Sunday, June 23, 2024

Ultimate Standard


Every individual needs to maximize his potential and fulfill his destiny. This is the fundamental ethical standard. People need to achieve as much as possible while still leaving plenty of time for fun and rest. The basic goal is to be great and happy at the highest level you can be.

And yet there's another ethical standard too. It's even harder. But the reward is almost inconceivably rich and wonderful. This ideal could be referred to as the SuperSentient standard. And the reward is immortality.

Almost all the facts and evidence known to man indicate a supernatural, superreal, all-powerful, all-knowing god doesn't exist and can't exist. But space aliens might and likely do. Some are sure to be advanced well beyond mankind. Some are so far beyond us they could easily be called "gods". These beings, alas, likely have no interest in human beings – not even a hostile one.

But lesser space creatures might and likely do. They could be called SuperMoralites as well as SuperSentients. These extremely-virtuous, well-educated, highly-skilled, technologically-advanced beings or demi-gods could have an IQ of around 300 and a VQ (virtue quotient) to match. Their understanding of biology and genetics is likely so great they almost certainly live forever. Or at least they don't senesce. They possess the secret of infinite life, provided they aren't unexpectedly physically destroyed.

Such SuSents may well take an interest in humanity and might be willing to grant us an infinite lifespan too, provided they like us well enough. That is, if we wow and impress them enough. That is, if they judge us highly enough to be deserving of escaping age and disintegration.

But while fictional-god is almost always willing to forgive our sins, the real demi-gods and SuSents are likely quite different. They almost certainly have high standards. For an individual to be rescued by them, he better truly exploit and enjoy his existence, while being decently socially cooperative and not much harming others, not even lowly animals.

Common sense suggests he needs to treasure himself and his life, but he needn't worry about publicly advertising or displaying this. The SuSent level of perception and understanding means they'll know it. At the same time, we humans better worry about becoming genuinely good and great, because it's almost inconceivable we can fool them on this, and somehow trick them into granting us the ultimate gift.

So if we want immortality we better be objectively and absolutely great and happy. We need to maximize our relatively poor potential and fulfill our relatively poor destinies. This is probably essential to currying favor with the SuSents and winning the big prize.

These highly powerful and benevolent space aliens might view us as a type of pet. They might regard us as we regard cats and dogs – or even quite a bit lower. Still, some individual humans might live well enough for them to notice and reward. It's possible.

But monotheistic god isn't. Or, at least, his existence and potential reward is massively unlikely. So at all times we need to live up to the best standard. The true standard. The SuperSentient being standard.

This ethical ideal is likely high and difficult. But it should be well worth it. Even if the SuSents don't exist or aren't aware of us, trying to live up to their lofty standards should provide us with immense rewards, even if we miss the ultimate one.

But it seems legitimate and worthwhile to work and hope for even that!

Friday, June 14, 2024



People are morons. People are scumbags. They really couldn’t be any more disgusting and repellent.

I never expected this when I was growing up. I never deserved it either. And I certainly don't like it now.

It's a wonder people don’t walk over a cliff. Or in front of a Mack truck. Or swallow poison for lunch. Or let themselves be eaten by wolves.

People are determined to never think or say anything rational. Never think or say anything sensible. Never think or say anything perceptive or intelligent. This is their goal, and they almost always achieve it.

Virtually everyone believes in god and the supernatural – even tho there's no evidence for them. Virtually everyone disbelieves in reality and reason – even tho there's every evidence for them. Almost everybody seeks to self-sacrifice himself to a deity or collective which aren't actually there, and which wouldn't have any use for them even if they were. Essentially everyone embraces the moral ideal of self-vivesection and suicide.

Pretty much everybody likes the welfare state and dislikes a free state. They adore social fascism and economic socialism while they despise social libertarianism and economic capitalism. Virtually everyone loves slavery and hates liberty.

It's obvious and undeniable: people are vermin thru and thru. I never met a person that wasn't.

Thursday, June 6, 2024



Printing money is a crime. It robs the whole country. It causes inflation, and thus steals from everybody. The moment treasury agents or other government officials engage in money-printing they should be jailed for life or shot.

No-one should print money or increase the amount of money in existence. Inflating the money supply causes inflation. As Ludwig von Mises observes: "The root cause of inflation is the government's expansion of the money supply." (Human Action, 1949)

The total money in existence inside a country should never change. A certain amount of currency should initially be created, and be set against all the assets of a given nation-state, then it should never rise. No matter how much the economy of a country expands, or its wealth and level of assets increases, the amount of money in existence should never deviate.

The inevitable result of a steady and reliable currency supply is deflation. This is good. Goods and services will cost less and less over time. The money in people’s pockets and bank accounts will become more and more valuable. People can become rather rich without working. This is how to create a happy, healthy, wealthy society.

As coins and paper currency wear out, they should be replaced on a strict one-to-one basis. Avoiding inflation is possible, and America actually did it from about 1795 to 1913.

Ultimately, all money should be private and capitalist. And there should be a large variety of currencies to choose from. But for about two centuries now, people in Western “Civilization” have foolishly, wickedly, and criminally favored monopoly and communist money. The result has been frequent depressions and society-wide impoverishment, largely due to governmental currency and credit manipulation, and inflation.

So in order to make the best of a bad situation, the monopoly, communist money supply of a given country needs to be constant. Even an iota of money printing or expansion by government should be made a crime.