Sunday, May 30, 2021

Analytical Race Theory


Analytical Race Theory argues that browns and blacks are significantly inferior to whites in their nature, nurture, and volition. This means in their biology, culture, and ethics. It also means in their intelligence, upbringing, and private, personal choices.

Because of these considerable, statistical weaknesses, brown and black people succeed less well than white people, personally, socially, and economically. Their failures are not due to systemic, institutional, hidden, or secret racism by whites or society. This is true, despite what today is mostly believed, and almost universally claimed, by those of all races.

Overall brown and black inferiority is real and profound. But because these obvious and important truths are almost entirely evaded or lied about, colored people end up hugely suspicious and paranoid about their inexplicable lack of success. They tend to blame everyone – and with cause. Colored folks plaintively cry out: “Where are all the brown and black Aristotles, Ciceros, Leonardos, Edisons, Einsteins, Sam Waltons, Warren Buffets’s, Steve Jobs’s, and Bill Gates’s?” But the plain reality is such figures don’t exist, historically or currently, due to the manifest weaknesses of coloreds.

Unfortunately for mankind, almost all white, brown, and black intellectual, civic, and political leaders today choose to evade or lie about this. The result is unfocused brown and black bitterness, and hatred at their unknown enemies. Racial mistrust, tension, and conflict flourish, as does hatred of whites.

What none of the fatuous and depraved evaders and liars realize – but what Analytical Race Theory teaches – is that inter-racial harmony, cooperation, and friendship would rise dramatically if only people would stop lying thru their teeth about these pivotal phenomena. Browns and blacks would also uplift themselves radically, if only they knew what the problem was.


  1. This should be a VALID field of study.

    1. Unknown -- Absolutely. Differences between the races, genders, sexualities, and other groups exist and sometimes are important. But the dominant philosophies of today -- egalitarianism, feminism, democracy, equity, etc. -- say the brotherhood of man is enhanced if we all evade or lie about them. The opposite is true.

    2. It is a valid field of study -Look up Socialbiology; Theory. Sociobiologists maintain that human behavior, as well as nonhuman animal behavior, can be partly explained as the outcome of natural selection. They contend that in order to fully understand behavior, it must be analyzed in terms of evolutionary considerations.

      In brief, people are a product of their DNA, first and foremost.

    3. Milton Ragsdale -- Well, I don't know if Natural Selection and DNA are dominant. But they're DAMNED important. I think every individual, nationality, subrace, and race is a product of their nature, nurture, and individual choices. All three are important. But our illiberal world is too dishonest and cowardly to discuss it all rationally and fairly.


Please try to be intelligent, insightful, substantive, and respectful in your valued remarks. Thanks! :-)