Thursday, March 30, 2023



Hostage-takers should be met with immediate and overwhelming force. This nips the problem in the bud. And the hostage-takers deserve this. Capturing an innocent, threatening his life, and ransoming him off is an act of incredible evil. Persons, mafias, and dictatorships that do such a thing need to be dealt with quickly and severely.

Negotiating with such monsters is morally depraved. Giving them money, favors, and prisoners in exchange for the hostage’s life is a terrible crime which rewards and empowers evil. It also ensures hostage-taking will increase in the near future.

Unfortunately, America and the West have a long history of proudly and defiantly saying: "We don’t negotiate with, or make deals with, hostage-takers." Then they do just the opposite. Their absurd and laughable boasts of defiance are too contemptable and disgusting for words. The fact is: rapid, harsh, proper, effective responses to hostage-taking are rare. Communist and Moslem tyrannies especially like to take Americans and other Westerners hostage.

This almost always works. The bad guys almost never pay a decent penalty. The sissiness and impotence of America and the West is lengendary. Their weakness is vast and their humiliation virtually never ends. What a horror for the supposedly superior folks of Western "civilization" to be continually shamed and disgraced in this manner!

When will America and the West finally stand up for themselves, fight back, and show a bit of self-respect and personal honor? When will the evil enemies be properly smashed and defeated? Not in any of our lifetimes.

At long last, America and the Western nations need to convert to the strong and heroic philosophy of liberalism. Until then, the shame and humiliation of hostage-taking and ransom-paying will never end.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Planet of Monsters

Humans are natural predators, parasites, tyrants, slaves, animals, beasts, and monsters. The evidence for this is overwhelming.

The personal and social destructiveness of mankind is massive. Their intellectual cowardice and dishonesty are stunning. Their shallowness, pettiness, meanness, and nastiness leave you numb. Human beings are truly disgusting, appalling, revolting creatures.

The moment you spot a human you should beat the living hell out of it. Or run for your life. Or grab your vomit bag.

People are essentially evil incarnate. They're lowlifes, slimeballs, and scumbags virtually without end.

But human beings aren't pure evil. Pure evil doesn’t exist. It can't exist. Evil ideas, institutions, and creatures naturally destroy themselves. They cause themselves to fall out of existence. So, however much they may seem to be, people aren't pure evil.

The individual human doesn't attack and obliterate himself utterly. Nor does he do so to his fellow man. And vice-versa.

I myself certainly wasn't born to destroy myself, nor the people around me. That isn't part of my nature. And yet I was definitely taught this! My fellow, miserable, mutant, monkey-man's attempt to indoctrinate me into omni-destructionism was and is relentless.

But I still resist it. And the older I get, the stronger I get. Mankind has failed in its ferocious intent to brainwash and manhandle me into monstrous depravity.

Better luck next time, boys!

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Monetary Policy


Money, banks, loans, credit policy, and interest rates should be private and capitalist. But in America they’re mostly governmental and communist. The remaining "free" ones are regulated to death. Among other things, this leads to inflation, poor banking service, high banking costs, low interest paid on savings accounts, difficulty in getting loans, and high loan costs. This is a recipe for poverty and economic collapse.

Federal and state banking charters shouldn't exist. Nor should the Federal Reserve System. Nor the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Nor the Securities and Exchange Commission. Nor financial regulations. Nor bank bailouts. But all of these are pervasive. This is a recipe for poverty and economic collapse.

America’s monopoly, communist, "funny money" even stopped being backed by gold and silver partially in 1933 and completely by 1971. This is a recipe for poverty and economic collapse.

The fascist, tyrannical, American government particularly regulates and coerces private banks to make loans based on bigotry. It mandates racism, sexism, and class warfare. It compels favoritism and low standards for all non-whites, non-males, and non-wealthy. This is a recipe for poverty and economic collapse.

Hence the dozen or more artificially created booms, busts, and panics in American history. The semi-communist federal government even caused an economic depression which lasted over a decade (1929-1941). This removal of financial liberty also devastates American society and culture.

Such economic regulation, coercion, fascism, communism, and tyranny dooms us all. We need to deregulate, privatize, and liberate quickly and radically. Or America will continue to suffer bankruptcy and financial ruin, eventually followed by social disintegration and tyrannical revolution.

Friday, March 10, 2023

The Superior Philosophies of the Communists and Moslems


Practically everyone today assumes that the American philosophy, culture, and lifestyle of Western liberalism is far better than that of the various communist and Moslem nations. But is it?

However weak and awful those commie and muzzie societies may be, at least they don’t hate, abuse, and violate the rights of whites and males at a high level. Nor do they praise blacks, Hispanics, and women as immensely superior, and then favor them in social policy. Nor do the communist and Moslem societies allow evil, enemy, Third World, savage "migrants" to invade, degrade, and debauch their counties. These non-Western countries also don’t intellectually and morally condemn their own peoples, belief-systems, cultures, social systems, and political systems.

America is guilty of all of these crimes. The self-hating, self-destroying, American nation embraces all of this absurdity and depravity. And more.

America is currently obsessed with the bizarre, trivial, and ugly subject of transsexuality. It’s infected with CRT, DEI, and ESG, while promoting BIPOCs and LGBTQIA+s, and not condemning BLM or Antifa. The homeless and criminals rule most big cities. And in America you usually can’t even get needed opiate pain medication, however terrible the agony.

So who needs this wretched American philosophy? Who in hell wants to suffer under it? However generally failed and dreadful communist and Moslem nations may be, their explicit philosophies are in many respects superior.

So the current world situation is a true "clash of civilizations", just as Samuel Huntington noted in his famous 1996 book. It’s a great question as to who will win and who should win.

Ultimately, even the disgusting, insectoid communists and Moslems of today refuse to embrace the foolish and loathsome Woke philosophy of America. However much smug Americans continue to claim intellectual, cultural, moral, and spiritual superiority over their rivals, even 12-year-old kids in China, Russia, Vietnam, Pakistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia can see that these claims are often false.

America’s dominant philosophy of Wokism advocates a horrific combination of irrationality, anti-sciencism, socialism, fascism, anti-Americanism, anti-Westernism, anti-Enlightenmentism, moral equivalency, cultural relativism, racism, sexism, anti-individualism, anti-capitalism, anti-freedomism, social engineering, social abuse, mob rule, brainwashing, conformism, cancel culture, absence of debate, censorship, self-hatred, and self-destruction. Even the lowly communist and Moslem nations want no part of it.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Irrational Man


People are zealously and militantly irrational. They refuse to think under virtually any circumstances. They’re terrified of gaining knowledge of any type. So they decline to be rational ever.

Skepticism of reason is universal. People say rational thought doesn’t yield objective truth or certain knowledge. But this is nonsense. And everybody knows it.

Human beings aren't truly skeptical about the power, authority, and efficacy of reason. But they pretend to be. So it's the same thing. As a principle, people are fanatically opposed to rationality.

The great relativists and subjectivists of history and today claim reality is unknowable. Even tho they perfectly well understand the opposite is true. The great dogmatists and faithful of history and today pretend that god exists. Even tho they perfectly well understand the opposite is true. Many people even embrace all four falsities and depravities – relativism, subjectivism, dogma, and faith.

So here we are! Everyone is irrational on purpose. Everybody is a mindless drone or braindead zombie. The left-wing progressives live for and serve "the collective" while the right-wing conservatives live for and serve "the lord". Neither entity exists.

Both groups renounce the Sacred Self – which does. People willingly reject their own mind and life. They repudiate reason and reality. Human beings deliberately oppose and destroy their own pleasure and happiness.

When I personally first came across a semi-decent explanation of politics – after 18 years of relentless brainwashing – I figured it out in under two hours. Because that's all it takes!

But that's because I'm rational. I use my thinking, reasoning mind. I seek understanding, knowledge, and truth. But I seem to be unique in this.

Ultimately, the supposedly pro-reason Aristotle never said god was non-existent. And the supposedly pro-reason Ayn Rand created a cult. Both did so deliberately.

They knew what they were doing all along. They knew it was irrational and evil. But they did so anyway.

Now all supposedly pro-reason, Aristotelian-based Randians are either cultists or people who refuse to condemn cultism. All of them are irrational and evil. And all are this way on purpose.