Friday, May 7, 2021

Media Wars


Conservatives and libertarians are pretty much the most pathetic people on earth. When it comes to the news media and social media, they’re getting the living hell beaten out of them. And yet they don’t fight back.

The leftist regressives (“progressives”) control virtually every powerful media organization in the country. This includes The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. And the regressives openly use them to bash conservatives and libertarians, as well as to brainwash the whole planet into their wicked ideology.

So why don’t the pitiful loser conservatives and libertarians stand up for themselves? Why don’t they counter-attack? Why do they accept such savage beatings from the leftist monsters without decently fighting back?

They certainly can, if they want to. They have the power. Conservatives and libertarians have a mountain of money and support they can call upon. They can easily purchase the above media companies and turn them to their use. Or they can create rival organizations.

This battle is important. The Monster Left has loudly announced to all that they seek to destroy Western Civilization, starting with America. They seek a worldwide communist or collectivist dictatorship based upon their principles of economic socialism, social fascism, speech censorship, minority supremacism, and the wholesale eradication of whites and males. What could be more evil?

Yet the pathetic worm conservatives and libertarians of today militantly refuse to counter-attack. And it’s almost impossible to figure out why.

Do these two philosophy groups seriously not know that they’re morally superior to the regressives? Do they seriously not know that they’re intellectually superior too? Do they seriously not realize that they can create a civilization and society which is far more healthy and happy?

And there’s certainly money to be made in the process. Even if the conservatives and libertarians are completely amoral and unprincipled, they can still reap a fortune. The few modest attempts at a news media alternative have all been fabulously successful. The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and AM talk radio all make money hand over fist. The fledgling news organizations NewsMax and One America News Network are also going like gangbusters.

But there needs to be far more. And the conservatives and libertarians need to move into social media too. The current censorship of their views on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and the like is simply brutal. Maybe WeMe, Parler, Gab, Rumble, Donald Trump’s new companies, or a few others will finally rise up.

Of course, it may be too late. Ever since 1968, the left has engineered a massive invasion of America by Third World savages. They almost all become citizens and vote regressive inside America’s democratic political system.

Moreover, the Monster Left has used the old news media and the new social media so powerfully that possibly they have successfully brainwashed a majority of Westerns and Americans into their philosophy of regressivism. This means: into a hideous regression from the glorious Enlightenment values and ideals of reason and science, individualism and self-interest, liberty and justice, beauty and heroism, transcendence and triumph. Maybe the Monster Left has indoctrinated people enough now that it effectively owns our majority-rule planet.

But maybe not. The conservatives and libertarians need to change their ways and fight back. A good place to start is the news media and social media.


  1. Replies
    1. Listen -- I think the conservatives, and especially the libertarians, need to buy the old news and social media or create new ones. Seems simple to me, and so it's inexplicable that these two groups complain so much while doing essentially NOTHING in response to their enemies, the Monster Leftists.


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