whites in their nature, nurture, and volition. This means in their biology, culture, and ethics. It also means in their intelligence, upbringing, and private, personal choices.

Because of these considerable, statistical weaknesses, brown and black people succeed less well than white people, personally, socially, and economically. Their failures are not due to systemic, institutional, hidden, or secret racism by whites or society. This is true, despite what today is mostly believed, and almost universally claimed, by those of all races.

Overall brown and black inferiority is real and profound. But because these obvious and important truths are almost entirely evaded or lied about, colored people end up hugely suspicious and paranoid about their inexplicable lack of success. They tend to blame everyone – and with cause. Colored folks plaintively cry out: “Where are all the brown and black Aristotles, Ciceros, Leonardos, Edisons, Einsteins, Sam Waltons, Warren Buffets’s, Steve Jobs’s, and Bill Gates’s?” But the plain reality is such figures don’t exist, historically or currently, due to the manifest weaknesses of coloreds.

Unfortunately for mankind, almost all white, brown, and black intellectual, civic, and political leaders today choose to evade or lie about this. The result is unfocused brown and black bitterness, and hatred at their unknown enemies. Racial mistrust, tension, and conflict flourish, as does hatred of whites.

What none of the fatuous and depraved evaders and liars realize – but what Analytical Race Theory teaches – is that inter-racial harmony, cooperation, and friendship would rise dramatically if only people would stop lying thru their teeth about these pivotal phenomena. Browns and blacks would also uplift themselves radically, if only they knew what the problem was.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Monster Leftism


The great political and socio-economic ideal of all time is freedom, also known as liberalism. Historically, the best and most liberal system of government ever was America around 1800. But the U.S. was still far from fully free and politically perfect.

Even during George Washington’s reign, government funding wasn’t voluntary and contractual. The state fascistly punished private “vice” somewhat. There were a few oligarchic government-protected business monopolies. There were socialist roads, parks, schools, money, and mail delivery. And other tyrannical things. Founding Fathers America wasn’t an entirely free society and couldn’t be called a pure liberia.

As the 1800s progressed, America followed post-revolutionary France’s lead and deviated away from liberty and justice for all. The U.S. took two paths: right-wing conservatism and left-wing progressivism. Altho’ the demarcations weren’t clear and consistent, the conservatives tended to support economic liberty while opposing significant elements of social and personal liberty. The progressives tended to support social and personal liberty while opposing significant elements of economic liberty.

And that’s the way it stayed up until the 1960s.

As late as the 1940s and 1950s you could spot conservative Republicans and Democrats opposing equal rights for the different races, genders, and sexualities while supporting censorship of books, movies, plays, singers, comedians, and entertainers. Progressive Republicans and Democrats favored civil rights and social freedom on all these issues. Conservatives also wanted strong tyranny for victimless “crimes” like drugs, prostitution, and gambling, while progressives usually wanted these private activities legalized or only lightly coerced.

But while conservative Republicans and Democrats may have been fascists and political failures when it came to social and personal liberty in the 1940s and 1950s, they largely reversed this economically. Conservatives righteously opposed the 1930s New Deal and the growing socialism thereafter. Progresssive Republicans and Democrats, in turn, favored the growth of government tyranny when it came to economic programs like the above, as well as Medicare, Medicaid, expanded Welfare, expanded unemployment benefits, expanded government housing, and the like.

But all that changed in the 1960s. The Democrats became the party of intense progressivism, with few or no conservatives. The Republicans became the party of intense conservatism, with few or no progressives. And both leading political philosophies significantly changed their relationship to liberalism and political freedom.

The progressives or Leftists no longer much supported the liberalization of victimless “crime” laws, whereas the conservatives and Republicans sort of did. The Leftists no longer supported equal treatment for whites and blacks, nor for men and women, while the Rightists mostly did. Progressives after 1965 or so opposed civil rights and wanted privileges for “minorities”, often called “affirmative action” discrimination. But this favortism for one tribe over another was socio-economic fascism and tyranny – which the conservatives used to favor. Now the Right was comparatively on the side of liberty and justice, with the Left on the side of government coercion and “social justice”.

After the “counter-culture”, "hippie generation”, and “Age of Aquarius”, the New Left was noticeably more illiberal and anti-liberty than the Right. The conservatives or Rightists of the post-1960s were certainly not liberals or capitalists or any kind of libertarians. But they weren’t nearly as illiberal or pro-tyranny as the updated progressives or New Left. The great philosopher Ayn Rand even identified the New Leftists as being neo-savages and enemies of the Industrial Revolution. And indeed their rejection of large elements of Western Civilization was horrific.

But by 2015 or so, and as exemplified by Senator Bernie Sanders, the philosophy of left-wing progressivism became significantly worse. Both president Barack Obama and president Joe Biden openly boasted they sought to “fundamentally transform America”. Their opposition to America’s liberal or libertarian essence was profound.

The current Left openly advocates socio-personal fascism and economic socialism. Their love of Orwellian enslavement is strong. The so-called progressives – who actually favor massive regression from the European Enlightenment and America’s Founding Fathers – now want a new New Deal or Green New Deal. After the disastrous retreats on liberty in the 1930s and 1960s, the Left wants still more. They now want Big Brother to almost completely take over education and health care. 

And to further their ends, and based upon general principles, the Left even wants to censor most political and philosophical debate, as well as most art and entertainment. Their logic is "hate speech isn't free speech," and false and bigoted views aren't protected by law. Overall, if you dispute the woke Left you must be a bad person, hence your ideas and yourself must be “canceled”. What could be more evil than this?

The new-era regressives have even changed their mind on immigration. They currently want as many low-quality Hispanics, blacks, Moslems, and Third World savages as they can get. However much this devastates America, they don’t care. The new-era Leftists desire them as new voters in order to promote their new politics of fascism, socialism, and tyranny. Unbelievably, the ultra-progressives and new New Leftists now reject merit and quality in American immigration.

Perhaps most shockingly, the evolved and woke Left now favors racism and sexism. In the recent past, they ferociously opposed them. But now their philosophy is tribalist bigotry like “critical race theory”, i.e. “hate whitey, kill whitey”. According to the finest thinkers on the Left, all whites and males are evil by nature. Everything they do, by definition, is bigoted and wicked. And anyone who doesn’t admit this is an advocate of “white supremacy” and “the patriarchy”. Anyone who doesn’t automatically revile and loath whites and males – including other whites and males – is a lover of the KKK and Hitler.

And so the Monster Left is born. Their hatred of liberty is intense. Their ignorance and depravity is amazing. They want individual rights and justice for all to just die.

The post-2015 Monster Left’s love of collectivism and authoritarianism is profound. Pretty much all forms of liberalism need to be crushed. Virtually all aspects of socio-personal libertarianism, economic capitalism, and political liberty need to be terminated.

Monster Leftism loathes Western Civilization, America, capitalism, freedom, whites, males, open debate, free speech, and Enlightenment liberalism. Monster Leftism adores fascism, socialism, and tyranny. Ultimately, the Monster Leftists favor a politics and world of communism, Marxism, Stalinism, Kymer Rouge-style genocide, and Big Brother-style total enslavement.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

White Privilege


"White privilege" is a racist, smear term for white virtue. Whites, both currently and historically, are more accomplished, cultured, intelligent, virtuous, law-abiding, personally-responsible, hard-working, tolerant, and polite than brown and black people. Everyone knows this. So whites tend to enjoy better jobs, housing, transportation, education, health care, friends, spouses, and social treatment. They deserve it. White people have earned it.

It’s truly evil to punish, insult, or guilt-trip whites for their achievements and nobility. White people, racially-speaking, are simply magnificent. They very much merit recognition, appreciation, and reward. This is justice.

Racial equity, in turn, is rank injustice. To give people benefits and "privileges" which they haven’t earned, and don’t deserve, is highly immoral. Instead, brown and black people need to improve and uplift themselves. Browns and blacks need to make their races better than whites. Then they’ll enjoy "colored privilege" – and proudly merit this.

The truth is, white goodness, greatness, and supremacy is wonderful. It’s something we should all respect, admire, and aspire to. It’s something we should all praise, honor, and celebrate.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Media Wars


Conservatives and libertarians are pretty much the most pathetic people on earth. When it comes to the news media and social media, they’re getting the living hell beaten out of them. And yet they don’t fight back.

The leftist regressives (“progressives”) control virtually every powerful media organization in the country. This includes The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. And the regressives openly use them to bash conservatives and libertarians, as well as to brainwash the whole planet into their wicked ideology.

So why don’t the pitiful loser conservatives and libertarians stand up for themselves? Why don’t they counter-attack? Why do they accept such savage beatings from the leftist monsters without decently fighting back?

They certainly can, if they want to. They have the power. Conservatives and libertarians have a mountain of money and support they can call upon. They can easily purchase the above media companies and turn them to their use. Or they can create rival organizations.

This battle is important. The Monster Left has loudly announced to all that they seek to destroy Western Civilization, starting with America. They seek a worldwide communist or collectivist dictatorship based upon their principles of economic socialism, social fascism, speech censorship, minority supremacism, and the wholesale eradication of whites and males. What could be more evil?

Yet the pathetic worm conservatives and libertarians of today militantly refuse to counter-attack. And it’s almost impossible to figure out why.

Do these two philosophy groups seriously not know that they’re morally superior to the regressives? Do they seriously not know that they’re intellectually superior too? Do they seriously not realize that they can create a civilization and society which is far more healthy and happy?

And there’s certainly money to be made in the process. Even if the conservatives and libertarians are completely amoral and unprincipled, they can still reap a fortune. The few modest attempts at a news media alternative have all been fabulously successful. The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and AM talk radio all make money hand over fist. The fledgling news organizations NewsMax and One America News Network are also going like gangbusters.

But there needs to be far more. And the conservatives and libertarians need to move into social media too. The current censorship of their views on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and the like is simply brutal. Maybe WeMe, Parler, Gab, Rumble, Donald Trump’s new companies, or a few others will finally rise up.

Of course, it may be too late. Ever since 1968, the left has engineered a massive invasion of America by Third World savages. They almost all become citizens and vote regressive inside America’s democratic political system.

Moreover, the Monster Left has used the old news media and the new social media so powerfully that possibly they have successfully brainwashed a majority of Westerns and Americans into their philosophy of regressivism. This means: into a hideous regression from the glorious Enlightenment values and ideals of reason and science, individualism and self-interest, liberty and justice, beauty and heroism, transcendence and triumph. Maybe the Monster Left has indoctrinated people enough now that it effectively owns our majority-rule planet.

But maybe not. The conservatives and libertarians need to change their ways and fight back. A good place to start is the news media and social media.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Growing the Government


The more government expands, the more it enslaves. There’s almost an exact one-to-one correspondence between state power gained and individual liberty lost. And Big Government, by its nature, also robs us of our wealth. Thru taxes raised, it steals our irreplaceable time and effort. Ultimately, Big Brother robs us of our soul.

A typical thieving, enslaving Welfare State today might require 15 hours of work a week to fund it. This leaves only about 25 hours a week of income for the individual to spend on himself. But if the illegitimate, criminal Welfare State decides to expand such programs as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, public housing, public health care, public education, public day care, etc., then the typical taxpayer might have to work 18 hours a week to fund it.

Thus everyone is robbed and enslaved 3 extra hours per week. And you're probably working for close to nothing. It’s like being a black slave in the sugar fields of Haiti in the 1700s. If you’re a good person, and work hard and well, you likely get little for your extra efforts.

As the state grows, all that good people typically receive in compensation for their greater toil is a small amount of poor benefits and some low-grade freebies. Such is the nature of the badly-run, inefficient Welfare State. If people would buy these new products and services on their own, instead of getting them from the government, they would receive far better value – assuming they want them at all.

But Leviathan doesn’t just rob and enslave. It also degrades cultural richness, economic productivity, and the human spirit. The Welfare State subtlety but powerfully saps the vitality of society, business, and the individual thru its growth.

An ocean of great novels, movies, plays, t’v’ shows, paintings, and statues never get created, just as a slew of outstanding entertainers, comedians, athletes, civic leaders, inspiring teachers, expert engineers, and scientific geniuses are never born. And a bonanza of miraculous products, services, ideas, and inventions never get invented in the first place. Human greatness and happiness simply get crushed.

This is all due to the ever-expanding Welfare State.