Sunday, April 17, 2022



The French Revolution liberated mankind from the monarchy and church. Princes and bishops no longer enslaved men’s bodies and minds. Or, at least, the revolution mostly achieved this.

But kings and popes were never fully replaced with libertarians and atheists. The philosophers and intellectuals of the new era were never fully rational and wise. They never discovered or invented pure liberalism.

Instead, they pieced together the tepid philosophies of Rightism and Leftism. These could also be referred to as pre-modernist, religious conservatism and post-modernist collectivist progressivism. The first belief-system mostly rejected reason and wanted men to self-sacrifice, and live in servitude to, an amorphous, non-existent, empty "god". The second belief-system mostly rejected reason and wanted men to self-sacrifice, and live in servitude to, an amorphous, non-existent, empty "collective".

Rightism and Leftism are deviant belief-systems. The term comes from the Latin words "de", as in from, and "via", as in road. Both ideologies are irrational fanaticisms which take the Holy Individual off the proper road. They lead him astray. By accepting either of these two erroneous and failed philosophies to guide themselves, people wander off the true path, and wind up in the ditch or lost in the woods.

Rightism and Leftism need to be replaced by Straightism. This means the philosophy of liberalism. The true path is one of reason and science, individualism and self-interest, liberty and justice. People need to follow the straight and narrow. They need to find and stick to the one true way. The path to enlightenment and wisdom, greatness and happiness, lies straight ahead.

Rightism and Leftism are deviant philosophies which seriously misdirect and harm mankind. Straightist liberalism is the road to follow.

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