Thursday, March 16, 2023

Monetary Policy


Money, banks, loans, credit policy, and interest rates should be private and capitalist. But in America they’re mostly governmental and communist. The remaining "free" ones are regulated to death. Among other things, this leads to inflation, poor banking service, high banking costs, low interest paid on savings accounts, difficulty in getting loans, and high loan costs. This is a recipe for poverty and economic collapse.

Federal and state banking charters shouldn't exist. Nor should the Federal Reserve System. Nor the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Nor the Securities and Exchange Commission. Nor financial regulations. Nor bank bailouts. But all of these are pervasive. This is a recipe for poverty and economic collapse.

America’s monopoly, communist, "funny money" even stopped being backed by gold and silver partially in 1933 and completely by 1971. This is a recipe for poverty and economic collapse.

The fascist, tyrannical, American government particularly regulates and coerces private banks to make loans based on bigotry. It mandates racism, sexism, and class warfare. It compels favoritism and low standards for all non-whites, non-males, and non-wealthy. This is a recipe for poverty and economic collapse.

Hence the dozen or more artificially created booms, busts, and panics in American history. The semi-communist federal government even caused an economic depression which lasted over a decade (1929-1941). This removal of financial liberty also devastates American society and culture.

Such economic regulation, coercion, fascism, communism, and tyranny dooms us all. We need to deregulate, privatize, and liberate quickly and radically. Or America will continue to suffer bankruptcy and financial ruin, eventually followed by social disintegration and tyrannical revolution.

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