Friday, June 14, 2024



People are morons. People are scumbags. They really couldn’t be any more disgusting and repellent.

I never expected this when I was growing up. I never deserved it either. And I certainly don't like it now.

It's a wonder people don’t walk over a cliff. Or in front of a Mack truck. Or swallow poison for lunch. Or let themselves be eaten by wolves.

People are determined to never think or say anything rational. Never think or say anything sensible. Never think or say anything perceptive or intelligent. This is their goal, and they almost always achieve it.

Virtually everyone believes in god and the supernatural – even tho there's no evidence for them. Virtually everyone disbelieves in reality and reason – even tho there's every evidence for them. Almost everybody seeks to self-sacrifice himself to a deity or collective which aren't actually there, and which wouldn't have any use for them even if they were. Essentially everyone embraces the moral ideal of self-vivesection and suicide.

Pretty much everybody likes the welfare state and dislikes a free state. They adore social fascism and economic socialism while they despise social libertarianism and economic capitalism. Virtually everyone loves slavery and hates liberty.

It's obvious and undeniable: people are vermin thru and thru. I never met a person that wasn't.

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