Wednesday, July 3, 2024



People can't handle mortality. People can't deal with death. So they lie about it. They evade the truth. Evidently, this is the human way.

People that do directly confront this reality, or their lying fellow man, are generally very angry and unhappy about it. They fight against them – and soon lose. So almost all the honest, brave, high-integrity, and truth-telling humans quickly die out. Natural Selection breeds them out of existence.

So here we are. A faulty product. A sorry collection of liars and evaders. Pretty much all scumbags. That's what we are.

Or, at least, that's what all of you are. I may be different.

Pythagoras is when mankind first learned to lie. Heraklitus raised double-talk to a high level. And Parmenides, Protagoras, Zeno, and Gorgias chose to lie thru their teeth. Ever since then man has never let up.

Empedokles and Anaxagoras told a bit of truth, and brought a bit of sense to the world. But so what? Reason was invented around 580 B.C. and was rejected in as little as a century. Neither Empedokles nor Anaxagoras changed that.

Anaxagoras was a sort of early version of Sokrates – a "gadfly". He was mockingly known as "the Mind". This term both complimented and insulted him. So too the people of Athens. They put up with him for 30 years or so, which is to their credit.

But so what? They didn't really respect or honor him. And they eventually drove him out.

And while Anaxagoras was in Athens, he never did tell the truth which everyone already knew: "Reality is real and god is fake." People haven't told the truth about that to this day.

So here we are. Almost all liars and evaders of the first order. All intellectual cowards and sissy-boy faggots. All spiritual weaklings, losers, and failures.

We're all going to die, we can't handle it, and so we never let up with our evasions and lies.

Humans have been bred to be vermin and scum. And so we are.

Or, at least, so all of you are. I seem to be different.

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