Monday, April 4, 2022

Recipe for Disaster

Nuclear bombs and welfare statism don’t mix. And since it’s generally undesirable and impossible to go backward in science and technology, mankind needs to go forward in politics. It’s fairly well known – even in today’s world of high governmental ignorance – that “free” nations rarely or never go to war with each other. So all of today’s communist, Islamic, and tribalist slave nations need to be converted to free ones. So too all of today’s semi-tyrannical Western welfare states.

For the nuclear-armed West, this means no more helpful and caring “soft” tyranny. No more beneficial and friendly “moderate” coercion of the Holy Individual. No more governmental attacks, and initiations of force, upon persons or groups “for their own good” or “for the greater good”. No more dictatorial regulation of social, economic, or personal behavior. Let men be free!

If the state stops attacking the Sacred Self, he’ll feel safe, protected, confident, free, happy, and prosperous. He and his nation won’t have any motivation to go to war. They won’t have much ability to either.

In a free society with an effective libertarian government, every man is protected from criminals, and from his government. No-one makes war upon him. People and property are protected from both street thugs and Big Brother do-gooders. 

Under political liberty, there’s no more collectivist attacks upon individuals “in the public interest” and “for the good of all”. Such assaults make people so unhappy and lead to such social strife! When aggressive violence is removed from the powers of state, virtually everyone becomes safe, secure, friendly, cooperative, happy, and content. War fades into a distant memory. 

Nowadays, nuclear devices should only be used against asteroids and space aliens. The tyrannical, bellicose welfare state needs to become ancient history. Society and government should feature individual liberty for all and nuclear bombs for none.

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