Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Freedom is Bad


One big reason people reject political liberalism or freedom, and decide to turn to the Right or the Left, is because liberty tends to make them face reality and themselves. And nobody wants that. Virtually no-one has a systemic world-view, or solid-enough  philosophy, that can deal with that. Thus it's better to flee from the idea of a free society, and a government which protects the rights of man. Better to embrace some cockamamie social and political ideology which – however false and evil – at least lets you escape the misery of seeing the world as it really is and avoid the horror of looking in the mirror.

What a nightmare these two are! Far superior to become an insipid, dirty Rightist or Leftist and reject liberty. Far better to embrace some half-baked utopianism you secretly know is garbage. Rightist and Leftist welfare statism may be fatuous and depraved, and it may be a Big Lie and dreadful form of tyranny, but: It lets you successfully flee from that which you truly can't face: reality and yourself.

Who the hell needs that? Not you. The truth hurts. So the strategically correct behavior – at least if you want to be happy – is to reject socio-economic liberty and instead turn to the loathsome Right or Left. Then you can avert your gaze from anything unpleasant, and turn your mind to mush, as you fanatically promote some absurd theory of social and political "paradise" which you privately damn well know is foolish and wicked.

It's important to delude and brainwash yourself assiduously. You need to close your eyes and leap into the void. Straight over the cliff with you, pal!

But no point in worrying. Hey, your new convoluted scheme and scam, with your new charismatic and dubious leader, might not be so bad after all. At any event, it's better than liberty and justice for all. After all, liberty and justice "have already been tried and failed". And, practically speaking, "they can never be achieved in real life". Everybody admits this!

Thus, virtually everyone today runs away from the society-wide peace, prosperity, harmony, and cultural riches of universal freedom. They head directly into the hellholes of Rightist or Leftist tyranny. Possibly not the best places to be, but there they're safe from the terror and horror of having to think, understand, and decide things about the world and life. Inside the phony utopia of Rightist or Leftist semi-enslavement, the demons and destroyers of Reality and Self are sweetly absent. They're blissfully safe from the black nightmare of experiencing existence and having to think, work, and live their life absent the comfort and safety of blind obedience and mindless, soulless conformity to terrible evil.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Battle for the Fate of America, the West, and the World


Rightists: Jewish synagogues, Christian churches, Moslem mosques, Mormon temples, private schools of these four, Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, Fox News, NewsMax, One America News Network, A.M. talk radio, Hillsdale College, Claremont Colleges, PragerU, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, New York Post, National Review, The Federalist, City Journal, Commentary, Republican Party, etc.

Leftists: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Berkeley, Oxford, Cambridge, Brookings Institute, Urban Institute, Center for American Progress, Southern Poverty Law Center, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, Salvation Army, CARE, CAIR, Foreign Policy, National Interest, Hollywood, Broadway, community groups, identity groups, United Nations, World Health Organization, International Criminal Court, Democratic Party, etc.

Straightists: Ayn Rand Institute, Objective Standard Institute, Atlas Society, Ayn Rand Centre UK, Heartland Institute, Institute for Humane Studies, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Foundation for Economic Education, Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, Students for Liberty, Mises Institute, Adam Smith Institute, Fraser Institute, Institute for Economic Affairs, Civitas, Reason, Reason Papers, Undercurrents, Libertarian Party, etc.

The bad guy, illiberal Rightists and Leftists are currently kicking the asses of the good guy, liberal Straightists. The Straightists or liberals were dominant during the Greek, Roman, Renaissance, and Enlightenment eras. But the liberal culture of the 1700s and 1800s is long gone.

This is an irrational, illiberal, warped, foolish, wicked Dark Age. The Straightists or liberals are rising, but need to do much better. The fatuous and depraved Rightists and Leftists are fundamentally weak and vulnerable. The geniuses and heroes of the Straightist world desperately need to attack their loathsome rivals and administer a ferocious beat-down. These liberal paladins need to crush them so badly they never rise again.

Monday, July 8, 2024

White Supremacy


White supremacy is a good thing. Whites should rule – not blacks. White people are superior to black people in their nature and nurture. Whites are better than blacks historically and currently. White people are superior intellectually, morally, and spiritually. The best society is one dominated and controlled by whites – not blacks. In any mixed-race grouping, all things being equal, the ideal culture and civilization is one based on white supremacy.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024



People can't handle mortality. People can't deal with death. So they lie about it. They evade the truth. Evidently, this is the human way.

People that do directly confront this reality, or their lying fellow man, are generally very angry and unhappy about it. They fight against them – and soon lose. So almost all the honest, brave, high-integrity, and truth-telling humans quickly die out. Natural Selection breeds them out of existence.

So here we are. A faulty product. A sorry collection of liars and evaders. Pretty much all scumbags. That's what we are.

Or, at least, that's what all of you are. I may be different.

Pythagoras is when mankind first learned to lie. Heraklitus raised double-talk to a high level. And Parmenides, Protagoras, Zeno, and Gorgias chose to lie thru their teeth. Ever since then man has never let up.

Empedokles and Anaxagoras told a bit of truth, and brought a bit of sense to the world. But so what? Reason was invented around 580 B.C. and was rejected in as little as a century. Neither Empedokles nor Anaxagoras changed that.

Anaxagoras was a sort of early version of Sokrates – a "gadfly". He was mockingly known as "the Mind". This term both complimented and insulted him. So too the people of Athens. They put up with him for 30 years or so, which is to their credit.

But so what? They didn't really respect or honor him. And they eventually drove him out.

And while Anaxagoras was in Athens, he never did tell the truth which everyone already knew: "Reality is real and god is fake." People haven't told the truth about that to this day.

So here we are. Almost all liars and evaders of the first order. All intellectual cowards and sissy-boy faggots. All spiritual weaklings, losers, and failures.

We're all going to die, we can't handle it, and so we never let up with our evasions and lies.

Humans have been bred to be vermin and scum. And so we are.

Or, at least, so all of you are. I seem to be different.