Thursday, June 6, 2024



Printing money is a crime. It robs the whole country. It causes inflation, and thus steals from everybody. The moment treasury agents or other government officials engage in money-printing they should be jailed for life or shot.

No-one should print money or increase the amount of money in existence. Inflating the money supply causes inflation. As Ludwig von Mises observes: "The root cause of inflation is the government's expansion of the money supply." (Human Action, 1949)

The total money in existence inside a country should never change. A certain amount of currency should initially be created, and be set against all the assets of a given nation-state, then it should never rise. No matter how much the economy of a country expands, or its wealth and level of assets increases, the amount of money in existence should never deviate.

The inevitable result of a steady and reliable currency supply is deflation. This is good. Goods and services will cost less and less over time. The money in people’s pockets and bank accounts will become more and more valuable. People can become rather rich without working. This is how to create a happy, healthy, wealthy society.

As coins and paper currency wear out, they should be replaced on a strict one-to-one basis. Avoiding inflation is possible, and America actually did it from about 1795 to 1913.

Ultimately, all money should be private and capitalist. And there should be a large variety of currencies to choose from. But for about two centuries now, people in Western “Civilization” have foolishly, wickedly, and criminally favored monopoly and communist money. The result has been frequent depressions and society-wide impoverishment, largely due to governmental currency and credit manipulation, and inflation.

So in order to make the best of a bad situation, the monopoly, communist money supply of a given country needs to be constant. Even an iota of money printing or expansion by government should be made a crime.

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